SinusBot Forums
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Upload music files (new!) by Billy The Kid:
When you upload music files to the bot where do they stay allocated? In the teamspeak server? If not what is the maximum capacity one can upload? (GB)
Upload music files (2) by Billy The Kid:
TwentyFour said:
Also 3 bullet points lower, you'll find the answer to your first question

Thank you
Also would you know how to get an URL from a stream radio when it is chunklisted?
YoutubeDL - 429 Error (new!) by _NiqhtRayers_:
can you help me? I have a problem. My Sinusbot works normally. But commands like !yt, !qyt, !ytdl etc. not. It's error 429 - flooding. Can you help me with solving this issue?
Scripts Request (8) by Multivitamin:
I tried to make the script to work for as many people as possible, the thing here is that you have a very specific use case best way is to maybe create it under the first sub channel with so you would have a structure like that:
Some Category
- Room 1
- Room 2
- Room 3
- Room 1
otherwise i would need to do a specific clause for your case and in script maintenance this could get a real pain in the ass at some point to maintain features like that
Help with centos 8 (new!) by Frostoloh:
when i try to install sinusbot it gave me this error:
[[email protected] ~]# bash <(wget -O - '')
Redirecting output to 'wget-log.5'.
Checking for the latest installer version
/dev/fd/63: line 92: 3: No such file or directory
This is the automatic installer for latest SinusBot. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
You can choose between installing, upgrading and removing the SinusBot.
Installer by Philipp Esswein | - Your game-/voiceserver hoster (only german).
Please rate this script at:
You're using installer 1.5
What should the installer do?
1) Install
2) Update
3) Remove
4) PW Reset
5) Quit
#? 1
Installing redhat-lsb! Please wait.
You're running CentOS. Which firewallsystem are you using?
1) IPtables
2) Firewalld
#? 2
Warning, your server is running OpenVZ! This very old container system isn't well supported by newer packages.
Automatically chosen system.d for your startscript!
Automatic usage or own directories?
1) Automatic
2) Own path
3) Quit
#? 1
Should I install TeamSpeak or only Discord Mode?
1) Both
2) Only Discord
3) Quit
#? 1
SinusBot isn't installed yet. Installer goes on.
This SinusBot version is only for private use! Accept?
1) No
2) Yes
#? 2
Should YT-DL be installed/updated?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
Update the system packages to the latest version? (Recommended)
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
Starting the installer now!
Music Bot not playing music when using a YT link. (6) by Invicta:
zumi said:
I have the exact same problem as you. The issue started today or yesterday. Not sure..
The bot have worked for me ages too

Did you manage to find a solution or should I just reset my VPS and try everything again?
Scripts Request (9) by GuepardHD:
Multivitamin said:
I tried to make the script to work for as many people as possible, the thing here is that you have a very specific use case best way is to maybe create it under the first sub channel with so you would have a structure like that:
Some Category
- Room 1
- Room 2
- Room 3
- Room 1
otherwise i would need to do a specific clause for your case and in script maintenance this could get a real pain in the ass at some point to maintain features like that

okay, put in yourself a lot of people would like the same thing as me i'm sure after there is just to add 1 new options which is that we can choose a specific channel like that allows to do the same thing as what I want puts good its serious steps thank you.
CoverLoader (new!) by Bayern LP:
Leider funktioniert CoverLoader bei mir nicht

Screenshot_2020-04-21 SinusBot.png
20.3 KB
Views: 0
CoverLoader (1) by TwentyFour:
For problem with 3rd party scripts, there is a respective topic in the resources section. If you had looked there, you prolly would have found this one here:
The requested operation requires elevation (1) by TwentyFour:
Chips said:
I do not know what else to do

I mean, what have you done so far? Reading the FAQ or using the search prolly wasn't part of it.