وكل جمال بعد جمالك لايثير الأنتباه🤎.
And every beauty after your beauty does not attract attention.
And every beauty after your beauty does not attract attention.
الصمت هو المحطة الأخيرة لكل الأشياء المؤلمة 🧡🧡 .
Silence is the station The last of all the painful things.
Silence is the station The last of all the painful things.
يا الصدفه اللي حلت لي كل سنيني💍🤍.
Oh coincidence that happened to me all my years.
Oh coincidence that happened to me all my years.
أحبك يا سارق قلبي و فكري و أنتباهي🧡.
I love you thief, my heart, my mind and my attention.
I love you thief, my heart, my mind and my attention.
وإذا مَالت أغصان صبري فأصنع لها مُعجزة الإستقامة يا الله🧡🧡.
And if the branches of my patience are incioned, I will make them a miracle of righteousness, O God,.
And if the branches of my patience are incioned, I will make them a miracle of righteousness, O God,.
لنشر القنوات وحساب سناب مقابل مبلغ او رصيد لتواصل 🇸🇦 @Giii5