أنِيق قلبي جداً عنِدما أختارَك روُحاً لي🤍.
My heart is so elegant when I choose you as a soul for me.
My heart is so elegant when I choose you as a soul for me.
ابتعد عمّا يزعجك، العالم أوسع مما تتخيل 🖤🖤.
Stay away from what bothers you, the world is wider than you can imagine.
Stay away from what bothers you, the world is wider than you can imagine.
تفائلت بالخير ، فوجدتك❤️❤️.
I was optimistic about the good, and I found you.
I was optimistic about the good, and I found you.
قد يكون رزقك المتأخر أفضل من ارزاقهم المتقدمة، فأصبر وأستعن بالله☁️🤍.
"Your late sustenance may be better than their advanced sustenance, so be patient and seek help from God.
"Your late sustenance may be better than their advanced sustenance, so be patient and seek help from God.
يا رب في ليلة الجمعة فرج عن قلوبنا الهم والحزن، وارزقنا راحة بال لا نشقى بعدها أبدا 💚💚.
O Lord, on Friday night, release our hearts with concern and sadness, and grant us peace of mind that will never be miserable after that.
O Lord, on Friday night, release our hearts with concern and sadness, and grant us peace of mind that will never be miserable after that.