أحب فيك تفاصيلا لايهم بها أحد🤍🤍.
I like details that no one cares about.
I like details that no one cares about.
التغافل وانت فاهم كل شي متعه
عظيمه 🖤🖤.
Igrant and you understand everything is a great pleasure.
عظيمه 🖤🖤.
Igrant and you understand everything is a great pleasure.
ي أجمل من هويت يا أول واخر حُب🤍.
You are more beautiful than my love, the first and last love.
You are more beautiful than my love, the first and last love.
يارب في يوم الجمعة والعشر من ذو الحجة اجعلني أسجد لك باكياً من حلمٍ ظننته مستحيلاً فتحقق 💚💚.
Oh God, on Friday and the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah, make me prostrate to you crying from a dream that I thought was impossible, so it was achieved.
Oh God, on Friday and the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah, make me prostrate to you crying from a dream that I thought was impossible, so it was achieved.
يتغير الإنسان كثيرا، حين يتأذى قلبه🖤.
A person changes a lot, when his heart is hurt.
A person changes a lot, when his heart is hurt.