-يارب مطر يحيي الارض ويجبر خواطرنا🌧♥️.
Oh Lord, revive the earth and force our thoughts.
Oh Lord, revive the earth and force our thoughts.
-كل الأشياء في النهاية، ستبدو مضحكة💗🍩.
All things in the end, it will look funny
All things in the end, it will look funny
-وراء كل نص عظيم قصة💐🥂.
Behind every great text is a story.
Behind every great text is a story.
-وجدت فيكَ أجمل من الذّي تخيلته💛🗞.
And found the most beautiful of you imagined.
And found the most beautiful of you imagined.
-انظر الى الجانب المشرق في كل المواقف♥️✨
Her durumda parlak tarafa bakin.
Her durumda parlak tarafa bakin.