-ما أجمل أن تبقى منشغلاً بشي ما تحبه💞💞
How nice to stay busy with something you love.
How nice to stay busy with something you love.
-اصنع الأحلام من انكساراتك💛🍦.
Make dreams from your refractions
Make dreams from your refractions
Forwarded from خلفيات💛عبارات💛حب💛اقتباسات
-ليس هناك ظلام دائم♥️🎻.
There is no continuous darkness.
There is no continuous darkness.
-ليس صعبًا أن تنال ماتريد♥️🍨
It is not difficult to get what you want.
It is not difficult to get what you want.