-اللهُم في يومٌ الجمعه السَلام والامّان اللهُم الفرح الدائم📿🧡.
-سأبقى على يقين بأن ما أحلم به سيأتي يومًا♥️.
I'll be sure that what I dream of
doing one day.
I'll be sure that what I dream of
doing one day.
-كل الاوقات مناسبة لقول شئ لطيف ♥️🫀.
All times are appropriate to say something nice.
All times are appropriate to say something nice.
-فرحتي بك، كفرحة غريب يتلقى رسالة✨🤍
My joy for you, as the joy of a stranger receives a message
My joy for you, as the joy of a stranger receives a message