Sovereign Redneck Renegade - Christos Guardian Alliance Warrior
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Sovereign Freedom is our birthright... Upholding it is our Eternal Responsibility!
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Did you Know:

The population in America is 330,000,000.

Over the last 33 years, there has been a mass shooting every 3.3 days where a total of 3300 people were killed - typically by a 33 year-old sh00ter.

Every 3.3 seconds, someone buys a firearm. The average price of a gun today is $330.
Forwarded from Kab (Kab)

Beloved Friends Of Light!

Understanding That You Are Creative Beings Is Only The Beginning Of Knowing Your True Power!

We Will Discuss The Quantum Field And Infinite Mind Of Endless Possibilities! Know That Each Soul Of Creation Is Connected In Frequencies To All Life In Physical And Non-Physical!

Thoughts Are Energy Constructs That Flow Continually In Your Conscious Awareness. What About The Thoughts That Grabbed Your Attention Many Years Ago? Energy Does Not Die But Rather Can Be Changed And Transmuted To A Higher Form Or That Of A Low Frequency.

The Psyche Is The Personal Reference Point For Each Created Story That You Begin In Each Waking Dream. The Infinite Field Is Shared By All Life Whereas The Psyche Is The Reflection Of Your Own Essence Of Being By Your Own Perception And Design. If You Could See Your Psyche, You Would Understand The Paths You Have Walked Thus Far On Earth.

All Created Beings And All Life Forms Have Consciousness. All Nature And Animals Live With Awareness Of Their Beingness. Crystals, Trees, Mountains And Water Have A Vibrational Frequency That Emits Messages With Resulting Outcomes Of Beauty Or Destruction. Each Tree That Has Served To Give You Shelter And Homes, Feels The Moment Of Destruction And The End To The Sacred Life. The Essence Of Water That Lives Within Your Body Is The Same Essence In Each Ocean And Stream. Each Ripple Of Communication Is Felt And Known To The Living Cells Of All Life.

For Consciousness To Know Itself, Awareness Must Be Present. This Awareness Is The Source Of Your Creation. Whether You Choose To Use The Name 'God', Universe, Elako Or The Name Of Your Understanding, Your Awareness Of Life Is This Spirit Within.

The Psyche Is Created From The Moment Of Conception. As Life Begins When The Soul Enters Through A Portal To Join The Embryo That Will Change And Develop Into A Beautiful Infant, There Is Awareness Of Being. Without Language Or A Story, The Growing Fetus Reacts To Sound, Pain And Abrupt Movement. When The Infant Is Born, They Often Recognize Voices Heard While They Were In Utero. Music Is Often Played To Soothe The Infant While Rocking Presents A Rhythmic Motion Of Contentment. The Psyche Has Begun And Will Soon Add A Story Of Feeling The World Is A Safe Place Or The World Is Treacherous.

Growing Older And Living On Auto-Pilot, Everyone Is Creating Their Life Haphazardly. Until Seven To Ten Years Old, The Brain Is In Theta Waves Of Hypnosis And The Subconscious Mind Is Developed. Changing The Programming Of The Matrix Can Be Done With Intention And Belief As Thoughts Are Chosen.

For Thoughts That Run Freely Through The Mind, There Is An Ever Growing Momentum Of Creation Unknown To You. Every Thought Has A Template Of Creation In Your Life. This Plane Of Existence Is Known To You As Astral. This Is A Vibrational Frequency Or Density In The Quantum Field That Allows All Life To Coexist While Visiting Here. In Consciousness With Perceived Form, A Being Can Visit And Observe Their Psyche As Well As Other Forms Of Life. Angels, Fairies, Other Galactic Races And Thought Forms Will Be Present. Colors, Vibrations Of Other Lives And Endless Abilities Are Present.

Repetitive Thoughts And Trauma From The Beginning Of Each Waking Dream, Will Create A Corresponding Thought Form Entity. These Are Energy Bodies That Resemble Human Form With Distorted Features. They Have A Small Amount Of Consciousness And They Live By Feeding On The Emotional Pain Of Your Life. Every Thought That Is Positive Will Also Send A Frequency To Add To The Ever Growing Psyche.

Change Your Thoughts To Create A Beautiful Psyche That Will Serve You While In The Earth School. Repair Your Psyche With Soothing Music, Meditation And A Feeling Of Gratitude For Your Choice To Expand In Consciousness As You Unite To Shift To The Density And Dimension Of Sheen!

In Love We Live As One Light!

We Are The Pleiadian Collective!
We Love You So!
Forwarded from DUTCH DIGGER NEWS (wim visscher)
Media is too big
Western Nations BANNED from Joining BRICS if they Apply "Sanctions".. Western countries do not have a chance of joining the BRICS group of emerging economies as long as they pursue hostile policies against Moscow, says the Russian deputy foreign minister.

Sergei Ryabkov said on Friday that the “most important criterion” for membership was the “non-application by a potential BRICS participant of illegal sanctions against any member of the association.”

“All the countries who have been invited to join BRICS undoubtedly meet this requirement.

As for Westerners, all of them as a group and each individual [Western] member pursue exactly the opposite line and thus inviting anyone from that group to join BRICS or even attend its events is out of the question. This is absolutely ruled out. And we will continue pursuing this course.”

If any Western state finds BRICS membership an attractive idea, and refrains from the sanctions policy against any BRICS member and applies to join, such an application will be considered. “There is no other way.”
An Abridged List of Fastidiously Planned Genocides Carried Out by the Khazarian Cabal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-Second Boer War
-Russo-Japanese War
-Sixth Cholera Pandemic
-Mexican Revolution
-First and Second Balkan Wars
-Armenian Genocide
-World War I
-Bolshevik Revolution
-Russian Civil War
-1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
-The Great Depression
-Holodomor Genocide
-Chinese Civil War
-Spanish Civil War
-World War II
-The Holocaust
-First Indochina War
-Korean War
-French-Algerian War
-Israel’s War of Independence
-First Sudanese Civil War
-1956 Suez Crisis
-Asian Flu Pandemic
-Cuban Revolution
-1967 Six-Day War
-Yom Kippur War
-Chinese Cultural Revolution
-1982 Lebanon War
-Second Lebanon War
-Soviet-Afghan War
-Vietnam War
-1968 Hong Kong Flu Pandemic
-1973 Oil Crisis
-HIV/AIDS Pandemic
-Cambodian Genocide
-Rwandan Genocide
-First & Second Chechen Wars
-Black Monday–October 19, 1987
-Japanese Banking Crisis of 1990s
-1994 Mexican Peso Crisis
-Yugoslav Wars
-Iraq Wars
-1997 Asian Financial Crisis
-2000 Dotcom Bubble Burst
-9/11 Terrorist Attacks
-Argentina Debt Default
-War on Terror
-Afghanistan War
-Syrian War
-Libyan War
-2007 Real Estate Market Collapse
-2008 Stock Market Crash
-2009 Global Financial Crisis
-Ukraine War
-COVID-19 Pandemic
-Covid Super Vaccination Agenda
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
All of these genocides have one thing in common—the Khazarian Cabal.
THE HAWAIIAN HOLOCAUST EXPOSES ITSELF... At critical junctures during the implementation of the New World Order agenda, the Khazarian Cabal carries out mass human sacrifices. They do this as a means of propitiating their various satanic idols who they really believe will facilitate the establishment of their long planned totalitarian One World Government.
The highly organized Maui Massacre on August 8, 2023 was conducted as such a massive human fire sacrifice. There are now volumes of evidence which prove categorically that the arson-triggered Lahaina ‘wildfires’ were deliberate acts of pyroterrorism executed to murder as many Maui residents as possible, as well as efficiently as possible. Which means that the Hawaiian Holocaust in Maui was just another in a long line of holocausts which the Khazarians have carried out with highly purposeful design. That “design” revolves around several different occult aspects of the Maui Mass Murder Operation. For example, this human fire sacrifice was intentionally performed on 8/8/23— the 8/8 being a very significant occult number. It was also completed on a Tuesday which is ruled by Mars, the god of war. There are various demonic idols who have been worshiped by Illuminati family bloodlines going back millennia. Satan, Moloch, Baphomet, Lucifer, and Pan are just a few of their chosen deities. The common denominator among all of them is their infernal passion for the sacrificial blood of young children. However, adult sacrifices also serve their purposes in terms of satisfying the bloodlust of those thoroughly evil entities.
The ‘best’ human sacrifice is always one that includes many children according to the ways of their ancient bloodthirsty traditions marked by satanic ritual abuse and murder (children are considered much purer than adults and the younger better). This is why all the young children were calculatingly sent home from school that day only to be incinerated in their houses with ruthless pyro-efficiency.
Media is too big
MAUI – Lahaina Fires a Satanic Holocaust and Theft of Hawaii Sacred Lands
No other global entity represents the manifestation here on Earth of “The Dark Triad” shown above better than THE KHAZARIAN CABAL (aka The KHAZARIAN TRIAD) which has ruled the whole world for centuries.
That satanic triangle of planetary power, force and influence, which oversees the global power structure today, has actually existed for millennia.
However, although THE KHAZARIAN CABAL resides at the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid, it, too, is subordinate to the much more powerful extraterrestrial dark forces known as the Archons.
No other global entity represents the manifestation here on Earth of “The Dark Triad” shown above better than THE KHAZARIAN CABAL (aka The KHAZARIAN TRIAD) which has ruled the whole world for centuries.

That satanic triangle of planetary power, force and influence, which oversees the global power structure today, has actually existed for millennia.

However, although THE KHAZARIAN CABAL resides at the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid, it, too, is subordinate to the much more powerful extraterrestrial dark forces known as the Archons.

What are those three international crime syndicates that have strategically terrorized and traumatized all of humanity, especially over the past 250 years?

The following three international crime syndicates represent the 3 primary entities of the Khazarian Cabal.

Each of the mega-criminal entities listed below operates in close coordination with the other two. In this way, they are used to incessantly shock and awe the world community of nations, which then keeps the entire planetary civilization in the state of constant fear and anxiety.


BOTTOM LINE: Until the human race fully understands, and forever terminates, the nefarious workings of THE KHAZARIAN TRIAD, nothing will ever change on planet Earth.
Forwarded from Q the DISCLOSURE (ᐺιηηɎ Ӿ)
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