SGExams Portal
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The one stop place for all things SGExams!
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Channel created
**SGExams Group Links**
SGExams Chat Group (For chit-chat and conversational purposes)
SGExams Study Group (For homework-related questions and studies-related discussions)
SGExams Discord (For chit-chat AND homework/studies)
SGExams Reddit (For actual discussions)
SGExams Website (For notes and our published articles)
SGExams Instagram (For FOMO)
SGExamemes (For memes...)

Current SGExams Events/Projects
Our Student Dialogues (Ongoing)
Post-Sec AMA (Applications Still Open)
Notes Donation Drive (Dec 1 - Dec 15)

Other Events/Projects
Discover: Cybersecurity (15 Dec 2019)
Epsilon Academy

Rules and Guidelines
1. No elitism! Treat everyone with respect regardless of their background.

2. Lay off the toxicity! Remember the human behind the screen and engage in discourse in a civil, respectful way.

3. Respect privacy! No harrassing, witch-hunting or doxxing of fellow group members, both in the group and in PMs. In addition, no requesting of personal information in PMs.

4. Keep it family friendly! No NSFW, porn or rule 34 content! Applies to stickers, file attachments, text messages and basically anything you can send.

5. Space not for sale! No advertisements of any kind allowed, unless explicit permission has been granted.

6. Keep the chat group clutter free! Do not spam or add any bots into the group.

The rules are a suggestion of our principles, not strict guidelines. We reserve the right to exercise personal discretion in any actions taken.
SGExams Portal pinned «**SGExams Group Links** SGExams Chat Group (For chit-chat and conversational purposes) SGExams Study Group (For homework-related questions and studies-related discussions) SGExams Discord (For chit-chat AND homework/studies) SGExams Reddit (For actual discussions)…»
Our Student Dialogues
SGExams is proud to announce a brand new, year long initiative, "Our Student Dialogues" - a year-long SGExams initiative aimed at improving the education journey of Singapore students. Through this, we will be creating opportunities to make our voices heard, with the eventual aim of bringing about positive change to Singapore’s education landscape.

Find out more here!
Notes Donation Drive, our official notes-repository site, is launching a notes donation drive!

Starting December 1, and ending December 15, the SGExams Website Team is inviting current and former O level, A level, and IB students to share their notes on

By contributing your notes, you'll stand a chance to win $25 in Escape Hunt Singapore vouchers!

In total, 10 $25 vouchers will be given out for notes of outstanding quality and detail. Go to to contribute your notes :D

Do note that only your own written or typed out notes are allowed.
Post-Secondary AMA
hey guys we'll be holding a post secondary AMA series on reddit, and we're opening applications for you to be AMA hosts right now, so if you want to let your juniors know more about your school, do head over here to sign up :D
Discover: Cybersecurity
Interested to find out what a career in Cybersecurity entails? Look forward to interacting with young and senior professionals from organizations like CSA, GovTech, Accenture and Ensign Infosecurity at Discover: Cybersecurity, held at The Red Box on the 15 December! Find out more & reserve your spot here!

This event is organized by Advisory, with CSA & AiSP as co-organisers.
Epsilon Academy
SGExams and Stamford Scholars have partnered up to form Epsilon Academy! It is a social enterprise which aims to provide high value for money tuition services, and you can find out more about it on the Epsilon Academy website, or sign up for a free trial lesson here!
Our Student Dialogues
Phase 1 of Our Student Dialogues has officially concluded! Thank you to everyone that has contributed!

Phase 2: Sparking Conversations will kickstart with our 1st Dialogue Session on 19 Jan 2020! Centered around Mental Health, participants will come together to understand the current measures and explore potential solutions based on the responses. An MOE representative and various Mental Health professionals will be present as panel members for the dialogue session.

Please do sign up here and we hope to see you there!

Follow our Instagram page at @sgexams for more updates on the OSD project! :)

- kueh
SGExams Cares
SGExams Portal pinned «**SGExams Group Links** SGExams Chat Group (For chit-chat and conversational purposes) SGExams Study Group (For homework-related questions and studies-related discussions) SGExams Discord (For chit-chat AND homework/studies) SGExams Reddit (For actual discussions)…»
SGExams 2nd Joint Recruitment Exercise

From now till 28 Dec 2019, we will be opening up recruitment for various roles across our departments and platforms.

If you share our passion for driving change in Singapore's student community, we invite you to join us!

Here are the roles available to apply for:
Communications Team
Community Projects Team
Website Team
Web Developer

Find out more information & apply to join the team here!

SGExams group links & rules
It's 'O'K! Seniors speak on their Post-Os journeys.

Hello guys!

With the upcoming release of the O-Level results, SGExams is hosting a 3-post series on Instagram leading up to the O-Level results release to reassure juniors that there are pathways no matter how their O-Level scores turn out.

If you have a story about struggling with choices after O-Levels, about reacting to unexpected results for O-Levels, about how your family reacted to your results... anything, we are sure you will help some juniors by sharing it :) If you know friends who have stories to share, do share it with them too!

To share your story, head over here and fill up the form!

SGExams group links & rules
Post-Secondary AMA Series

Not everything about a school can be learnt through their open houses!

Find out more about the culture, school life and environment of the schools you are interested in via our upcoming Post Secondary Ask-Me-Anything series with hosts from our tertiary education institutions!

SGExams group links & rules
SGExams 2nd Join Recruitment Exercise

It's the second last day for our recruitment exercise! If you'd be like to be part of the changing force for the student community in Singapore, join us here!

Applications close tomorrow!

SGExams group links & rules
**SGExams Group Links**
SGExams Chat Group (For chit-chat and conversational purposes)
SGExams Study Group (O/N) (For homework-related questions and studies-related discussions relating to O/N levels)
SGExams Study Group (A) (For homework-related questions and studies-related discussions relating to A levels)
SGExams Discord (For chit-chat AND homework/studies)
SGExams Reddit (For actual discussions)
SGExams Website (For notes and our published articles)
SGExams Instagram (For FOMO)
SGExamemes (For memes...)

1. No discrimination! Treat everyone with respect regardless of who they are or their background.
2. Don't be toxic! Remember the human behind the screen and engage in discourse in a civil, respectful way.
3. Respect privacy! No harassing, witch-hunting or doxxing of fellow group members, both in the group and in PMs. No requesting of personal information in PMs.
4. Keep it family friendly! No NSFW content at all.
5. Space not for sale! No advertisements of any kind allowed unless permission has been granted.
6. Keep the chat group clutter free! Do not spam or add any bots into the group.

We reserve the right to exercise personal discretion in any actions taken for infringement against the rules.

Someone violating the rules? Seek help from us:
@chemcer | Bedok (owner)
@cauchycriterion | John Smith
@bleoww | Randomystick
@dekita | Dekita
@icedmilo | IcedMilo
@Nyoome | Nyoome
@peggypillow | potassium manganate
@junghon3709 | Jung Hon
@Secrethaha | Mw
SGExams Portal pinned «**SGExams Group Links** SGExams Chat Group (For chit-chat and conversational purposes) SGExams Study Group (O/N) (For homework-related questions and studies-related discussions relating to O/N levels) SGExams Study Group (A) (For homework-related questions…»
New Year Update
Happy New Year! With the coming of a new year the Telegram team would like to give an update on some of the changes that we'll be making to the various chat groups

1) Study Group Split
Starting from this year, we'll be splitting the current Study Group into O/N and A Level. We're doing so to give O/N Level students more of a space to ask questions, which was one of the critiques/suggestions mentioned in last year's census. The current group will become the O/N Level Study Group while we've created a new study group at @SGExamsStudiesAs to be the A Level Study Group. We'll have a transition period for a week where we won't really enforce this but after that we'll start requesting that y'all ask the questions in the correct groups.

2) Rules Rewrite
We've re-worded some of the rules and introduced a guidelines section which better states how we'd like the community to engage with one another.

You can view an updated version of the rules here.

3) SGExams Portal
We've introduced a new channel at @SGExamsPortal to centralise information. All major updates will be posted there so y'all can avoid the incessant Combot spam.

And that's it! Thanks for being part of the Telegram (even y'all shitposters smh) and we wish you all the best for the next year ahead!

Need to find out more about the school of your choice? Check out the open house dates here and share the image with your friends!
Group chat rules & guidelines