Russian Embassy in Cambodia
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Официальный канал Посольства Российской Федерации в Королевстве Камбоджа

Official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Cambodia
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15 мая Посол Российской Федерации в Камбодже А.В.Боровик принял участие в режиме ВКС в церемонии награждения ректора Московского государственного института международных отношений (Университета) МИД России А.В.Торкунова Королевским Орденом «Сахаметрей».

Посол Камбоджи в Москве Пичкхун Пяня вручил высокий знак отличия, предоставленный руководителю вуза за особый вклад в укрепление сотрудничества с образовательным ведомством Королевства, содействие всестороннему развитию сферы образования.

В ходе торжественного мероприятия прозвучало поздравительное послание выпускника МГИМО, Заместителя Премьер-министра, Министра образования, по делам молодёжи и спорта Королевства Хангчуон Нарона.

В своём приветствии глава российской дипмиссии отметил важную роль Университета в подготовке дипломатических кадров России, специалистов для зарубежных стран, а также укреплении гуманитарных и академических контактов.
On 15 May H.E. Anatoly Borovik, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of Cambodia, joined via video-conference the Ceremony of Awarding H.E. Prof. Anatoly Torkunov, Rector of the MGIMO University of Russia’s Foreign Ministry, with the Royal Order of Sahametrei.

Cambodian Ambassador in Moscow H.E. Pichkhun Panha presented the high insignia, conferred upon the Rector of the MGIMO for his special contribution to strengthening cooperation with the Cambodian educational institution and promoting comprehensive development of the field of education in Cambodia.

The congratulatory message of MGIMO alumnus H.E. Dr. Hangсhuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Youth and Sport of the Kingdom, was delivered at the auspicious event.

In his remarks, the head of the Russian diplomatic mission noted the important role of the University in forging Russia’s diplomats and foreign countries’ specialists, as well as strengthening humanitarian and academic contacts.
🇷🇺🇰🇭16 мая в Резиденции Посла Российской Федерации состоялся дружеский приём по случаю 68-й годовщины установления дипломатических отношений между Россией и Камбоджей.

Приветствуя гостей, Посол А.В.Боровик рассказал о результатах российско-камбоджийского взаимодействия за прошедший год, акцентировал стремление к дальнейшему развитию диалога по широкому спектру направлений. С ответными тёплыми словами выступил Государственный секретарь Министерства иностранных дел и международного сотрудничества Королевства Меас Кимхенг.

Участие в мероприятии приняли председатель Комиссии по иностранным делам, международному сотрудничеству, СМИ и информации Сената Камбоджи Чем Видья, представители внешнеполитического ведомства, научных кругов, Ассоциации выпускников советских/российских вузов, национальных СМИ, а также дипломаты РЗУ.
🇷🇺🇰🇭On 16 May a friendly reception was held at the Residence of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Cambodia.

When giving his welcoming speech, Ambassador H.E. Anatoly Borovik spoke about the results of Russian-Cambodian interactions over the past year, emphasizing the pursuit of further advancement of the multifaceted dialogue. H.E. Mr. Meas Kim Heng, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, responded with reciprocal cordial remarks.

The event was attended by H.E. Dr. Chem Widhya, Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Media and Information of the Senate of Cambodia, honourable representatives of the Foreign Ministry, academic circles, the Association of former Cambodian students from Russia and the Soviet Union, national media, as well as the diplomats of the mission.
Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
📢 RT Academy's first international online course for journalists has come to an end. More than 300 students from #ASEAN and South Asia region boosted their skills of TV & Online Journalism and learned about the news making pipeline from producing stage to post-production.

🟩 Only around 200 of them managed to pass through all the tasks to receive #RT Academy certificates and continue their media journey with the team.

🟩 We are happy that our ASEAN friends took an active part in the RT Academy course. 65 students came from Indonesia 🇮🇩, 33 from Myanmar 🇲🇲, 8 from Vietnam 🇻🇳, 20 from Malaysia 🇲🇾, 10 from Singapore 🇸🇬, 4 from Thailand 🇹🇭, 1 from Brunei 🇧🇳, 5 were representing the Philippines 🇵🇭, 9 participants were from Cambodia 🇰🇭, 1 from Laos 🇱🇦 and 1 student was from Timor-Leste 🇹🇱. Another large group represented South Asian nations.

🟩 As their final assignment, the students prepared real TV news reports, with topics ranging from breaking news to economy and regional politics.

🟩 In 2023 RT International chose Jakarta 🇮🇩 - the host city of the ASEAN Headquarters, as the location for its representative office in the region. In September 2023, Indonesia also became the destination for RT's first international educational program - 2-day seminars on TV journalism, which were held in Jakarta, with 75 journalism students, TV, radio and newspaper journalists in attendance.

❗️Africa and China 🇨🇳 are the next planned destinations of the RT's educational schedule in the fall оf 2024.
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