Forwarded from Keith Woods
Jordan Peterson has been diagnosed with COVID. While I obviously have huge ideological differences with Peterson, I hope he recovers. But there's something else I wanted to comment on.

It is well known by now that Jordan Peterson is heavily promoted by the YouTube algorithm. If you watch any dissident right content, your recommendations will inevitably be filled with Jordan Peterson videos. He's promoted by YouTube because he acts as a diversion for anyone engaged with genuine reactionary politics. Obviously someone who watches Morgoth's Review isn't going to be interested in a Contra Points video. So YouTube suggest Jordan Peterson to divert them into classic liberalism and away from the dissident right.

What's interesting to note is that Jordan Peterson hasn't produced any content for well over a year. He has undergone an endless mental and physical health crisis. Now he's been diagnosed with COVID.

This means that the Peterson clips YouTube is forcing down everyone's throats are several years old. In all that time, no figure has stepped in to take up the mantle of classic liberalism. The closest example is Douglas Murray (who is also heavily promoted by YouTube), but he's not nearly as popular as Peterson was.

My theory is that this is because classic liberalism is no longer sufficient to answer the questions of the modern world. Maybe it was convincing in 2016 when the extent of the problem was crazy SJW on college campuses. But in 2020, how can anyone see BLM rampage through the streets with the support of the entire media, education, and corporate establishment think that "individualism" will ever work?

I hope Jordan Peterson's health recovers, but his brand of politics needs to die.
Forwarded from Northern Crusaders
Forwarded from The Iconoclast
Way of the World is now on Telegram! You know what to do.
Forwarded from Michael Sisco
Next up on the show is
this Sunday at 4:00pm EST. We will be discussing Marxism's relationship to Progressivism and how they both relate to our current political climate.
Forwarded from Michael Sisco
Going live in just a few minutes!! We'll be discussing The Cathedral and its relationship to Marxism and Progressivism.
I've finished writing and recording my next video and can now start editing. It should be out later this week.
Leftist memes be like:
Forwarded from Smash Cultural Marxism via @like
Forwarded from The Iconoclast
The biggest problem with “the right” (very broad term) is a lot of people are uncomfortable with the thought of 1. Gaining power, but most of all 2. Using it.

I see forum threads about Right Wing YouTube vs Left Wing YouTube and I can’t help but find the entire situation totally gay. Spending time sniping at the opposite side takes away from figuring out ways to claim actual influence. Debates are pointless, you can’t win either way.

The left can spend all their time doing this because they will never be at risk of deplatforming, doxxing, or whatever else. They have the luxury of making “response videos” to popular right-wingers (the few that remain) and make a healthy living from it.

We need to ignore that entire scene and concentrate on actual progress. Penetrate the mainstream. Reach the people.
Good stream tonight!