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#RotaryQuotes 008
What is said of us in the future will be determined by you and me.

#RotaryQuotes 009
Every time you turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth you can save up to 4 gallons of water. That is more than many people around the world have in a week.

#EveryDropCounts #CleanWater
πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ Happy Rotary Year 2017 - 2018 πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰

July - is Literacy Month & New Rotary Year Begins.

Rotary Making a Difference (Theme 2017 -18)
Why the Rotary year begins 1 July

Ever wonder why the Rotary year begins 1 July? The international convention initially played a key role in determining the start date of our fiscal and administrative year.

Rotary's first fiscal year began the day after the first convention ended, on 18 August 1910. The 1911-12 fiscal year also related to the convention, beginning with the first day of the 1911 convention on 21 August.

At its August 1912 meeting, the Board of Directors ordered an audit of the International Association of Rotary Clubs' finances. The auditors recommended that the organization end its fiscal year on 30 June to give the secretary and treasurer time to prepare a financial statement for the convention and board, and determine the proper number of club delegates to the convention.

The executive committee concurred, and at its April 1913 meeting, designated 30 June as the end of the fiscal year. This also allowed for changes to the schedule for reporting club membership and payments. Even The Rotarian changed its volume numbering system to correspond to the fiscal year (beginning with vol. 5, July 1914).

Rotary continued to hold its annual conventions in July or August until 1917. Delegates to the 1916 event in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, approved a resolution to hold future conventions in June, mainly because of the heat in cities where most of them occurred. The next one was held 17-21 June in Atlanta, Georgia.

The term "Rotary year" has been used to signify Rotary's annual administrative period since at least 1913. An article in The Rotarian that July noted, "The Rotary year that is rapidly drawing to a close has been signalized by several highly successful joint meetings of Clubs that are so situated as to assemble together easily and conveniently."
Since the executive committee's decision in 1913, the end of the Rotary year has remained 30 June.
2017-18 RI President Ian H.S. Riseley announced his presidential theme, 
Rotary: Making a Difference

Tap #Theme to find the full package of the logo here in our channel.
2017-18 Presidential Theme Address (RI President-elect Ian H.S. Riseley)
Rotary International (2018-19), president-elect, Sam Owori has died.

Owori is said to have died today (July 14) in the US due to complications after he had a leg operation

#news #RIP
Rotary International president-elect, Sam Owori has died.
Owori is said to have died today (July 14) in the US due to complications after he had a leg operation.
A source said he went to hospital for an operation on his leg which went well. However, he later developed complications.

Owori was on in August 2016 nominated to head Rotary International as president for year 2018-2019.
A professional banker, Owori was the first past district governor of the Rotary Club 9200 and the second African to be nominated to Rotary International, a body responsible for the administration, policy formulation and financial control of Rotary clubs worldwide.

He was going to be installed this year in Toronto.
After his election, Owori said he saw in Rotary "an incredible passion to make a difference." 
As president, he planned to "harness that enthusiasm and pride so that every project becomes the engine of peace and prosperity."

Before he was elected as Rotary president, Owori was chief executive officer of the Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda. 
Before that, he was executive director of the African Development Bank, managing director of Uganda Commercial Bank Ltd., and director of Uganda Development Bank. 
He studied law, employment relations, business management, corporate resources management, microfinance, and marketing at institutions in England, Japan, Switzerland, Tanzania, and the United States, including Harvard Business School.

Since becoming a member in 1978, Owori had served Rotary as regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, regional RI membership coordinator, RI Representative to the United Nations Environment Program and UN-Habitat, and RI director. 
He was also a member or chair of several committees, including the International PolioPlus Committee, the Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force, and the Audit Committee.

Most recently, Owori served as trustee of The Rotary Foundation, chair of The Rotary Foundation's Finance Committee, and a member of the Investment Committee, according to the Rotary website.
Owori was reportedly a Benefactor of The Rotary Foundation, and he and his wife, Norah, are Major Donors and Paul Harris Fellows.
2⃣0⃣ Answers to the Question:
Why Join Rotary?
1. Friendship: In an increasingly complex world, Rotary provides one of the most basic human needs: the need for friendship and fellowship. It is one of two reasons why Rotary began in 1905.

2. Business Development: The second original reason for Rotary's beginning is business development. Everyone needs to network. Rotary consists of a cross section of every business community. Its members come from all walks of life. Rotarians help each other and collectively help others.

3. Personal Growth and Development: Membership in Rotary continues one’s growth and education in human relations and personal development.

4. Leadership Development: Rotary is an organization of leaders and successful
people. Serving in Rotary positions is like a college education. Leadership: - learning how to motivate, influence, and lead leaders.

5. Citizenship in the Community: Membership in a Rotary club makes one a better community citizen. The average Rotary club consists of the most active citizens of any community.

6. Continuing Education: Each week at Rotary there is a program designed to keep one informed about what is going on in the community, nation, and world. Each meeting provides an opportunity to listen to different speakers and a variety of timely topics.

7. Fun: Rotary is fun, a lot of fun. Each meeting is fun. The club projects are fun. Social activities are fun. The service is fun.

8. Public Speaking Skills: Many individuals who joined Rotary were afraid to speak in public. Rotary develops confidence and skill in public communication and the opportunity to practice and perfect these skills.

9. Citizenship in the World: Every Rotarian wears a pin that says β€œRotary International.” There are few places on the globe that do not have a Rotary club. Every Rotarian is welcome – even encouraged – to attend any of the 29,000 clubs in
194 nations and geographical regions. This means instant friends in both one’s own community and in the world community.

10. Assistance when Traveling: Because there are Rotary clubs everywhere, many a Rotarian in need of a doctor, lawyer, hotel, dentist, advice, etc., while traveling has found assistance through Rotary.

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ continues
11. Entertainment: Every Rotary club and district has parties and activities that provide diversion in one’s business life. Rotary holds conferences, conventions, assemblies, and institutes that provide entertainment in addition to Rotary information, education, and service.

12. The Development of Social Skills: Every week and at various events and functions, Rotary develops one’s personality, social skills and people skills. Rotary is for people who like people.

13. Family Programs: Rotary provides one of the world’s largest youth exchange programs; high school and college clubs for future Rotarians; opportunities for spouse involvement; and a host of activities designed to help family members in growth and the development of family values.

14. Vocational Skills: Every Rotarian is expected to take part in the growth and development of his or her own profession or vocation; to serve on committees and to teach youth about one’s job or vocation. Rotary helps to make one a better doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc.

15. The Development of Ethics: Rotarians practice a 4-Way Test that governs one’s ethical standards. Rotarians are expected to be ethical in business and personal relationships.

16. Cultural Awareness: Around the world, practically every religion, country, culture, race, creed, political persuasion, language, color, and ethnic identity is found in Rotary. It is a cross section of the world’s most prominent citizens from every background. Rotarians become aware of their cultures and learn to love and work
with people everywhere. They become better citizens of their countries in the process.

17. Prestige: Rotary members are prominent people: leaders of business, the professions, art, government, sports, military, religion, and all disciplines. Rotary is the oldest and most prestigious service club in the world. Its ranks include executives, managers, professionals – people who make decisions and influence policy.

18. Nice People: Rotarians above all are nice people - the nicest people on the face of the earth. They are important people who follow the policy of it is nice to be important but it is important to be nice.

19. The Absence of an β€œOfficial Creed”: Rotary has no secret handshake, no secret policy, no official creed, no secret meeting or rituals. It is an open society of men and women who simply believe in helping others.

20. The Opportunity to Serve: Rotary is a service club. Its business is mankind. Its product is service. Rotarians provide community service to both local and international communities. This is perhaps the best reason for becoming a Rotarian: the chance to do something for somebody else and to sense the self-fulfillment that comes in the process and return of that satisfaction to one’s own life. It is richly rewarding.

β€œHe profits most who serves best.”

Source: Richard D. King,
Rotary International President, 2001-02

πŸ—“ #RotaractEvent
Rotaract Africa Summit Siavonga 2017
Date: Oct 5-8, 2017
Registration is ON