Sunday Hymn Serenade
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Violinist - Singer - Pianist
Sunday Hymn Serenade -
Inspirational YouTube Show:
Every Sunday 10am EST on YouTube!
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I hope you enjoy this beautiful hymn "Wonderful Words of Life" featuring my mom and dad and my son Theodore Parker Bennett. ◀️ (Click here to watch)

It's so special to sing this hymn all together with my family! 3 Generations… my dad Jack is 84 Theodore is 3, what an amazing blessing! ❤️

Happy Sunday!🙏🏻
We just hit 100,000 subscribers on YouTube!!! Thanks so much for helping me Bring Back the Hymns! 🙌🏻

I NEVER would have dreamed that my YouTube hymn channel would reach 100,000 subscribers with over 18 million views! From learning to sing hymns as a baby from my mom and dad, then learning to play them on piano and violin from age three, these songs were always a part of me. My parents would lead hymns in church on Sunday and Sunday afternoons would be singing hymns in 4 part harmony with 60 of my closest relatives! What a blessing!!

Fast forward to 2016, I wrote a song with my dear friend Warren about wanting to sing these songs in church once again called “Bring Back The Hymns”. I felt a calling to shed light to the fact that seniors were losing the songs they grew up with and would worship to and the younger generation wasn’t learning these powerful hymns of faith. To me it made me very sad to see my parents not being able to worship to the music that they knew and loved, and I and many others in my generation felt the same way. So God put a calling on my heart to do something about it.

In September of 2019, when my son Theodore was near the age of this picture, we started posting a hymn every Sunday to YouTube. My husband Eli was not a producer at the time but he learned everything on the go. From recording, mixing, and engineering, he taught himself how to be a producer for this… Totally AMAZING.!! I remember recording violin in our bathroom in our apartment to get better acoustics while Theodore would be crawling outside the door trying to get in. We tried everything and that is how Sunday Hymn Serenade was born.

A few short months later COVID hit and we started to do two videos a week and slowly but surely people started listening, sharing, commenting, and supporting my channel! Although the last two years have been VERY difficult with all of our shows being cancelled, we see now that God used this time to allow for us to concentrate on this and to bring these hymns to the world. We could have never envisioned this ministry and how God unfolded this but we are forever grateful to be able to share God’s word through these timeless and beautiful hymns! I can’t tell you how many thousands of messages we have received from around the world about how these hymns have touched lives and how people are yearning to sing them in church once again.

We are so thankful for this ministry and to each and everyone of you and can’t wait to see what the future holds for Sunday Hymn Serenade!! With sweet three-year old Theodore singing and learning, and loving the hymns through this, we are excited about how God is bringing the hymns to the next generation and can’t wait to see how God will continue to use this channel to BRING BACK THE HYMNS❤️
50 Minutes of Easter Hymns on Piano (with lyrics)