Roger Stone
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Political Icon, NY Times Best Selling Author, and Trump-loyalist. The StoneZONE Mon-Fri 5 PM ET & Sundays 4 PM ET.
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The fake news media's pathetic attempt to tie pedophile child molester Jeffrey Epstein to Donald Trump are completely phony. As I reported in my book " The Clintons War on Women" Epstein provided the seed funding for the Clinton Foundation and both Bill and Hillary were on both Epstein's plane and visited orgy island multiple times The claim that Trump was ever on Epstein's plane is both false and completely unsubstantiated as well as disproven by FAA records. Epstein was your typical Democrat #StoneColdTruth
I guess we now know how this talentless witch and congenital liar got her job. Hard to know who's more disgusting the demented pervert who showers with his own Under agedaughter or a woman who spreads her legs to get the Press secretaries job. Talentless, ignorant and useless
Yet another reason to oppose swamp creature Chris Smith who has been in Washington for 40 years. Republican primary voters hate Kevin McCarthy and if we take a majority he will never be speaker as there is a solid block that will never vote for him. Chris Smith needs to lose some weight. He's been getting fat in the swamp gorging himself on lobbyist contributions and special interest paid dinners
FRIDAY! Jan 7 ! 5 pm Bradenton- See you there !
Feb 5 ! Tampa! Don't miss this important conference
Congratulations to Senator Ted Cruz. You will never be the Republican nominee for president and in fact you're enjoying your last term in the US Senate. I understand why people take an instantaneous dislike to Ted Cruz when they first meet him – they are only saving time. What a pandering, Philandering asshole. A BUSH Republican through and through
Any viable Republican challenger able to raise resources and interested in challenging this feckless , gutless RINO in the Republican Primary should contact me immediately
I am proud to endorse Martin Hyde for Congress. He will defeat RINO self dealer Vern Buchanan in one of the greatest upsets of 2022 #Sarasota
Happy Birthday, President Richard M. Nixon, who brought America unprecedented peace and prosperity and understood the dangers of atheistic, godless communism better than any modern President.
The American people love Roger Stone.
Ted Cruz is human garbage. I ended his presidential campaign in 2016 and I look forward to ending his political career once and for all in 2024. Before I'm done he'll have to leave the country because he is gutless vermin
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