RemixDev's Devlog
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⚠️ Attention Everyone ⚠️
Before posting an issue or trying to contact a developer
PLEASE read the FAQ page
It'll make my life so much easier
Update 4.2.2 is now out!
You can download it @DeezloaderRemix or from a mirror

- Re-added login with email / password with captcha popup (Doesn't work on Server Mode)
- Reorganized Settings
- ID3 default is now the only option for MP3 date format (If you had that selected you should change that or do a clean install)
- Added link analyzer
- Added support for spotify tracks and albums via urls and uri
- Added %bitrate% and %date% to album folder name
- Added %date% to tracknames
- Added %position% for playlist tracknames
- Added %isrc%, %upc% and %album_id%
- Added option to enable or disable search fallback
- Added option to create album/artist/cd folders for playlists as well
- Added option to save playlist as a compilation (it overwrites original tags with the playlist one)
- Added more UI elements to display errors
- Added error log when clicking on error sign in the Download Tab
- Added quality selection to remaining download buttons
- Fixed certificate error while looking for updates
- Fixed spotify playlist conversion problems
- Fixed tags problems
- Other Minor improvments
New Issues Page
notabug issue page sucks, so know issues are on GitHub!
I already moved the main issues
If you don't see a issue or a feature request that you would like to see in the app add it

Also the old url:
Should redirect to the new page
If you want to betatest the latests builds you can download them from @DeezloaderRemixBeta
Now we have automated Linux and MacOS builds as well!
Localization support has been fully added to Deezloader Remix!
Here you can see the lists of languages available.

If you don't see your language and you want to add it, pick up the english translation file and start translating.
Then send me the file with the language name and if you want to be credited in the app (if so also with which name).

Languages are already available in the beta builds!

- English
- French
- Italian
- German
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Persian
- Thai
- Czech
- Danish
- Russian
- Arabic

Being worked on:
- Hindi
Latest betas now don't require login to download tracks
If you're having login problems check them out here @DeezloaderRemixBeta
Update 4.3.0 is now out!
You can download it @DeezloaderRemix or from a mirror

Main changes:
+ Loginless download is back!
+ You can still login in the Settings to view your playlists
+ Added option to export ARL
+ Localization Support
+ Merged Download from URL tab into Search tab
+ Improved memory usage during downloads (Now you can download Continuous Mixes)
+ Updated and improved UI
+ Better feedback for errors and warnings
+ Toast messages are forced to the bottom
+ Made darkmode darker
+ Charts are now alphabetically ordered
+ Redesigned Download tab
+ Made download bars more responsive
+ Added PWA metadata for servermode
+ Changed folder management structure
+ Added create playlist folder option
+ Added template names for playlist and artist folder

New Features:
+ Added ID3v1 support
+ Divided options for Local and Embedded cover size
+ Added 2000x2000 cover option
+ Added Case Settings for title and artists
+ Added REST API
+ Added Select song for Spotify Playlists
+ Added support for 360 audio [No way to play them tho]
+ Added option to rename the playlist file with the name of the folder

Bugs fixes:
+ Finished implementing Save playlist as Compilation
+ Fixed artwork caching
+ Fixed issues with autologin not working properly
+ Fixed the error "ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir"
+ Fixed artist tags being too excessive
+ Fixed Explicit Variable on tracknames
+ Fixed fallbacks not working properly
Development Update:
Now everyone knows Electron and node are not the most resource friendly tools to make and app.
Node dependencies are really heavy on the storage and electron is based on chromium, so an entire web browser that eats ram for breakfast just for the UI.

Keeping in mind that my mentality is to keep things as resource friendly as possible and that the Deezloader codebase is a mess I decided to make a lite version of Deezloader Remix in python, rewriting the whole thing from scratch. That will be my main focus right now and when all the features will be ported over I will continue supporting only the lite version of the app.

Right now tracks are getting downloaded and tagged (the download method is pretty basic tho, so I'll keep on working on that).

If anyone wants to help with the rewrite, feel free to contact me.
Deezer changed the mobile API so now the loginless download won't work anymore.
If you want to keep using the app you must log in.

If you're running in server mode or using the android port you can see how to login following this guide
Deezloader is officialy discontinued
It will still works but any new issue or bug discovered won't be addressed and won't be updated
The repo is now locked and the issue repo is now deleted.

I'm now working on a replacement called deemix. This project will work like Deezloader if not even better. It can be easily ported to other languages as it's codebase is well structured and not in one single file.
Once the python prototype will be done I will separate the core from the GUI (so other devs can make their own UIs)

The group @DeezloaderRemixCommunity is now closed, as I can't manage a group and write the app at the same time.

This channel will be the only channel that I will continue using and expect updates from me here.

If you want to help in the development of deemix write me a PM saying what you can do to help (It doesn't need to be only code). PM me only if you really want to help, I don't want someone saying "Oh yeah, I'll help" and then they don't do anything.
Should I put here the repo bot that posts new commits automatically?
Might be too many messages
Final Results
Yes, I don't mind it
No, it's too messy. Move it to another channel
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: df7d8cae08
Added download button for other types of releases
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: 734c11b7b5
Fixing download queue
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: 28f7c86627
Fixed downloading related issues
- Fixed album cover download and saving
- Fixed download list initialization on reload
- Adjusted download object layout
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: cd49229df2
Preparing for separation of the GUI from the core
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: d6ddccfafd
Added clear and cancel queue buttons
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: e073cb38e8
Made download cancelling process more clear
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: 85b3b4a2a0
Implemented settings load and save
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: 43049374e7
Added port argument for
e.g. now you can type:
python 9999
to change the port to 9999
💾 Project: deemix
🔧 Branch: master
📦 Commit: d56d08a0e7
Fixed not starting