Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺
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Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:
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Ukraine’s Zelenskyy uses high tech to reach out to big tech leaders.

What better way to communicate with an important group on an important matter than by speaking in a language common to all? That is the tack Ukraine’s beleaguered President Volodymyr Zelenskyy took very recently in his speech to investors and corporate leaders. He delivered his speech in English and Ukrainian, but it was also delivered using complex technology most in the room would understand/appreciate. And you might say that Zelenskyy technically did not deliver the speech; it was his hologram that did so.

October 13, 2022

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
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Dr. Robert Malone: Weltweit geschieht etwas Seltsames, und es versucht, unsere Bewegung zu zerreißen

Habt ihr bemerkt, dass in letzter Zeit etwas Seltsames in der Gesundheitsfreiheitsbewegung vor sich geht? İhr seid nicht allein.

Bei der mit Spannung erwarteten Toronto-Premiere des Films "Uninformed Consent" am Samstag (8. Oktober) warnte Dr. Robert Malone vor einer konzertierten Aktion, um uns zu spalten, und in gewissem Maße funktioniert das auch.

"Gerade jetzt, da die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt, gibt es Bemühungen, die Integrität und den Zusammenhalt der Widerstandsgruppen auf der ganzen Welt zu zerstören... Lassen Sie nicht zu, dass sie uns gegeneinander aufbringen, wir müssen als Gemeinschaft zusammenstehen", warnte Dr. Malone.

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Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon
Acuitas Therapeutics are a Canadian biotech who makes the lipid nano particle formulation, necessary to protect & enable mRNA vaccines.
I was just browsing the Acuitas Therapeutucs website, wondering if I know some of the management teams of partner companies in the covid19 vaccines.
Shocked to find Acuitas has several absolutely standard pages missing. You ALWAYS see the management team, usually 4-6 people. CEO, CSO, COO, CMO, CBO, chairman/woman. Almost always an additional tab called “Founders”, because older companies have shed their original team but often, one or more is retained as a consultant. It gives continuity/depth of history which can be pivotal in the odd pitch or partner interaction.
You ALWAYS see the board of directors, where management is represented by the CEO.
Sometimes scientific advisory board (often chaired by the company’s chief scientist or CEO, if the latter is in post because of subject matter expertise).
Something is badly wrong here.
My initial impression is “this isn’t a real company”. The name is a cover for a covert operation that needed to be at arms length, but they’ve done a poor job at disguising it.
Anyone fancy some investigative journalism?

Roger Waters: I’m on a Ukrainian ‘Kill List’

In an explosive, wide-ranging interview, the Pink Floyd co-founder discusses his controversial views on Ukraine — and Russia, and Wikileaks, and Israel, and so much more.

October 14, 2022

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
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Der ehemalige Greenpeace-Präsident Dr. Patrick Moore:

„Als der Klimawandel zum ersten Mal aufkam, wurde mir klar, dass wir alle hinters Licht geführt werden und dass es nur ums Geld geht, was die Politiker wollen, sind Geschichten, die den Menschen Angst machen."
Media is too big
DO YOUR JOB; A Call to The Police to act on their Oath To Protect The Children

Someone here has to have the courage to do the right thing because children are dying

There has to be one police officer here willing to do your job.
All of you are looking at lifetime imprisonment for abandoning your office
That inspector has no courage

If I was in the military and my officer told me to go in a room and kill children we would stand him down

An impassioned message from love to protect all our children around the world

Windsor Vaccine Centre 11/10/22

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell - 14 October 2022

Known by his pseudonym Jerm, Jeremy Nell is an award-winning political cartoonist from South Africa, whose work has been featured in numerous publications, in various languages, around the world since 2005. His podcast, Jerm Warfare, in which he discusses counter-narrative ideas, has featured some of the greatest minds in the world, such as Robert Kennedy, David Icke, Victor Davis Hanson, Peter McCullough, John McAfee, and Scott Adams.

GUEST OVERVIEW: Dr Reiner Fuellmich is a German lawyer specialising in corporate fraud. He has gathered extensive evidence to expose world leaders and bureaucrats of crimes against humanity in the response to COVID-19.

October 15, 2022

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Tucker Carlson Tonight 10/14/22 FULL | BREAKING FOX NEWS october 14, 2022

Dramatic, but worth watching

October 15, 2022

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 pinned «Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell - 14 October 2022 Known by his pseudonym Jerm, Jeremy Nell is an award-winning political cartoonist from South Africa, whose work has been featured in numerous publications, in various languages, around…»
Biden to release 15M barrels from oil reserve, more possible

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will announce the release of 15 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserve Wednesday as part of a response to recent production cuts announced by OPEC+ nations, and he will say more drawdowns are possible this winter, as his administration rushes to be seen as pulling out all the stops ahead of next month’s midterm elections.

October 19, 2022

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Forwarded from DER IMPULSGEBER💡
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🇪🇺🇷🇴 Der rumänische Europaabgeordnete Cristian Terhes fordert den sofortigen Rücktritt von EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen während einer Parlamentsrede am Montag

"Ursula von der Leyen muss sofort und bedingungslos von ihrem Amt als Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission zurücktreten, da ihre Handlungen derzeit von der Europäischen Staatsanwaltschaft strafrechtlich untersucht werden."

Jetzt den Kanal abonnieren 🔥
➡️ 💡
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
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UK funeral director reports “massive increase” in death rate exclusively in young jabbed people.
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JUST IN - EU drug watchdog EMA gives the green light for children older than six months to get either Pfizer or Moderna's mRNA injections.

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Dr. Peter McCullough : The vaccines are killing children

‘’It is clear the risks far outweighs any potential benefits of vaccinating children’’

‘’It’s is clear that a vaccine is pushed, mandated in fact results in the death of children’’

‘’It is my view as a physician that all vaccine mandates should be immediately dropped and pulled from the market and undergo a very intensive review of safety & efficacy and figure out where the vaccine program has gone wrong’’

It is long past time that the government health bureaucrats and politicians that have ignored the evidence and continue to push these experimental mRMA substances to be injected into children can plead for clemency.

We should not rest until they are brought to justice, because through a combination of ignorance, arrogance, stupidity & groupthink - acting as lackeys for Big Pharma - they have aided & abetted the death of children.

An excuse ‘’I was just following orders‘’ didn’t cut it before and it won’t this time.
Reiner Fuellmich speaks out... 2022-10-20



The interviewees in this interview are Reiner Fuellmich and the Swedish founder of KNAPPTRYCKARNA Uffe Bejerstrand

In this interview with Reiner Fuellmich, the realities we live in are shared, including court rulings, ”plandemic”, fear and the future.

The effects of the PCR TEST FRAUD and the effects of the so-called ”vaccines” that harm and kill humanity in general and systematically is also in focus in the interview.

The depopulation agenda, the genocide, is a planned agenda, the facts and evidence are fully traceable, this is the reality. Very important information emerges, spread the interview further in all your networks.

The interview also raised the issue of genuine direct democracy, including back to basics, humanity clearly wants to survive this complete ongoing madness.

From Sweden, the founder of a direct-democratic FOLK MOVEMENT KNAPPTRYCKARNA Uffe Bejerstrand is present and in that part both Reiner Fuellmich and Uffe Bejerstrand have contact since earlier.

October 21, 2022

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Forwarded from Just a Dude 😎
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🇺🇸 Florida Gov. DeSantis: As Long As I Am Governor, Of Florida There Will Not Be A Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate For Children In Our Schools.

DeSantis makes it clear, despite the CDC's advisory board’s decision to add the COVID vaccine to the children’s immunization schedule, the final decision in Florida will be left up to parents.

"As long as I am kicking and screaming, there will be no COVID shot mandates for your kids. That is your decision to make as a parent."

Follow @JustDudeChannel 😎
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„Das Gericht hat dem Antrag stattgegeben, Dr. Fauci, die ehemalige Pressesprecherin des Weißen Hauses, Psaki, den FBI Supervisory
Special Agent Chan und andere wegen mutmaßlicher Zusammenarbeit mit sozialen Medien zur Unterdrückung der Meinungsfreiheit zu vernehmen.“