Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺
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Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:
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The Milton Mayer Paper: 'They Thought They Were Free'
Reiner Fuellmich: Encouraging update after false allegations

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Dr. Rima Laibow - WHO Plans to Vaccinate Everyone with 500 New Vaccines by 2030

Dr. Rima Laibow joins us to discuss the WHO Pandemic Treaty, and her extensive research over the years into this corrupt, genocidal organisation. Dr. Rima says every country must demand we exit the WHO before they accomplish their plan of depopulation through forced vaccination achieved through medical dictatorship with 500 new vaccines by 2030.

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on Cafe Locked Out

My Great friend Gadi had the great honour to interview a giant of the movement, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

We did have some tech issues but we persevered.

The interview was recorded in Warrnambool at The Cally Hotel.

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Dane Wigington: The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) is pleased to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations.
Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed? THE DIMMING documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. This is the most complete documentary regarding climate engineering operations. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
Dane Wigington

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
TNT Radio: Reiner Fuellmich on The Shannon Joy Show - 05 October 2022

On today's show we discuss allegations from the Corona Investigative Committee - Reiner goes on the record with Shannon Joy.

Shannon Joy is an independent, terrestrial radio broadcaster in the United States. She has been commenting on global news and and it’s impact on individuals locally for a decade. Her mission is to educate her audience with truth and encourage them to activate for impact in the pursuit of liberty. Shannon is a producer, advertising & PR consultant and the owner of Joy Media. She resides in Fairport, NY with her husband of 20 years Geoffrey and three children Jack, Mimi & Teddy.

GUEST OVERVIEW: Reiner Fuellmich (1958, Bremen) is a German lawyer and spokesman for the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, a non-governmental investigative committee based in Germany. He allegedly played an important role in the Volkswagen emissions scandal and successfully sued Deutsche Bank in a few small mortgage cases, where he previously worked. In 2020, Fuellmich and his colleagues began documenting violations of law, medical malpractice and scientific fraud, in connection with the COVID-19 scandal.

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Jeffrey Sachs: The World thinks the U.S. sabotaged Nord Stream, it does not show up in our media

A Bloomberg TV host pushed back against Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs on Monday when he suggested that the U.S. and Poland are probably behind the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline.

"A lot of the world is watching these events in horror," Sachs said. "They view this as a horrible clash between Russia and the U.S. They don't see this, as we do in the media, as an unprovoked attack by Russia on Ukraine."

"Most of the world doesn't see it the way we describe it. Most of the world is just terrified right now, frankly," he added.

"The European economy is getting hammered by the sudden cutoff of energy. And now to make it definitive, the destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline (which I would bet was a U.S. action, perhaps U.S. and Poland). That is speculation."

Sachs said: "I know it runs counter to our narrative, you're not allowed to say these things in the West, but the fact of the matter is all over the world when I talk to people, they think the U.S. did it. Even reporters on our papers that are involved tell me 'of course' [the U.S. did it], but it doesn't show up in our media."

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Prof. John Ioannidis

Für alle, die immer noch und wieder Corona-Maßnahmen gegenüber Kindern fordern oder vorschlagen: Hört zu, was einer der Top-Epidemiologen der Welt, Stanford Professor Ioannidis, dazu zu sagen hat und erkennt an, dass ihr euch geirrt habt und immensen Schaden angerichtet habt!

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, weiter zum Kanal:
Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
Well Being: Disinformation Assault on Vitamin D

Factchecking The Washington Post Big Pharma propaganda

Please share, all can benefit from this. And stay healthy, my friends.

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Forwarded from RABBIT RESEARCH
🤷‍♂️Verstößt gegen die Richtlinien: Twitter löscht neue Empfehlung von Floridas Gesundheitdirektor

Das ist nicht nur unfassbar, sondern auch fahrlässig und gemeingefährlich.
Hier werden Warnungen über Gesundheitsrisiken, die von offizieller Seite ausgegeben werden, einfach von Twitter zensiert.
Wir werden niemals erfahren, wieviele Leben die Löschung dieses Tweets kostete.

Worum geht’s?
Der Gesundheitsdirektor Floridas, ließ gestern über eine offizielle Presseaussendung von ‚Florida Health’ mitteilen, dass eine mRNA-Impfung für Männer zwischen 18-39 Jahren wegen zu hohem Gesundheitsriskio nicht mehr zu empfehlen sei. Dies hat Twitter unterbunden und gelöscht.

Twitter Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD

Folge Rabbit Research 🐇🔍
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What the Leaked EMA Emails and Docs Reveal: Major Concerns with Pfizer C-19 Vaccine Batch Integrity and the Race to Authorize

Trial Site News recently were able to review leaked internal emails from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and meeting report between the agency and Pfizer. The EMA oversees the evaluation and supervision of medicinal products for the European Union. Like other regulatory health bodies, its main responsibility is to protect and promote public health. Snapshots of internal EMA email correspondence; a November 26, 2020, PowerPoint presentation from a pivotal meeting between Pfizer and the agency, as well as a confidential 43-page Pfizer report were provided by an anonymous source because of their trust in Trial Site’s commitment to transparency, accessibility, and accountability in furtherance of a highly ethical, quality-focused and public health-centric biomedical research industry.

October 09, 2022

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Joshua Philipp: US Government’s Patent Application for Luciferase Fusion Proteins Should Sound Alarm Bells

NTD spoke with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp about a patent filed by the U.S. government for fusion proteins containing luciferase, which could be used to track people’s vaccination status. Philipp said it sound alarm bells for everybody.

October 11, 2022

RA Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, link to the channel:
Forwarded from Bargeld bedeutet Freiheit!
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❗️Kein Bargeld mehr, das dem Volk gehört❗️
Sie sagen es öffentlich !!!

BANK FÜR INTERNATIONALE ABWICKLUNG [Bank of Banks - Der Kopf des Drachen] General Manager, Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (BIZ) Agustin Carstens.
Eine erschreckende Nachricht über die zukünftige Richtung der digitalen Währungen der Zentralbanken (CBDCs) gesendet. Alle FED-Lehrstühle [weltweit] berichten an diesen Fellow. Er erklärt - ohne zu stottern - das Ziel der BIZ ist es, WÄHRUNG ZU BEENDEN (das Volk zu kontrollieren). Das bedeutet kein privates Geld mehr. Kein Bargeld mehr, das dem Volk gehört. Aus dieser Sicht ist der Zugang zu Geld ein PRIVILEGE – und kann nach Belieben widerrufen werden.
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„Haha, nein.“ - Pfizer hat Impfstoff vor Einführung nicht getestet

Der niederländische Europaabgeordnete Rob Roos wollte von der Pfizer-Direktorin Janine Small wissen, ob deren Plörre vor Einführung überhaupt auf Schutz vor einer Corona-Ansteckung getestet wurde.

Sie lacht einfach und verneint das, da man schnelle Ergebnisse für die Wissenschaft liefern musste.

Dafür wurden Millionen Menschen mittels Impfpass diskriminiert - so scheiße muss man mal sein.

Folgen @unblogd