Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺
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Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:
Download Telegram
Es bedarf keiner weiteren Worte!

No more words are needed!




Support for Reiner/ Υποστήριξη για τον Reiner/Die Möglichkeit, Reiner zu unterstützen findest du 👉HIER

Forwarded from Du Rove's Channel (Pavel Durov)
📺 As a leader of a politically neutral platform, it is my responsibility to speak to journalists representing different political views. In February, I did a 3-hour interview with a journalist of liberal views. On the same day, I spoke to Tucker Carlson, who is famously conservative. This way I can remain fair to all audiences and tell the story of Telegram to everyone.

The interview with Tucker is coming out very soon. It will be in video format, which is quite rare for me — so be sure to check it out. I heard that Tucker is also launching an official Telegram channel, so let’s stay tuned for an announcement there 📣
Please open Telegram to view this post
Forwarded from Tucker Carlson Network
Media is too big
JUST IN: Telegram founder Pavel Durov sat down with Tucker for his first on-camera interview since 2016. In this clip, Durov talks about the pressure tactics the US government has used against him, including sending FBI agents to his home. Watch the full interview at
🇩🇪 "Wenn du dich jetzt verbiegst, reicht dein restliches Leben nicht aus, um gerade zu werden." (Daniele Ganser)

🇬🇷 "Αν λυγίσεις τώρα, η υπόλοιπη ζωή σου δεν θα είναι αρκετή για να ισιώσεις." (Ντανιέλ Γκάνζερ)

🇬🇧 "If you bend now, the rest of your life won't be enough to straighten you out."
The only way to win with a toxic person is not to play.



Support for Reiner/ Υποστήριξη για τον Reiner/Die Möglichkeit, Reiner zu unterstützen findest du 👉HIER


Financial crime is not prosecuted in Germany. The role of Chancellor Olaf Scholz has still not been clarified. Neither has the influence of the WARBURG dynasty. In the past, this would have been a prime topic for Dr. Reiner Füllmich - as a consumer advocate, he also pursued the large corporations. Today he is in custody as a politically persecuted civil rights activist.

The outgoing public prosecutor Anne Brorhilker told WDR: "I have always put my heart and soul into being a public prosecutor, especially in the area of white-collar crime, but I am not at all satisfied with the way financial crime is prosecuted in Germany."

Philip Kruse on the structure and consequences of the planned authorization of the WHO as part of the "PANDEMIC TREATY". At the WHO symposium in Zurich, Philip Kruse places the invented pandemic in the context of the new regulations for the global authorization of the lobby organization WHO.

A factual presentation with a review of the past and an outlook on the consequences of the planned pandemic treaty. The WHO is not a health organization - it is a tool of the plutocrats for the establishment of a dictatorship. (Language: German)
Elsa's information and translation regarding Reiner's court day 11 on April 19th. Thank you, Elsa for your support. ❤️



Support for Reiner/ Υποστήριξη για τον Reiner/Die Möglichkeit, Reiner zu unterstützen findest du 👉HIER

Media is too big
A current summary of the last day of proceedings in the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court by lawyer Katja Wörmer.

Support for Reiner: 👉HIER

Forwarded from Wahrheit ist unzerstörbar Offizieller Kanal
Media is too big
💢 Dr. Bryan Ardis

100 Millionen Tiere wurden mit mRNA-Technologie geimpft und kaum jemand weiß davon.

In China injizieren sie Rinder mit mRNA – für unsere Rindfleischversorgung.
Sie injizieren bereits mRNA-Technologie in Gemüse.

👉Generell werde alle weiteren Impfstoffe auf mRNA umgestellt.

👉Eine medizinische Studie über die mRNA von 2013

👉Es ist eine Tickende Zeitbombe

Die Bedeutung von mRNA ,
m = Message = Nachricht an die DNA zur Trennung von Gottes Schöpfung und damit die Trennung der Seele vom Körper.

👉mRNA ist eine Waffe

Finger weg von Matrix-Food

Wahrheit ist unzerstörbar
🇩🇪 Reiner Füllmich - Der Prozess
Liste geplanter/übersetzter Videos auf YouTube
🇬🇷 Ράινερ Φίλμιχ - Η δίκη
Κατάλογος σχεδιαζόμενων/μεταφρασμένων βίντεο στο YouTube
🇬🇧 Reiner Fuellmich - The Trial
List of planned/translated videos at YouTube
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.-2. Verhandlungstag/ δικάσιμη/ day of trial
- Jiotas Report (StreamPunk) DE/GR
- Update Fuellmich DE/GR, EN
- Statement Wörmers DE/GR/EN
3. Verhandlungstag/ δικάσιμη/ day of trial
- Jiotas Report (StreamPunk) DE-GR
- Statement Wörmers DE/GR/EN
5. Verhandlungstag/ δικάσιμη/ day of trial
- Statement Wörmers DE/GR/EN
7. Verhandlungstag/ δικάσιμη/ day of trial
- Statement Wörmers DE/GR/EN
8. Verhandlungstag/ δικάσιμη/ day of trial
- Update Fuellmich DE/GR, EN
- Statement Wörmers DE/GR/EN
9. Verhandlungstag/ δικάσιμη/ day of trial
(geleakte Geheimakten/διερρευμένα μυστικά αρχεία/leaked secret files)
- Jiotas Report (Telegram) DE/GR
- Update Fuellmich DE/GR/EN
- Statement Miseré DE/GR/EN
10. Verhandlungstag/ δικάσιμη/ day of trial
- Jiotas Report (Telegram) DE/GR
- Update Fuellmich DE/GR, EN
- Statement Wörmers
11. Verhandlungstag/ δικάσιμη/ day of trial
- Jiotas Report (StreamPunk) DE/GR

Stand/κατάσταση/status 24.04.2024

Dear friends, supporters and companions! ❤️

Gradually, the information about Reiner Füllmich's case will be translated into Greek by SocratesTVHellas on a voluntary basis and the videos will be subtitled in Greek accordingly. In this way we can extend the radius of reporting.

Here is the statement from the 9th day of the trial by lawyer Dr. Miseré.👇

Please help to spread the information and send the video to all Greeks, Greek-speaking people, friends of Greece, etc. that you know so that they can also forward it. Thanks to your help, Reiner Füllmich's case will receive further media attention abroad.

Everyone should know: The public is watching! 💪


Support for Reiner/ Υποστήριξη για τον Reiner/Die Möglichkeit, Reiner zu unterstützen findest du 👉HIER:

Media is too big
A current summary of the last day of proceedings in the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court by lawyer Katja Wörmer.

Support for Reiner: 👉HIER

Media is too big
S H E D D I N G - risk for the "unvaccinated"?

Dr. Pierre Kory describes shedding and its consequences. Shedding involves the transfer of exosomes from "vaccinated" to "unvaccinated" people. There were no studies on shedding prior to the conditional approval of the injections. The gene therapy known as "Covid-19 vaccination" is - as civil rights activist Dr. Reiner Füllmich and numerous scientists determined two years ago - the greatest crime in human history. New pathogenic and fatal effects of mRNA therapy are emerging every day. Heart attacks, turbo cancer, infertility, thromboses, strokes, infant mortality - the indicators of pathogenic effects are increasing rapidly. There is no end in sight. Now "unvaccinated" people are also affected.

TODAY LIVE (in french with german translation):

Today, Tuesday, April 30, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., we will talk about the arrest and detention conditions of attorney Reiner Fuellmich.
I have the pleasure of welcoming my friend Kerstin Heusinger and Reiner's lawyer Katja Woermer.
Kerstin has been attending Reiner Fuellmich's hearings from day one. She is very familiar with the case. She will also translate Ms. Woermer's statements.

Please note the dates! It is very important to report on this case.
We don't want this man to be forgotten after all he has done for us, for humanity.
A bit like Julian Assange...


Support for Reiner
You can find the possibility to support Reiner 👉HERE:

U P D A T E - Dr. Reiner Füllmich

Here is the text version of the current statement by Dr. Reiner Füllmich.
- the current developments in his defense
- the successes in the international investigation of the current events
- the RKI plandemic in the FRG
- the protests against the genocide in GAZA and parallels to the protests of US-American students against the Vietnam War


Support Dr. Reiner Füllmich:
You can find the opportunity to support Reiner Füllmich 👉HERE:
