Speaking Lab
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Speaking Lab is a channel dedicated to improving your speaking skills through practical tips, tutorials, clubs, and exercises πŸš€πŸŽ™

Founder: @Eriksaysthefact
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Tez orada men sahifamning birinchi bobiga yakun yasayman πŸ˜‡πŸ™‚πŸ₯²πŸ₯Ή
Speaking Lab
Bu kishi, Manuel Catalanhernandez mening Amerika Elchixonasidagi Ustozim va Murabbiyim. Men doim u kishidan maslahatlar oldim, ACT Olympics musobaqada u boshchiligida 2-o'rinni olgandik va u kun unutilmas edi 😊.
Bu sahifaning bosh qahramonlari esa, eng kuchli va meni rostakamiga lol qoldira olgan yoshlar 🀩:

Mirabbos😎 Aziza☺️ Diyorbek😎

Ularga hurmatim juda cheksiz...

Davomi bor... (soon)
Sahifamizning kiyingi asosiy qahramoni Laziz πŸ€“ (Nyccus'jon πŸ€“), bu yigitsiz bizning loyihamiz bu qadar go'zal bo'lmas edi va bu yigit loyihamiz uchun borini bera oldi, shunchaki respect πŸ™Œ !

P.s: Jamomizning yuragi πŸ’―πŸ«€
Do'stlar, quidagi sifatlardan qaysi birini menda bor deb o'ylaysiz ?

P.s: Aslida bu bir kishining men haqimdagi tarifi)
Forwarded from Aziza
Working with you was such a great experience. I gained so much knowledge from our participants and confidence in giving public speeches. All those kind words and the feedback from all those people made me feel so much appreciated. Conducting those sessions was not a work for me at all, it was more like a relaxation that brought me so much joy. Talking to participants was just like I was talking to my friends and I had so much fun while doing it, and I’m completely ready to continue that! Yk, it would be so inappropriate for me to take premium from you. Those sessions already brought me so many benefits, so please, forget about premium for me :) Thank you a lot @Hopes_Rayimkuloff! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Forwarded from Mirabbos
Let me write smth too
Well, one of the most important things I really like about you is the way you work. You work in a different way and you can attract other people to work with you, so everyone gets satisfied and happy. Another thing is your motivation, I’m so glad that I met you one day because I realized that you are the one, with whom everyone would like to be a partner, just because when people work with you, they become motivated. Thank you for staying with us. Premium is nothing compared to you, so personally I think that it’d be better, if you kept those money for yourself. β˜€οΈ
Do'stlar sizlarga yana bir sirni ochmoqchiman πŸ€πŸ€“
Speaking Lab pinned Deleted message
Obunachilarga xat !

Do'stlar yozayotgan bu men, kamina RealErik sizlar bilan vaqtgachaga xayrlashib turamiz lekin kanalim o'z faoliyatini kuchli va bilimli ielts 8.0 holder instructor tomonidan yuritiladi va mentorlarimiz ham sizlar bilan birga, ular haftasiga 3 kun conversation, social, Ielts Speaking clublar tashkil qilib turishadilar, barcha omad hech qachon taslim bo'lmang men tez orada qaytaman 😊 !

Best regards,
Ergashbek Rayimkulov πŸ€“.