Marjorie Taylor Greene
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✝️ Christian
🍑 Georgia 14’s Congresswoman
♥️ Mother of 3
💼 Successful Business Woman
🇺🇸 Save America and Stop Communism
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Media is too big
I’m concerned about the fact that the Democrats are unapologetically willing to throw people like Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and innocent MAGA Grandmas in jail.

We lost our country in 2020, and 2024 is about getting it back!

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Thank you, President Trump!!

You will ALWAYS have my support.

I can’t wait for your historic victory in November! #MAGA 🇺🇸

Happy Father’s Day!

Dads, you are extremely important in the lives of your children and shape who they become as adults.

You are loved, needed, and cherished.

I miss my father every day and dedicated my book MTG to him.

Everyone that knew him loved him, and our family still has a gaping hole without his presence.

He always gave us everything he had, no matter what, and turned all times into good times through fun, laughter, and love.

Media is too big
I’m from Georgia. I knew from day one that Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election.

On January 6, I did what was right and objected to Joe Biden’s Electoral College votes.

That same day, Americans protested their elections — they’re allowed to do it; they pay for them!

Any Democrat or person in the media who wants to continue to shame us for January 6 can go to hell!

If each ICE worker worked 10 hours 6 days per week, that means they work 3,120 hours the entire year.

With over 7,000 cases EACH, that means they have less than 30 minutes to give to each case!!!

And that’s beyond humanly possible.

We have to DEPORT!!!

It’s great to be on the campaign trail today, encouraging voters to support my friend and Trump-endorsed candidate Brian Jack in the primary runoff election for GA-3 on June 18th!

I need more America First candidates and Trump loyalists like Brian serving with me in Congress.

Vote for Brian Jack!!

I fully support and am co-sponsoring Rep. Thomas Massie’s resolution to rescind the subpoenas for Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro by repudiating Nancy Pelosi’s illegitimate J6 committee.

Nancy Pelosi violated House rules by refusing to accept McCarthy’s appointed Republicans on the committee. Now, our Republican-led House must nullify any actions taken by the illegitimate J6 committee.

We must also hold the J6 Committee members accountable for the destruction of the committee’s records.

House Republicans need to start taking action!

Media is too big
Just do it whether you want to or not.
I was tired this morning and didn’t feel like it but told my mind no complaining and put my body to work.

Run 3 miles then -
5 rounds:
5 strict pull ups
10 back squats at your body weight
10 GHD sit ups
5 strict bar dips

Today’s Election Day - Vote for Brian Jack in GA-03 AND Vote for John McGuire in VA-05!

I need more heavy lifters in Congress NOT Trump back stabbers and RINOs!!

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VA-05 polls close at 7 pm, make sure you vote for the REAL Trump endorsed candidate, John McGuire!!

NOT Trump back stabber Bob Good!

Also do you want to know the truth about Bob Good and Kevin McCarthy? Sound up! Listen to the end!

Congratulations to America First champion Brian Jack for winning the GOP primary in Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District!

Brian Jack has been by President Trump’s side for the past 9 years.

I’m excited to have Brian fighting alongside me in Congress.

John McGuire WINS!

I was the first member of Congress to endorse John because of his conservative record, his loyalty to President Trump, and his service to our country.

This victory shows just how toxic Bob Good has been to the Republican Party, the America First movement, and perhaps most critically to the reelection of President Trump.

It’s time for the Republican Party to unite, stop pushing self-serving politicians, and DEFEAT the Democrats in November!

Congrats to Trump & MTG-endorsed John McGuire, the next Congressman from Virginia’s Fifth District!!!

When Joe Biden is getting hammered by Politico, you know it’s real.

Every one of these issues that are driving the unforgivable debt that we’re passing on to our kids, grandkids, and every generation after them is something I fight against every day in Congress.

America First isn’t just a rallying cry, it’s a commitment to saving our country.

If we don’t stop putting every country and their citizens above our own, we will become exactly like their failed nations.

With the money spent on foreign wars, we could have rebuilt every school in America, reopened mental hospitals, and opened drug rehab facilities to help Americans!

That’s the America First message.

If we are going to go into debt it should benefit America, NOT kill people in foreign wars that don’t involve us at all.

AMERICA FIRST or America no more!



Ever since the war started, I’ve voted against every single bill appropriating YOUR money to be sent to Ukraine.

We shouldn’t have sent a single penny, but unfortunately Congress has sent over $100 BILLION.

I’ve been fighting tooth and nail and maybe, just maybe, my colleagues have seen the light.

DOD appropriations are coming. And OUR country should not send another dollar to fight another country’s war.

Pay close attention because the Ukraine over America caucus is going to try to spend more of your money to fuel the precursor to WW3.

I’m not going to let them.

Great article by my friend Lee Rizzuto!

“abortion extremists are the Democrats who have adopted the Radical Left’s position of advocating for gruesome late-term abortions. Their policies include abortion up to and even after birth, which would place the U.S. on par with communist governments in China and North Korea, who permit horrific late-term abortions.”

Joe Biden admitted Democrats are going to use every tool they have to try and keep President Trump out of the White House for a second term.

Make no mistake, the lawfare Joe Biden has waged against his leading political opponent is a calculated and coordinated effort.

This is the kind of thing that happens in third world countries, but Democrats have brought it to America.

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High-ranking State Dept officials CONFIRM the Biden administration is:
- DELIBERATELY flooding the US with illegal immigrants
- ALLOWING violent criminals to roam our streets
- ENGINEERING a demographic shift to secure permanent power

This is a calculated attack on our nation. Biden, Blinken, and their cronies must be held accountable.

Trump Force 47 and the Mighty 14th District GOP united to take back the White House!

Joe Biden has filled our country with murderers, rapists, child rapists, and every kind of monster foreign countries do not want.


No it’s not Russian aggression or Israel and Gaza or China or North Korea or Iran or fictional climate change that is murdering them!!!

It is illegal criminals that our pathetic traiterous government LET IN!!!

The American people must stop tolerating the Democrat controlled invasion of America!!!