General Flynn ️
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I want to sincerely thank everyone for your unwavering support for my family and I over this Chase Bank cancel culture nonsense. We’ll fight through it like everything else we’ve experienced these past six years. If Chase had any commonsense and gave serious thought to the current environment, instead of attacking my family because of our differing political views, they should immediately create a fund for the recently and tragically killed service members and those family members left behind. Chase bank probably doesn’t understand what the term Gold Star means but it is an unimaginably difficult time for the family members of those left behind. My family and I are blessed because we are alive and have each other. I pray Chase Bank and all their cancel culture partners think twice about what they are doing to destroy the fabric of our constitution. Trust me, the heart and soul of America will NEVER be broken. We the people will prevail.
I’ve given a lot of thought to the decision to depart Afghanistan. There are orders that an officer can refuse. Those orders must be unethical, immoral or illegal. Leaving even ONE American citizen behind to the likes of the Taleban, not to mention HUNDREDS, represents all three of these conditions…from the 82nd Airborne Division Commander, to the Central Command Commander, all the way up to the POTUS (who is clearly not making any decisions), the decision to leave Americans in Afghanistan high and dry is immoral, unethical and illegal. Not one citizen should have been left behind. God help these people.
“On the Governor Whitmer Kidnapping case—New text messages reveal the FBI wanted to instigate a more dangerous plot—FBI Agent directive to informant: “Mission is to kill the governor specifically” … The FBI is revealing itself to be one of the most corrupt institutions within the entire US government [don’t I know it]…And this information is coming out despite any significant investigations or oversight. Imagine what we could uncover about the plot to frame President Trump & more….Durham?”
We didn’t “depart” Afghanistan, we surrendered to the Taliban and lost Afghanistan and to spite all Americans, the White House decided to leave American citizens to fend for themselves at the hands of the Taleban. WTH are we (and those Americans left behind) to do? What is plan B???
If anyone believes SNOPES are good fact checkers, they are sadly mistaken. This article I’m bringing to everyone’s attention is filled with innuendo and speculation instead of facts. To the SNOPES team, you just lost my vote…if you want to know the truth, keep digging instead of writing for clickbait purposes. For all who care about facts, SNOPES is not the place to go—we all must make up our own mind about what we believe.

“We haven’t been able to confirm the authenticity of this letter, but this image truly originated with a Telegram post by Flynn. Chase has not released any statements explaining the specific reasons that Flynn would be considered a reputational risk.”
I am not aware of a single United States Senator fighting to expose election fraud from this past 2020 election. Given what “We The People” are learning in just Arizona and Georgia alone along with the devastating array of political decisions coming from the White House that are placing American lives at risk and destroying our country should be enough to immediately stop all engines and relook the NOV 2020 presidential election. The American people did not vote to destroy America. All Americans need to immediately demand a full forensic audit in all fifty states. Go to your county election commissioners and demand this happen now, go to your state representatives and state senators and demand they take action and finally, do not relent in your demands. This is one among other steps each of you can take to get America back on track. Get involved in your local communities otherwise, we won’t have a country.

PSALM 23 🙏🏼🇺🇸
We are in a spiritual war against the forces of evil. This is light versus darkness. This administration is lying about everything. Never forget those who have gone before us, their sacrifices for us so we can live freely and without the yoke of tyranny around our necks will never be forgotten.

Their armor is weak, ours is solid steel.
“After Joe Biden delivered his speech to the nation claiming no-one saw the collapse of the Afghan government coming, the intel group leak the transcript and recording of a July 23rd phone call between Biden and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani showing everything Biden said today was a lie.”
These names need to be permanently etched in stone as the symbol of heroism for a grateful nation. A nation that has taken for granted far to long the sacrifices young men and women take for failed policies, in places they’d rather not be, and supporting people who don’t always respect their service. My heart goes out to all of their loved ones, their families and their communities. May they all Rest In Peace and May God Hold them all in the Palm of His hand.


Darin Hoover
Johanny Rosario
Nicole Gee
Hunter Lopez
Daegan Page
Humberto Sanchez
David Espinoza
Jared Schmitz
Rylee McCollum
Dylan Mercola
Kareem Nikoui
Maxton Soviak
Ryan Knauss
We are going to continue to #FightLikeAFlynn

I will not relent against the cancel culture nor the censorship we all face. Freedom is in the DNA of every American citizen and our Faith as a nation built upon Judeo-Christian values is strong. We should be fearless in our beliefs! 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
There are far more important things happening in American lives than Chase Bank closing accounts (my family and I will survive that). We still have hundreds of Americans left behind enemy lines from this disastrous political and military operation in Afghanistan and untold consequences facing our nation in the future. DO NOT ALLOW the WH and their media spin machines to declare this a success. This was an unmitigated human disaster for America and all our allies. Pray those remaining behind know We The People are doing everything we can to help get them out.

"We are f*cking abandoning American citizens," an Army colonel assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division wrote Sunday in frustration in a series of encrypted messages that detailed the failed effort to extricate a group of American citizens, hours before the last U.S. soldiers departed Afghanistan.”
Per Lee Smith investigative journalism and reporting:

“The leaks [Intel community leaks regarding call between Biden and Ghani] don’t just target Biden. They also hit Austin, Milley, Sullivan, and McKenzie about the pending fall of Afghanistan discussed 23 July 2021…[and] about the Intel [SECDEF] Austin received Wednesday 8 am warning of a terror attack on Abbey gate the next day.”

Abbey Gate is the gate at the Kabul Airport the taleban attacked and blew up a massive bomb and murdered 13 of our Military and wounded dozens of others (and killed over a hundred civilians). If SECDEF Austin had the intel 24 hours prior, we now need to know why our Marines guarding that gate didn’t take appropriate security measures to protect themselves. This is totally outrageous and unacceptable.
The left have weaponized everything…the intel community, our justice system, the media, our election system, the tech sector, our health care system and now the financial system. Our politicians spend $$$’s for things we don’t need with money we don’t have. We cannot afford to continue to operate like this. This is good versus evil, and good will win the day every time. The truth is rising and rising fast…and you cannot hide from it. God bless those of you on the side fighting for transparency and truth from all aspects and levels of our government. Hold the line and demand honesty, expect common sense and seek out quality and humble but courageous leaders.