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The Reawaken America Tour in on 🔥 in Batavia, New York…our line up yesterday and today is filled with patriots…God Bless America 🙏🏼🇺🇸
Local Action = National Impact!!!

I am about to put my words into another set of actions. Keep an eye on this and all my social media sites. Time is our enemy and now is the time to step up even more.

Filed in Sarasota County, Florida in the last 24 hours (and Fox News has picked it up):
Keep an eye on Sarasota County, Florida. The GOP across the country, never mind just Sarasota, County, requires reform. We are our own worst enemies. People like Jack Brill are why the GOP, as an organization, have lost the trust and confidence of those they are suppose to represent. Jack, you need to step down.

Follow with high interest this developing story out of Sarasota County, Florida:

Joe Gruters Sarasota County REC Chair
Christian Ziegler, Sarasota County REC Vice Chair

Copy: Fox News Network

As Sarasota Watchdogs, we call out wrongdoing whether it be from the left or right side of the aisle. Naturally, with the local Democratic party going WOKE, we tend to support Republican candidates. However, when our local REC Acting Chair, Jack Brill, takes a stance against the ZEM movement promoted by concerned parents, it’s time to sound the alarm!

ZEM simply represents the first letters of the last names of Sarasota’s Republican endorsed school board candidates, Ziegler, Enos, and Marinelli. ZEM grew out of necessity after the realization that our local Republican leaders were not actively supporting our conservative candidates. Our March 8th election was an embarrassment and conservatives lost miserably. Concerned parents of Sarasota were not about to leave the task of flipping our liberal school board up to our Republican leaders.

Concerned parents have taken a stand and have come out in droves to fight to make sure that our out-of-control liberal school board gets voted out on August 23rd. When our school board voted to invoke a mask mandate against Governor DeSantis’ orders, they made it clear that they had no interest in parental opinion. This fact was further confirmed when public speaking time was reduced from 3 minutes down to two.

Additionally, a mother was asked to be removed with police force for what she was about to say. Also, two conservative mothers who signed up to speak, where denied the opportunity. A certain mother was publicly doxed by a school board member, and then called a wingnut.

The ZEM movement is truly a grass roots fight against the democratic money machine. ZEM parents visit schools twice per day to hand out information about the upcoming elections. In addition, there are on average 4 ZEM sign waves per week throughout the county, and constant outreach efforts at churches.

The last thing ZEM parents could have imagined, was fighting against REC leadership, more specifically, Jack Brill. Most conservative citizens believe that our Republican Party is supporting ZEM, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Friday a hit piece was published in regard to ZEM, with the following note:

The Republican Party of Sarasota County sent the Herald-Tribune an unsolicited prepared statement distancing the party from the activities of ABCD.

Unbelievable! ABCD is the PAC used to fund ZEM election efforts. The Republican Party of Sarasota offered unsolicited comments to our local leftist news publication.

Sarasota Watchdogs work with multiple freedom groups throughout Florida to support Patriots and conservative values. With that said, we were astonished at this following quote from Mr. Brill:

“The party has a membership committee that vetts potential candidates. After the committee approves, then the board votes. The final step is for a full membership approval. That is pretty standard in many of the county parties. Please note that a Defend Florida person that is part of an organization whose mission is to take out the county party will definitely not pass the vetting process.”

There are two issues that are concerning about Mr. Brill’s statement. First, nowhere in the Republican Party bylaw does it refer to a “vetting committee” process.
Secondly, there seems to be nothing wrong with the mission of Defend Florida:

Defend Florida is a state-wide, citizen-driven movement designed to protect Florida and Floridians from Federal government overreach and to ensure election integrity. We have created a non-partisan, community canvassing task force of citizens who are speaking with registered voters throughout the state and identifying the weaknesses and maladministration in our voting systems. Defend Florida is recruiting and training citizens to become versed in local elected bodies at the county and city levels to provide citizen oversight for those bodies, We promote Constitutional education and host classes on the US Constitution.

This is Part #1 of a much deeper story regarding Jack Brill and his tyrannical control. Part #2 will discuss details on the Republicans who would like to join the REC as well as comments made in regard to future REC meetings being canceled before the December vote for new committee leadership. There are over 30 Republicans in Sarasota County who are waiting to be sworn into the Republican Executive Committee. If these local Republicans are ignored…then look for the damning Part #2 on Jack Brill in the upcoming days.

Our Conservative presence is strong in Sarasota, and if good ole’ boy long time Republicans can embrace our new younger Patriot families…we will be unstoppable.

God Bless
Sarasota Watchdogs
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
1.8 million Americans who volunteered to participate in local elections in their counties all had their personal info stored on a server in China, data which under Chinese Law belongs to the CCP.

I'm not talking just about their names, pictures, addresses, names of their kids, etc.

I mean down to the schematics and detailed maps of the buildings they worked in and more.

The CCP has an incredible amount of information stored about these election workers and their families that it has been using for more than a few years now in order to learn everything there is to know about how local elections are being run inside the United States.

Given that - despite over 40 years of deliberate propaganda to the contrary - the CCP is a hostile foreign regime, the things they could do with this amount of breathtaking detail is, to be polite, problematic.

Many years ago the CCP realized it could never defeat the United States in a direct military conflict involving land/air/sea conventional forces. And so the regime in Beijing pursued an unconventional specialized warfare against the US that involved a massive level of infiltration and appropriation.

And paving the way for this infiltration and appropriation of key US national defense infrastructure was a political class all too eager to sell out their country in exchange for wealth and favors from China.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
If one could subsume and take over and corrupt the greater foreign power from within, there's no need for a massive bloody conventional war.

For many years it was sold to the American people that we were 'changing' and 'softening' the CCP regime by engaging with it, trading with it, shipping key US national security infrastructure to China.

Well...surprise...that wasn't what was really happening.

What was happening was we were being massively infiltrated and had become the targets of CCP infiltration/influence operations simply staggering in their scope and depth.

Far from influencing China, China was influencing us.

Gaining control of the US government at the federal [and many state/local levels as well] took decades of careful maneuvering and bribery, blackmail and iron-fisted arm twisting behind the scenes.

And the influence operations don't chiefly involve bribing formerly honest politicians to look the other way. They moved past that stage long ago.

By the 1990's they were handpicking the candidates for us all because they had become fully immersed within the US election systems at all levels by that point.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
The CCP regime is deeply and intensely and intimately immersed in the US election systems at every level.

Because this is how you get control of the US government as well as the governments of many of the key US states, such as NY and CA.

As Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht and Mike Flynn know all too well, there is only one antidote to the CCP influence operations targeting and controlling US election systems:

Patriots rising up and taking back control of their local elections.

The Chinese influence operations targeting US national security elections infrastructure can only be effective and successful as long as millions of patriotic Americans were unaware of the threat and weren't doing anything about it.

But that has begun to change.

Arizona proved it.

Americans can take back control of their local elections from the Uniparty and their CCP/foreign puppet masters.

We must:

1) make enough Americans aware of the treason

2) motivate them to take action to stop the treason, which is directly affecting all of their lives

3) give them the tools and direction they need to reassert control over their local elections

It's a big job.

We all have a lot of work to do at this point.

But we are going to get it done.
Our nation faces perilous times due to the complacency of our citizens and the severe overreach of our government. But it has become very clear, the American people have awakened. We now have to activate every single American who cares about this country, future generations of Americans, and the many thousands who preceded us who sacrificed everything for our freedom.

In the course of history, nation states and empires rose and fell. They did so because the people succumbed to tyranny or they responded to the times they faced.

We face the most consequential of times in all of U.S. history and it is now time to respond. Once again, we as a free, democratic republic, face a dramatic decision point. The decisions we must now make will impact future generations for centuries to come.

I have been saying “local action equals national impact” for quite some time now. This is an action phrase meant to purposely cause you to think about how you as an American citizen should actively participate in the fabric of our society.

There are an abundance of ways to achieve this and one can start right at home in your own communities. Get involved and take the time to learn about all aspects of the people and processes running your local government.

Help out with cleaning up voter registration rolls, support local canvassing efforts, join in to help a political campaign whose ideas you support, volunteer for the hundreds of volunteer positions still unfilled, speak to the people in your church or other local community organizations that we stand to lose our basic rights and freedoms. These are only a short list of actions. But the point is to get involved.

Lastly, VOTE! On voting day, we need to overwhelm the opposition that represents a rapid slide toward socialism and worse. Although this administration should be expected to come up with other distractions, DO NOT BE DISTRACTED. Instead, STAY FOCUSED! Vote and get your friends and neighbors to vote. And for Heaven’s sake, VOTE for freedom, VOTE for America, but VOTE!!!

I will post and speak more on this in the coming days, weeks and months…but no more excuses.

God Bless America 🙏🏼🇺🇸

Something to consider:

“The Marxist government of Nicaragua placed a Catholic bishop and several priests under house arrest last week and closed a half-dozen Catholic radio stations. It previously banned hundreds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – groups we used to talk about as constituting “civil society,” i.e., the human networks where life, in normal circumstances, can take place in real face-to-face community, free of political interference. All Marxist or totalitarian regimes – from Nicaragua to China, Cuba to Russia – try to suppress and replace these natural formations, especially religion and the family (the basic cell of society in Catholic social thought) because they have real potential to resist encroachments by the State.            Banana republics can arise almost anywhere, as we’re seeing even in America these days. And we usually think of these sorts of problems as “violations of religious liberty.” But the deeper problem has remained mostly out of sight: the modern State’s efforts, almost everywhere, to usurp functions that properly belong elsewhere – particularly the shaping of moral and social behavior best left to parents, churches, (independent) schools, local communities, etc.”
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
Dignity and principle neoconservatism got blown out by 40 points last night
This is what and how “Consent of the Governed” is suppose to look and sound like. See below 👇🏻
Hey FBI & DOJ how about ensuring that China doesn’t overtake us right here at home.

“After reviewing public records from the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), Intrepid Research has discovered that the federal agency in charge of intellectual property protection has awarded hundreds of patents to dozens of Chinese military units and other Chinese government agencies.”