General Flynn ️
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Forwarded from Lara Logan 
No - I am not going along with the monkeypox BS. No - I will not stay silent while Americans rot in jail without being convicted of a crime. No - I will not avoid election fraud because you want the space/freedom to cheat. No - I will not cower in fear of being labelled something I am not regardless of what it is. No - I will not accept children, men & women are trafficked/raped/sold/enslaved while you pretend it’s “more human”. No - I will not pretend fewer people are dying as you savage the soveignty of our homes, our bodies & our nation. And no - I will not cower or hide or lie in fear of political persecution. I will not pretend there sre more than two genders, or that God is not real. Not now - not ever.

When you know you’re a winner 🙏🏼🇺🇸

Go Kari Lake 🦅💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
The current state of FBI leadership could be assessed as a threat to national security. Our domestic threats are very real & very dangerous & yet FBI leaders appear as a political tool of the left wing of the DEM Party. The rank & file must step up & speak up otherwise the FBI will never be trusted by the American people — that level of trust is damn near zero now.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Good reasons for patriots to stay home and not vote in these 2022 midterm elections this November.

Everybody ready?

I'm going to list all the reasons not to vote.

Here we go!

Good talk.

Let's do it again sometime soon!
“Our Biden enterprise has reportedly taken tens of millions of dollars from the Chinese over the course of many years. Much of that money has come from individuals with direct ties to the Chinese intelligence services. Biden’s cabinet is filled with individuals who climbed in bed with Beijing a long time ago and are identified with the idea of the “managed decline” of the United States.”
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Something else I'll point out here:

The GOP Establishment RINO's did their damndest to dilute the GOP vote in this primary.

Salmon dropped out months ago. But his name is still on the ballot.

The idea was to have Taylor Robson build up a massive lead via early voting, then on election day have THREE OTHER GOP CANDIDATES on the ballot to pull votes away from Lake.

Combined, Salmon, Neely and Tuiliani-Zen got 61,347 votes.

But doom on you, AZ GOP RINOs. Sure that's 61,347 votes that didn't go to Kari Lake.


And now your RINO candidate could really really use some of those 61k votes.

You got caught with your pants down by that massive in-person vote wave on election day.

Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
The Democrats are stunned.


Their charmless and incompetent candidate Katie Hobbs was supposed to to face GOP RINO ringer Karrin Taylor Robson in November.

Robson would put up a completely token fight and then gracefully LOSE.

Gracefully LOSING is the last thing on Kari Lake's mind.

Instead of facing an opponent doing a dive for her, Hobbs will be facing the powerful and competent and charismatic KARI LAKE.

I can't wait for the first freaking debate.
Channel name was changed to «General Flynn ️»
Channel photo updated
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
👆👆👆Here's what that chart up there is showing you, as to what the GOP RINO Establishment/McCain Mafia plan was to thwart the 3 Trump MAGA/America First candidates in the Arizona GOP primaries this week.

The RINO's ran several ringer candidates at each one:

1) Kari Lake

Besides the RINO's handpicked choice Taylor Robson, Lake had votes split away from her by 3 other candidates, one of whom - Salmon - had dropped out of the race months ago and yet by some arcane act of sorcery his name was still on the ballot and garnered 29,000 votes.

There were 417,000 Non-Kari Lake GOP votes. Fully grasp the miracle that was accomplished here by the red wave.

2) Mark Finchem

They ran 3 ringer vote-splitting candidates against Mark Finchem. 430,004 non-Finchem votes were cast in the AZ GOP primary race for Sec State.

3) Abe Hamadeh

Hamadeh faced the biggest # of ringer vote splitting candidates at 5. More than half a million votes were case against Hamadeh and for one of the other GOP candidates.

Note something else very unusual here.

Current GOP vote tallies for these races:

GOP Governor: 798,420
GOP Sec State: 744,595
GOP Atty Gen: 760,232

Are we to believe that there were 53,000 GOP voters who voted for 1 of the Governor candidates but skipped voting for Secretary of State?

Or that 38,188 GOP voters filled their ballot out for one of the GOP Governor candidates and left the Atty Gen part of the ballot blank?
Forwarded from Brian Cates
That 53,000 gap between the GOP Governor's vote total and the GOP Sec State vote total is a clue how many fake votes they dumped in there for Taylor Robson.
Sarasota County Florida School Board needs to be overturned. These “woke” members need to be defeated in detail this upcoming election. Many are very deceptive (listen to the video in this Breitbart article). Our children’s lives and futures are at risk when our school boards here in Florida and around the nation shove CRT and transgender nonsense down their throats without acknowledging or caring what the parents want. And now weeks before a local election, they are blatant about what their little scheme is. Throw these bums out during the upcoming vote. Turn out to vote in droves!!!
They banned the ☝🏼 video already. We need to hold people accountable in a Nuremberg 2.0 trial