General Flynn ️
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They’re doubling down on free speech and they are publicly telling us they are doubling down on free speech
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
They want 1619 and 1984

We want 1776

We are not the same
This is a Pastor, a U.S. Navy combat Veteran, and a personal friend; Pastor Leon Benjamin is stepping into the political fray and running for Virginia’s District 4 (VA4). His message is real and it is a message for all of America. Now is the time to stand up, step up and speak up! Thank you Leon 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸

Please share his universal message of faith and freedom. This is LOCAL ACTION and Leon Benjamin is making a NATIONAL IMPACT 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
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Beware America. The WH goal is to “vaccinate” 100 percent of the population!!!
In my entire life…this was the greatest speech I have ever heard …left me in tears…and many others also.

Thank you Brian Cates…

Andrew Breitbart started the revolution for the New Media…and citizen journalists stepping up to the task.

We the People have to step up to the task of taking back this nation!!!
It is you and I …apart from corrupt politicians, institutions, corporations who will take back Michigan and America!!! Standing together!!


Forwarded from UngaTheGreat
Exposing America’s Ballot Trafficking Cartel

In @KanekoaTheGreat’s latest Substack, he writes that the Director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Vic Reynolds, ignored the evidence that will be presented in “2000 Mules.”

The information gathered from the 2000 Mules trailers alone warrants an investigation. Yet, Director Reynolds states a potential investigation is “not justified.” There was not “any other kind of evidence that ties these cell phones to ballot harvesting.”

Educate yourself to fight like hell against those stating that “this was the most secure election in history. Kanekoa lays it out neatly in various parts:

Part I — Push To Vote By Mail
Part II — Ballot Laundering Cartel
Part III — Voting System Vulnerabilities
Part IV — True The Vote Findings + Obstacles

I’ve been reviewing the Durham investigation and i do believe he has Halper in his sights.

For those that have not read this AUG 2020 article by Steven Schrage, the guy who ran a conference I attended at Cambridge while serving as the Director of DIA, everything for those following this epic crime becomes even more clear.

Steven Schrage-“Flynn’s Tag Team Take Down
Perhaps nothing better illustrates the Cambridge Four’s roles — or is more urgent given Flynn’s legal hearing August 11 — than the takedown of Trump’s national security advisor. Starting in 2016, Halper made odd requests for me to brief him and others on Trump’s team. He even had me research Trump, allegedly as part of my thesis work, even though my thesis was focused on past, not present, presidents.
In these discussions I stressed that Flynn was indispensable. He was perhaps the only campaign advisor who both had Trump’s personal trust and the deep intelligence experience necessary to expose hidden problems in the intelligence community. At one point, I even recall telling Halper that taking Flynn out would be like “beheading” Trump’s team. I had no idea I had been unintentionally aiding a spy preparing the guillotine and helping lead Flynn to exactly such a beheading.”
Pay close attention to this legal case. Foreign funding of US Elections is illegal.
Forwarded from Arabella Dig (Inthe Matrixxx)
AFPT filed a lawsuit demanding that the Federal Election Commission take action on our complaint against Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss for funneling money into the liberal dark money network, led by Eric Kessler's Arabella Advisors.
I love living in Florida — our sheriffs are simply the finest that law enforcement have to offer.
Remember Army Specialist Bishop Evans. At 22 years of age, he chose to jump into a raging river to save the lives of two struggling & drowning human beings (unbeknownst to Bishop were also drug smugglers). There is nothing greater on earth than one of free will, mind, heart & soul willing to sacrifice their very life for a greater cause. Bishop Evans demonstrates the best in us all that no AI machine nor TV superhero ever can. Pray for him and never forget his heroism & bravery!

“This is mind blowing. The impact of the Twitter buyout is going to be colossal as it pertains to waking normies. It’s already begun.

Check out the normies’ beloved MSNBC accidentally red pilling boatloads of their sheep 😂

MSNBC just said the quiet part out loud. They just admitted that with control of a large social media platform, you can censor and dilute the message of opposing political candidates and their followers to maximize your political reach and deafen the opposition. Saying it can alter elections and you wouldn’t find out about it until long after the race is over. Notice how they fail to mention this is exactly what happened with the the Hunter Biden Laptop story that labeled “Russian disinformation”…

Notice how the liberal media complex refused to recognize this reality, conveniently, until the day Elon finalized the deal. NOW they are enraged about it since this power no longer lies in their hands. They were completely okay with this power so long as they had it.

As I stated before, the enemy is sloppy when under duress. Apply pressure and they are prone to mistakes. As you can see, Elon taking Twitter is a lot of pressure on them, and in their impulsive, emotionally charged responses such as this one, they will slip up and spill some beans they weren’t supposed to spill.

It also confirms all these left-wing media types are actual fascists, by definition. They support the State controlling private enterprise, so long as they are the ones who get to do the discriminating, shaming, intimidating and censoring. They don’t even know they are fascist because they don’t know the definition of the word, but I digress.

Also, keep in mind the very idea that elections can be altered by media and big tech, was considered a conspiracy theory until today. Now that they don’t have the power to do it, it’s now the “greatest threat to our Democracy”.

Anyways, you all said you wanted normies to wake up? This clip right here just made a bunch of them have an internal conversation with themselves, and it’s the main left-wing normie channel so it has maximum impact.

YUGE amounts of winning.

Bobby Piton for United Sates Senator from Illinois. We need an expert on fiscal planning and responsibility. Bobby’s post below will make your head spin, but our current USG “leadership” (both parties) are doing the same to our country by either destroying it or standing around and watching it be destroyed. Get involved in your communities at every level!!!



According to the Department of Justice, The United States Federal Government owns over 30% of the Surface land of the United States.

The US has 2.27 Billion acres estimated to be worth over $13,000 each.

30% of 2.27 Billion times $13,000 = $8.853 Trillion

The US Federal Government controls the Outer Continental Shelf (the water rights/mineral rights along our States)

This Continental shelf contains an estimated 89.82 Billion barrels of oil and 327.42 Trillion Cubic Feet of Natural Gas.

So... 89.82 Billion times $100 a barrel or $8.982 Trillion more

Nat Gas about $12.24 per thousand cubic feet. Take 327.42 Trillion divide by 1000 get 327.42 Billion

327.42 Billion times $12.24 = $4.008 Trillion

Cost of one short ton of coal is about $40 (avg of different types)

The US controls over 30% of 1.156 Trillion short tons of coal.

So 1.156 Trillion times .3 = 346.8 Billion short tons. 346.8 times $40 or $13.872 Trillion

We are estimated to have 264 Billion Barrels of oil in Shale and on lands. 264 Billion times $100
$26.4 Trillion

Add it up going backwards in Trillions
$62.115 Trillion

Add in 30% of the $140 Trillion Net Worth of the People (since the Federal Government has power to tax and protect all of this Property). The Federal Government has claims valued at $39 Trillion.

62.11 + 39 = $101.11 Trillion

Funny how it ties out to the $100 Trillion I have been telling people our Federal Government is worth.

If you want at least 1 US Senator that is an expert in Finance, the Capital Markets and Economics that will get you your coin back (see Polish Leperchaun photos) then please support my campaign at:
The information flowing out of Durham’s filings and the vast amount of emails, texts, reports, etc, etc…show that the Russia-Gate bullshit was exactly that, bullshit (excuse my Irish!). In my expert judgement of the federal government and my expert judgement as a senior intelligence official, the FBI needs a total and complete transformation or it needs to be abolished (at this moment, I favor the latter, but I’ll leave a glimpse of light to be convinced otherwise). The embarrassment and the incompetency as well as the criminal behavior of senior members of the bureau demonstrate a level of corruption that is beyond the pale. Additionally, select senior elements of the intelligence community inside the ODNI and the CIA need to be brought to account. They know they committed an egregious level of sedition in their effort to usurp the presidency of the United States of America thus the American people. If you can’t tell I’m pissed, then you are asleep. I’m upset but I am totally focused on staying the course of getting the American public back in the game. We have one shot this November…we better wake up America and get out to vote all the bums out (both parties). Enough said … for now.