General Flynn ️
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To live in a bot’s world is easy, all you have to do is gripe and complain all day long (never once offering a solution to anything). To live in the real world is hard…for all you bots, get a life! I prefer to live in the real world where I take nothing for granted, not my faith, my family, nor my freedoms…ever 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸

Happy Thanksgiving to those having to live and deal with the reality of life. My prayers go out to everyone this special time of year. And keep in your prayers those who are suffering in our nation and around the world. God bless and protect America! 🙏🏼🇺🇸
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Here's Lindell's SCOTUS complaint.

It's addressed in a way that allows any state AG to sign on.

It includes complaints against machine fraud, vote flipping, unconstitutional voting procedures, and includes exhibits from Dr. Shiva, Jovan Pullitzer and others.

To be clear this is just the complaint so it will be HIGHLY fascinating to see the exhibits once they become available but all in all, this is a very solid complaint with great detail and documentation.

@ElectionEvidence 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
This Sheriff’s efforts to protect the rule of law in his county is exactly why Sheriffs across our country are so incredibly vital to the lifeblood of America. This is an important investigation once again demonstrating the horrific fraud perpetrated on the American people during this past 3 November, 2020 presidential election.

“Racine County [Wisconsin]:
- Over 23,000 voters registered using the same phone number.
- 4,120 people registered using the date 1/1/1918…”
This is a perfect example of:

Local Action = National Impact!!!
“It’s easy to see our differences, but there is real value in celebrating what we all have in common.”
Forwarded from ZeroHedgeFAKE
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Forwarded from ZeroHedgeFAKE
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The entire “Russia Collusion” was a hoax and a fraud on the American people. The left worked overtime and still are…they work with the media, the tech Titans to censor and ban honest reporting and they continue to protect the liars and thieves and communists that were deeply involved (from O man, administrator Brandon, commie Comey, mealy mouthed McCabe, struck-Strock, all their paramours, clap on clap off, etc, etc…). They will all be judged one way or another by the ultimate judge of us all.
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
Local Action — National Impact!!!

I’m reading many comments on the various issues I push out. Thank you to all for your feedback. To those with supportive and sound solutions or those who comment how they’re getting involved in their communities, thanks for taking that step. I know it comes with risk. To those who simply complain to complain; like my mother use to tell us when we were kids, “dry up!”

Stop complaining and get involved in your communities. Use your God-given talents to help others.

Local Action — National Impact!!!
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
1. Demand that your county or state conduct an election system audit.
2. Attend a school board hearing to stop forcing our children to be indoctrinated by CRT or forced mask wear (“they don’t work”).
3. Run for a local office.
4. Support your local Sheriff’s department by backing their efforts to enforce the law in your counties…if your sheriff isn’t, vote them out. But Back the Blue—Don’t Defund the Police—that’s total nonsense.
5. Volunteer at the polls where elections occur.
6. Tell your pastors to fully open their churches.
7. Don’t submit to medical tyranny — your health is your choice.
8. Pray often for our nation.

I’m certain there are dozens of other ideas. Main point is stop complaining and stand up and step up and get involved.
Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone of you 😀🙏🏼🇺🇸
Everything they told you was a lie!

Capitol Punishment, The Movie… is out today (Thanksgiving Day 2021), WATCH IT if you want to know the truth of 1/6 🇺🇸