General Flynn ️
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These people are playing God because they don’t believe in God…

“October 18, 2019, the WEF partnered with the…Gates Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security on a high-level pandemic exercise known as Event 201. Event 201 simulated how the world would respond to a coronavirus pandemic which swept around the planet. The simulation imagined 65 million people dying, mass lock downs, quarantines, censorship of alternative viewpoints under the guise of fighting “disinformation,” and even floated the idea of arresting people who question the pandemic narrative.”

This is no conspiracy theory…it is a conspiracy against humanity.
The government has no legal right to force us to comply with any of this nonsense. Thank you Daily Wire for your legal and journalistic work. You’re helping all of humanity.
Obviously Chase Bank didn’t learn any lessons from when they dropped my credit card accounts. The people that run this financial institution are reckless when it comes to our basic rights, especially our freedom of speech.
They are trying to shut us all up. Our freedom of speech is at risk!

"I'm a law abiding citizen, I'm very supportive of law enforcement," she continued. "I love the Constitution. And what happened yesterday, what happened is something I never imagined I would experience in America."
Good analysis of the Youngkin victory recently by the indomitable Molly McCann…worth the listen. Molly is as smart and as tough as they come 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Seven nations have suspended Covid-19 vaccines for younger age groups due to risk of heart inflammation.

▪️Taiwan suspends 2nd Pfizer vaccine for 12-17
▪️Sweden suspends Moderna for under 30
▪️Finland suspends Moderna for under 30
▪️Denmark suspends Moderna for under 18
▪️Norway suspends Moderna for under 18
▪️France suspends Moderna for under 30
▪️Germany suspends Moderna for under 30

Meanwhile, the United States is pushing these same vaccines for children aged 5 to 11.

Forwarded from Liberty Overwatch (Patriot)
Savage Election Fraud Lawsuit Filed Against Delaware County, PA and Former SOS Kathy Boockvar

Yesterday, 7th Circuit law clerk Professor Margot Cleveland shared several shocking videos documenting premeditated, felony election evidence destruction in Delaware County, PA.

Last night a lawsuit was filed against county election officials and former Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar. The suit begins🔥:

“Defendants intentionally and fraudulently conspired to destroy, delete, secrete, and hide November 3, 2020, election data, materials, and equipment to prevent discovery of election fraud and election law violations in Delaware County, which the Defendants also conspired to commit and did commit while carrying out the November 3, 2020, election…

Moreover, when a May 21, 2021 Right to Know (RTK) request for election information and data was made with respect to information that is by federal and state law to be kept and preserved, the Defendants fraudulently and intentionally deleted, changed, adulterated, manipulated and/or obscured the information, data, and materials produced in response to the RTK request in order to hide their fraud and election code violations because they knew that they could not reconcile the previously fraudulently reported November 3, 2020 election results with the actual responsive information that they had in their possession and which they were required to preserve and produce in response to the Right to Know request.

Plaintiffs know this to be the case and can document this and demonstrate this by showing, among other things, that November 3, 2020 election, data materials, and equipment was destroyed including but not limited to V-Drives, Return Sheets, machine tapes/proof sheets/result tapes, Mail-In Ballots, Ballots Destroyed, voting machines, hard drives, paper documentation, Blue Crest data, correspondence concerning the November 3, 2020 election.”

The lawsuit further alleges that the fraud was outcome-altering:

“61. It appears Delaware County was the last county to submit its presidential vote total in the state potentially changing November 3, 2020 election results in numerous races.

62. It appears prior to Delaware County submitting its vote totals, Donald J. Trump was leading Joseph Biden by 7,515 votes.

63. Delaware County submitted [its] presidential votes total with a difference of 88,070 between the two presidential candidates. [Exhibit G].”

The entire document is a savage, painstakingly detailed account of criminal conspiracy to commit election fraud, backed up by video. Brian Cates writes:

This filing is the real deal. It's exhaustive in it's research and citing of legal precedents. It goes into great detail… The people who put this filing together spent months on it. I can tell.”

Read ⚖️ Lawsuit
Hat tip🤠 @drawandstrikechannel

Learn more 🔦🧵 PA Thread - Delaware County

The Point: Don’t Be Distracted
Anthony Huber was convicted of domestic abuse & disorderly conduct in 2018. He went to prison in 2012 for choking his brother. 

Joseph Rosenbaum spent 14 yrs in prison for child sex charges & committed dozens of disciplinary infractions.
Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) Tweeted:
Joseph Rosenbaum anally raped children. He was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including anal rape. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.

The Left is defending him.

Please: SHUT YOUR TVs OFF!!!
Nothing to see here 😳

“Additionally, Ziggy and others destroyed machines and proof tapes by placing them in the trash, “stating they will have a campfire to burn the data.” Miller became nervous about what they were doing, informing them “they were violating numerous state and federal laws.” Miller witnessed Gallagher and Ziegelhoffer destroying the election materials (p.51). Ziggy told her “there was no audit value” to the data he was tossing. There is page upon page in this lawsuit documenting their alleged nefarious behavior.”