Rambo and Frens
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In honor of all we did on BrainStorm together. .. We definitely had a lot of fun.
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They told us it was bc of COVID.
They told us it was bc of a staged insurrection.


I'm not sure how or why people can't see the full picture.

The inauguration of 2020 was so full of inconsistencies it's absurd.

Early swearing in. Wrong gun salute. Gaga dressed like hunger games. Nancy being led around by Marshalls. Biden saying salute the Marines bc that's what his earpiece said.

Trump never conceded.. Trump was given the 21 gun salute. The boss left with the nuclear football for crying out loud.

The drops told us, shown not told. Trump explained explicitly about the PAUSE.

He told you we are in his second term now.

So do you think the fences and barbed wire and 25k troops were for COVID and a staged insurrection?

I don't.

We will have a peaceful transition ta military power.

Wake up Frens. Shyts about to get real.
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If you believe Trump is telling us the truth, then this should be PROOF that I'm not crazy.

"They think we are playing 4 dimensional chess"

"They say, there is NO WAY this is happening"

"They are too smart for that"

"It's 4 dementional chess, does anyone know what that means? I know what that means"

We ARE literally witnessing the plan to save our country.

A psyop with more layers then an onion. Timed out and planned out with military intelligence precision.

It had to be this way. You have now seen. Now we take it back.

For God, Country, family and freedom. This is America.
I will NEVER do this.
Rambo and Frens episode #2🔥
Today at 1pm eastern. This is gonna be a blast!

Beer at the Parade @ScottZPatriot
The Vigilant @BeerCan45
Yale PHD @RealYalePhD

Rumble 👇👇
YouTube link👇👇
Forwarded from Brenda Mickey
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Yo.. I really thought that was Stew Peters for a minute...
Media is too big
Language warning.. But this is Stew the bounty hunter.

And apparently he isn't hard to find. 🤣
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"I've been preparing my entire life for this battle.." .. So I'll ask again. With the clarity of hindsight.

How far back does this operation really go?

And now. Can one of the naysayers please explain to me how Trump is telling us exactly what the drops did?

Shown not told.

Through emergency action, in protection of national security, the Presidents authority is "total"

Chew on that for a moment.

Now consider why Joe looks so different. Now consider why Joe is shot, it's not him, he doesn't know he's alive. Now consider I caught em. I caught em all.

Now consider quick trials, and death penalties.

Now consider the expantion of GITMO for no publicly explained reason.

I can.

We are in the midst of the most complicated military operation this country has ever seen.
Media is too big
Protect your mind and control your emotions. Nothing is as it seems.
Media is too big
The globalist, Communist, Marxist, racist, open border, media manipulation, divisive tactics to manipulate and control the population wrapped up into 1 min 46 seconds.

Know the enemy. Your fellow people are not it.

What they fear the most? When we all stand up. TOGETHER. Law and order.
Forwarded from Brenda Mickey
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Happy Friday everyone! ❤️
Media is too big
This is a perfect example of how we use the establishments weapons against them.

AI, monitoring, spying, manipulation, lies and deceit.

Why can't we use the same tools for truth.

5G warfare is not 1 sided. The tools have been laid out before us.

Sure, local action equals national impact. I'm all in. I believe this aspect is imperative.

However, the perverbial wartime blood in the streets will be shed in the dark corners of communications and the internet.

Do they think they would only monitor us?
Do they think only their LIES could be shared virally?
Did they think they could sensor us into oblivion?

Truth will never be silenced as long as patriots stand up, and they underestimated how many of us there are.

God wins Frens.

Who watches the watchers?

Us. Fight, fight, fight.
Media is too big
"Holy shyt they caught us"

"It is determanative"

Does Trump look like a man that is lying? Or does it look more like a man that knows the truth?

Stolen elections, spying, infiltration and so on..... These things are treason.

So when he tells you that we are sort of in his second term right now...

When he tells you exactly what the drops did.. Shown not told/everyone will see how bad they have done.

Does he look like he is bluffing?

The haters can play with the MS narratives all they want. But I see clearly what is really happening.

Trump told you he caught em all. He told you he was draining the swamp.

Guess it's time. "Let's see what happens"
Media is too big
Today's show is straight up Q posts and decodes! Believers and haters alike are going to wanna check this out as I welcome DC Lidstone to Rambo and Frens. @DcLidstone

1 pm eastern. 🔥🔥🔥 see you there.
(Ps. This won't be on YT. 😂🤣 even though I did add more archives to the channel) https://youtube.com/@BrainStorm_Joe?si=Y3GntHe-SnkhZbus
Today's show link👇👇
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I mean, this has got to be a joke right?

Biden has now said "the right roofs didn't burn" a second time?!

This can be referring to literally only 1 thing. DEWs. Period, full stop.

So my question for you all is... Who does he really work for?

Trump said his MASTERS tell him what to do... So do you think the globalists want him to keep saying this?!

Or is it more likely the good guys have him telling the other side?

"They have a CABAL" definition of cabal? Secret political faction.

White hats/patriots are in control.
Forwarded from Awakened Outlaw
Media is too big
Make no mistake. What we're experiencing in real time is nothing short of a battle between good and evil.

Choose wisely.

*must see
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Listen close, he is telling you. He already knows.

"We actually won Wisconsin....Wait till you see some of the other ones that come out too"

This is the type of vindication our Country needs.

The people deserve it for all the hate we received.

Well it's coming.
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Hindsight is 2020. A stol[L]en election.

Remember all that we have seen, and remember Trump's words.

I know it gets hard to cut through the messaging and protect your mind and control your emotions.. But it's possible if you don't forget.

Trump told us he caught them all.

All signs point to that being the truth when you realize the messaging is being givin to activate the people.

Trump told you "we would see how bad they have done"

He told you the news was fake, and he told you more will be revealed.

Does this seem normal? For a fake pandemic and a set up of an insurrection?

Of course not. So what really happened the month DC was taken over by 25k NG sworn in as Marshalls?