Rambo and Frens
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This blows my mind.. And instantly makes me think of dog comms.

[He did not depart on his own terms]
Think FLYNN [30]
Exactly [30]

Follow the thread. No Name (John McCain) is who this drop is referring to.

So why are they bringing attention to No Name?
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Lies, lies, lies... And then he attacks the mass majority of this country.

Who remembers? Joe was physically locked out of the White House during this period of time he is referring to in this clip.

"Peacefully and patriotically"

Sting operation, we are literally watching a show to motivate you through emotion.

Protect your mind and control your emotions. Our time is here Frens.
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Roe v Wade was built on a complete lie.

Constitutionally it is 100% a state issue that people should be allowed to vote on. Period.

These dolts are doubling down on blatant lies.

"It's an extremely conservative court, maybe the most conservative court in modern history"

We know we are facing constitutional crisis.

We also know "they are the ones who are really under investigation.

I can't wait to watch this all unfold.
Media is too big
This is a freaking crazy confirmation from Trump himself. 🤯🤯🤯

Watch this clip the whole way through. ... Ask yourself... Why would Trump retruth this?!

All of the things we saw.. All of the Trump quotes...

This would confirm everything we have uncovered. This would confirm the operation.
Holy shyt.
This week on Rambo and Frens 🔥

Mon 1pm east: Awakened Outlaw
Tues 1pm east: Smart Paul & JFanon
@Sapioplex @jf_anon
Wed 1230pm east: Grasshopper
Thurs 1pm east: Defender of the Republic @realdefender45

This is getting ridiculous.. 😂🤣

So now Trump retweets a meme of his wife that says "Do It, Q!"

Where are all the Trump loving, Q haters at?

At some point people have to realize.. The hot topics that were attacked the most, are attacked bc they are the biggest threat. It's just that simple.

*Trump himself.
*People fighting against child trafficking.
*People fighting election fraud
*People standing up for J6ers

It's really very clear if you stand back and look. The enemy is scared. They are scared of the truth. So they attack.

Look at who is attacking topics like these... And that should be all you need to know.

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Also reTruthed by Trump... Think he is trying to tell us something? 😂🤣
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The 4rth psyop group strikes again... 5am

Trump ramps up Q messaging on his Truth Social page...

Can you feel the energy Frens?

Something is happening. Keep your powder dry, and your heads on a swivel.
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If you aren't following this account on Instagram... You should be.

17 second clip.

Probably just a coincidence, as Trump ramps up posting literal Q memes and messaging on his Truth Social page..

But hey, who am I?

You don't wanna miss today's show.. I can't wait to ask Awakened Outlaw about all of this......
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So, now Joe is making jokes that directly reference Q and it being theatre? 😂🤣

What planet are we living on?

"Stormy weather"
"Political theater"
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4rthpsyopgroup on Instagram.

I believe people are misunderstanding the message.

We were NEVER supposed to sit back and wait to be saved. The PSYWAR they are referencing is (to quote Trump) so that we "see how bad they have done, so that we can do it properly" "it will be easier to do WHAT MUST BE DONE, because everyone will agree with us"

This has never been attempted.
Use of general public to counter the narrative [propaganda] push by controlled media.

MIL-CIV Alliance.

It's always been about, we the people taking our country back. We are only being assisted by psychological warfare, to combat the psyops we were propagated with.

We have the greatest military the world has ever seen.. Trump rebuilt it and started Space Force for exactly this reason.

The Great Awakening to directly combat the great reset.

We are watching, and part of.. The systematic destruction of the old guard. Being made to look like incompetence and tyranny at the hands of Joe Biden.

Ghost in the machine.
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I just wanted to take a minute to thank this movement for supporting me. The woman in this clip is my mother, and victim number 2 is my son.

For those that aren't aware... I lost my son at 2 years old, due to my own drug addiction.

Unfortunately, the woman that abused me, took custody of my son.. And history repeated itself.

For 10 years I fought to get my son back.. To no avail. She was the sainted grandmom who stepped up.. And no matter what I did, I would always be an ex junkie in the courts eyes..

I feel like God finally stepped in, and said enough is enough.

Today my son is back with me for what will soon be a year. He is thriving at soccer, lacrosse and school.

I'm posting this for 2 reasons.

1.) Prayer request.. This trial will not be easy on anyone.

2.) Hope... Nothing is ever to far gone if you just put 1 foot in front of the other, and do the next right thing in God's name.

Thank you to everyone that helped me and my son. You ALL know who you are.
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"Donald Trump is not part of the secret society" -Newt Gingrich.

"He's an outsider, he's not them, he's not part of the club."

Trump was the perfect man for the job. An insider enough that he knew all there secrets, however never went through the corrupt DC initiation rights.

This should put "draining the swamp" and "I caught em, I caught em all" into perspective.

This is how we know NCSWIC.
💥Today at 1pm east. 💥Smart Paul and JFanon return for another episode of..
Protect your mind and Control your emotions. On Rambo and Frens.
@Sapioplex @jf_anon


Trump is over there foreshadowing again....

Things are getting good.