Russians With Attitude
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Two Russians manoeuvring American monoculture
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Navalny is not looking good. Wonder if he regrets getting played by intelligence agencies for a decade and suffering the consequences alone while his closest allies are enjoying the posh lifestyle in London and Berlin

Here's hoping that he leaves prison as a new man. There's always a path to salvation.
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Новые кадры от Минобороны: пуск ракет из Берегового комплекса "Бастион"

I think i've cracked the code
Nizhny Tagil is peak aethetics. Mirin that V sign on a Gazelle.
NEW EPISODE: quick updates from the frontlines, a discussion on the *actual* missteps of the Russian Armed Forces (instead of the imaginary ones) & some very speculative estimates on casualties

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The Russian MOD's official claims of losses inflicted upon the Ukrainian military
I don't even wanna share the video on here, but it's not hard to find. Ukrainians are shooting Russian POWs in the kneecaps to make sure they're disabled for life. My criteria for legitimate targets for thermobaric bombardment have softened quite a bit & Russian soldiers are literal saints for still taking prisoners at all.
Media is too big

Архивная съёмка. Период начала боёв за город Волноваха. На видео видно, как украинские танки прячутся между жилыми многоэтажными домами, откуда ведут огонь. Один из украинских танков выехал из-за домов, продолжая вести огонь, и только после этого наш танк армии ДНР открыл по нему огонь и уничтожил с первого выстрела.

This is an archival footage from a period marked by the outbreak of the fighting for the town of Volnovakha. The video demonstrates Ukrainian tanks sheltering between residential apartment buildings from where they were firing. One of the Ukrainian tanks came around from behind the blocks while keeping on firing, and it was only then that our DPR army tank opened fire on it, destroying it with the first shot.
New FREE episode: a sort of interim conclusion on various topics, "Big Arrow War" theory, dehumanization rhetoric, the secret power of comedians in the post-Soviet space, war branding and other things

You can listen to it on patreon:


Watch a superb perestroika-era film "Heart of a Dog" based on Bulgakov's novel with decent english subtitles. It's a cautionary tale about bioleninism if there ever was one.

It's set in 1924. A brilliant Russian surgeon professor Preobrazhensky specializes in unorthodox rejuvenation practices and stands his ground against bolsheviks trying to destroy his conventional way of life. As a luminary of fringe sciences he makes a wild experiment transplanting human pituitary gland to a dog. Naturally, it goes terribly wrong. He created a Frankenstein - a new soviet man.

It's a mix of scathing comedy mocking the early USSR and NEP era and also a very touching drama. Note that there are slight differences between Bulgakov's text and Bortko's adaptation - in the book professor was a less sympathetic figure.
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Last night, Sergey "Boatsman" Korotkikh, infamous Neo-Nazi & member of Azov, posted a video titled "The BOATSMAN BOYS in Bucha". At the 6 second mark you can clearly hear the dialogue:

"There are guys without blue armbands, can I shoot them?"
"Fuck yeah"
RWA Samizdat presents a new translation - Konstantin Krylov's dystopian short story "The Small Life of Stuart Calvin Zabuzhko", first published back in 2003 under his nom de plume Mikhail Kharitonov. Konstantin Krylov was many things - a journalist, a political activist, a writer, a philosopher. Aside from negativity about his right-wing political leanings (which came mostly from the liberal-leaning literary establishment, but also from the Russian government), he was widely regarded as one of the greater literary talents in modern Russia. You may judge the story's relevance to events that happened since its publication in 2003 for yourself.
Three days have passed since Vladimir Zhirinovsky died. He was the leader of LDPR for 30 years and probably the most charismatic Russian politician throughout all our recent history.

When we, cohosts of this podcast, were just little wee kids - naturally uninterested in politics whatsoever - we were strangely captivated by his bombastic public speeches on TV, fights in gosduma and other thoroughly entertaining performances that this man was constantly pulling off. In teenage years we rebelled against this spectacle but later we have come to appreciate for what it is. Zhirinovsky was a genius. This term gets thrown out a lot but in this case it's true.

He was many things at once. A highly experienced and sly politician, a cryptofascist radical, a half-jewish lawyer, a court jester, a raging misogynist, a shock jock, a luminary of geopolitics, a super-predictor and romantic philosopher. A true Renaissance man.

A year ago we dedicated an episode to Zhirik in which we tried to show our audience what kind of man Vladimir Volfovich really was. Hope it was interesting or at least funny. Have a listen.

upd: note that our editing skills back then were not the best

Our twitter account got censored.

It was inevitable. The quality of our reporting was too high for this platform. Our translations of primary sources were too inconvenient. Just imagine how bluecheck journos suffered watching us blow up from a small podcast account to a successful independent media outlet in the span of 1 (one) month. With no investors but you, our dear audience. Well, that was just inhumane!

We will continue our work on telegram and other platforms. Now with 120% less self-censorship :)
Banning a twitter account in response to 1026 Ukrainian Marines surrendering in Mariupol - is this what they call "combined arms warfare"