Russians With Attitude
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There are now thousands of X threads made by Russian expats who panicked in 2022 and decided to leave Russia by "storming" the Upper Lars border checkpoint or buying x10 overpriced plane tickets. They were all convinced that Russia was finished, based on what they heard from Western 'experts' and shrieking opposition leaders.

However, it turned out that they were wrong, and these poor chumps are now sharing their sad stories about losing everything – their assets, jobs, apartments, and having to drastically lower their standard of living. They get scammed all the time, face legal issues, and worst of all, they now realize they made a big mistake. (well, except for a tiny % of ultra-rich ofc)

For two and a half years, they hoped for Russia to disappear so their frantic 'escape' would make some sense. But instead, their personal lives have gone to hell and become a struggle for survival. While, at the same time, Russia's real wages have been on the rise, and for the first time in ten years, the World Bank has recognized Russia as a high-income country. The moral of the story is: never trust 'experts' blindly and never panic.
Evan Gershkovich was sentenced to 16 years on spying charges. It is clear that he will be at the top of the prisoner exchange list and will at one point be exchanged for a Russian prisoner, such as Vadim Krasikov, a Russian FSB hitman who eliminated a fugitive Chechen terrorist, Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, in Germany. Personally, I don't like it when people are arrested for their speech or alleged ties with intelligence agencies. I also did not like when Butina, Assange, Lira and others were arrested in US and their satellites. However, we live in a world where the CIA almost definitely runs Operation Mockingbird 2.0 and actively recruits American journalists.

Let's take a look at Evan's reporting. "Russia's Economy Is Starting to Come Undone" - his latest article published on March 28, in which he cites Oleg Deripaska as saying that in 2024, Russia will have no money left. Clearly, this was a lie, and the worst part is that Deripaska is not a reliable representative of Russian big business. He is a failed businessman who was extremely angry with the Kremlin because he panicked and his $1 billion Sochi hotel and marina complex were seized in 2022. Since then, he has been making hysterical statements non-stop. Is such an "Russian oligarch" a reliable source? Of course not. Let's turn to another article by Evan. "Ukraine Says Frontlines Around Bakhmut are Stabilizing," in which various Ukrainian 'experts' are coping profusely. In less than two months, the city was going to be completely taken over by Russian soldiers.

So, it's pretty obvious that Gershkovich's journalism was crap. He was yet another boring US propagandist repeating useful narratives for his own state. But he did have one thing going for him - he knew Russian! So he decided - or was advised - to take an epic trip to Russia. He went to the capital of the Urals, Yekaterinburg, and started asking local politicians and directors questions. Then, he went to the biggest tank factory in Russia, Uralvagonzavod in Nizhny Tagil, to interview some more people. I guess he wanted to get some interesting insights from Russians with first-hand knowledge? Well, he NEVER ever done that. So, yeah. In the best case scenario, this dude just wanted to write another smear piece about Russia. "Russia's Tank Factory Is Falling Apart", "Fear and Loathing in Uralmash" - you know, all that stuff. Should he get arrested for that, under ideal conditions? I don't think so. But in this state of "de-facto" war waged by the US against us, it's not really surprising that it happened.

Anyway, i bet that the FSB hitman, Vadim Krasikov, is coming home soon. Maybe he'll still have a purpose.
'Spirit of 2014 part 3 - Heroes of the Donbass Revolution' episode is out!

This episode is a short interruption from battle plans and maps – we discuss the heroes of the Donbass Revolution; both the famous and the forgotten ones – where they came from, what they contributed and what became of them. The Donbass War, like so many revolutions, devoured its own children, and too many heroes of the Russian Spring found an early grave. To remember the Donbass War is to remember its warriors – and to be a warrior, as we know, is to live eternally.

Russians With Attitude
'Spirit of 2014 part 3 - Heroes of the Donbass Revolution' episode is out! This episode is a short interruption from battle plans and maps – we discuss the heroes of the Donbass Revolution; both the famous and the forgotten ones – where they came from, what…
Media is too big
First 7 mins of the pod. Full list of topics:

00:00:00 - Revolutionary Ded Moroz theory
00:11:00 - Arsen 'Motorola' Pavlov. Sparta & Metro 2
00:30:00 - Vladimir 'Vokha' Zhoga. Son of the Regiment
00:36:40 - Pavel Gubarev. People's Governor of DPR vs the World
00:51:21 - Alexander Zaharchenko. Controversial Batya.
01:00:15 - Denis Pushilin. MMM schemer.
01:08:38 - Pavel Dremov. The great Cossack.
01:16:00 - Who were the assassins?
01:19:50 - Alexander 'Batman' Bednov. A cruel superhero in Gotham People's Republic
01:27:15 - Igor 'Bes' Bezler. The man who mogged Strelkov

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Bidenbros... I don't feel so good
In Russia it would be like: 5:11 Crooks is in an Arctic Prison

I believe that, in the US, presidents and presidential candidates since Kennedy have become disposable entertainers. They are not well protected, because ultimately, they do not matter all that much (to the derp state)

One of the funniest things on the internet are the comments by some of the brown global south people that they leave under US election videos: "Sir, the fate of the entire world is in your hands! I wish i could vote for you!"

But what's even funnier are the hordes of American Reaganists thinking that he had any qualities other than a good radio voice. I don't mean that elections don't change anything. There's limited circulation of the elites and overall, it's a well-crafted show. But naturally, it's just a tip of the iceberg.

Considering that the main virtue of a good president is his entertainment value now, Trump is the best president in all of US history, no doubt about that.
This is all so beautifully late Soviet. Now they need to invite Jimmy Carter to the White House randomly like senile Chernenko bringing Molotov to the Kremlin shortly after taking over from Andropov in 1984

"Let's recap this historic day:

• Joe Biden suddenly *RESIGNS* via X
• White House staff find out ONE MINUTE later
• Joe Biden "resignation" letter not on official letterhead
• Biden "signature" suspect (underlined?)
• Steve Richetti helped write letter
• Jill Biden tweets *heart emoji* response
• White House *WIPES* Biden's schedule
• WH Chief of Staff calls Cabinet, manages Comms
• Frank Biden confirms health a factor
• Family suggests Biden may have terminal illness
• Joe Biden holds no LIVE Press Conference
• Where is Joe?"
"Who must go?"
Media is too big
Yeltsin did one redeeming thing when he resigned: he came forward with a speech in which he apologized. And it was sincere and heartfelt.

In the US, things seem to be much worse. Biden's staffer has tweeted.

The video is sped up by 1.5 for your viewing pleasure. I know that Biden hasn't resigned yet - but effectively it's the same thing.
Former Ukrainian commander-in-chief of the AFU Zaluzhny made his first public statement after being appointed as ambassador to UK. Here's what he had to say:

▪️The current conflict is a "transitional war". Western countries need to prepare for future conflicts, and in the meantime, they could test new weapons in Ukraine.
▪️In light of the threat of future wars, Western countries must "give up some freedoms for survival"
▪️Modern conflicts are total and require the efforts of not only the military, but society as a whole. Politicians should mobilize the population
▪️He described the "existence of Russia" as a threat

This is the plan they've cooked up for the next few years. You will give up all your freedoms. You will be mobilized. Blackrock will devour what's left of the 'independent Ukraine'. All for a good cause - the destruction of Russia.
Couple of days ago, an infamous Western Ukrainian nationalist Irina Farion was shot in the head in broad daylight in the city of Lvov. She was known for her vicious hatred of everything Russians, which was out of balance even for the most insane Ukrainian nationalist. For example, she encouraged bulling of russian-speaking kids in kindergartens. And now she is dead. Of course, Russia is blamed for killing such an important "patriot".

The Ukrainian authorities claim to know the perpetrator. It is this 19 year old kid pictured below. Earlier this day, something resembling a manifesto was posted on a telegram, although, it is not clear, whether the suspect has any connection to this document. There he claims to be a part of a white racialist "National Socialist" group which stands "against the brother war". Irina Farion is labeled as an enemy of Ukraine, as she had sown hatred between different groups of the Ukrainian peoples. The author of manifesto claims that he wants to murder everyone who sold out "Ukraine after the Maidan".
Russians With Attitude
It's really funny to me that Farion (who said that Russian-speaking Azov soldiers are potential traitors) was killed by Azov-aligned guys who are butthurt over the fact that OG Galician Banderites still consider their Kharkov-born asses subhuman. You betray your blood, your faith, your Motherland, you spit on your ancestors' graves and dishonor the very soil that gave you life to please a grotesque Galician tribal cult and the incestuous Banderite swamp witch still thinks you're a Mongol Orc!
Russians With Attitude
It's really funny to me that Farion (who said that Russian-speaking Azov soldiers are potential traitors) was killed by Azov-aligned guys who are butthurt over the fact that OG Galician Banderites still consider their Kharkov-born asses subhuman. You betray…
Someone on twitter said that the whole thing is a bit hard to understand without the cultural background, so here's a short explanation:

It's not that complicated. The entire mythology and symbolism of Ukrainian nationalism is derived from the far western regions of Ukraine, mainly Galicia and Volhynia, which had been separated from the rest of Ukraine/Russia since the Middle Ages and developed a separate culture and dialect, and also converted to Catholicism (in a peculiar ethno-religious form).

All the historical Ukrainian heroes you hear about, like Bandera, are Western Ukrainian. Ukrainian nationalist organizations of the 20th century and especially the WW2 period consider Eastern Ukrainians ("схидняки") to be filthy Muscovite mongrels; the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) went so far as to have all their Orthodox members who came from Eastern Ukraine killed in a purge in 1944 or so.

Much of post-2013 Ukrainian nationalism, particularly the brand represented by Azov, hails from the big industrial cities of Eastern Ukraine like Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. All these people are Russians who never knew any language but Russian. They have zero connection to the Galician myth that is being pushed as all-Ukrainian, but they try to do a convincing cosplay.

The less retarded Galician nationalists keep their mouth shut about what they really think of Russian Kharkov urbanites pretending to be the successors of fanatical Galician forest hicks. The more retarded ones, like Farion, do actually say it out loud. The dissonance between trying to be a Ukrainian nationalist and not being accepted by the people who wrote the language of Ukrainian nationalism makes the Azov types really mad. Particularly because it's Russian-speakers from Eastern Ukraine who are being conscripted into the Ukrainian army, while Galicians still mostly just chill, smuggle stuff to/from Poland and steal humanitarian aid. And now it has reached a point where Russian-speaking Ukrainian Nazis are starting to kill Galician Ukrainian Nazis
Kiev’s increasingly frequent alludes to possible peace negotiations over the last couple of months are a balancing act worthy of the Cirque du Soleil. After Zelensky announced a while back that he desires an end to the war as quickly as possible, and preferably even before the end of the year, there has been a constant stream of announcements and declarations from Kiev and from the West as to how that might look like.

But all of them lack any sort of specificity. There was no official abandonment of Zelensky’s ludicrous 10 point “peace formula” as the only acceptable roadmap, there were no admissions of the permissibility of territorial concessions, and ultimately, the Ukrainians – for all their overtures towards negotiations – haven’t even revoked their own law prohibiting negotiations with Putin, even though Zelensky has already confirmed his willingness to come to the table with the Russian president (for that eventuality, I hope that they have an even longer table in the Kremlin than the one they pulled out for Macron).

The most recent event in this clown show was Kuleba’s visit to Beijing a few days ago, where he reiterated to his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi that the Ukraine was ready for direct negotiations with Russia, though he – again – depreciated his own statement by adding that there was no such willingness on the Russian side. Today, Kuleba also added that Ukraine could not be forced to the negotiation table by its Western puppet masters (perhaps in response to Trump’s recent phone call with Zelensky, where he basically told him that Russia cannot be defeated).

Now, why are they doing this, though? What end does this game of ready-not-ready serve? Probably, the Ukraine and NATO have already calculated that this war is indeed unwinnable for them and that the noose around the AFU’s neck is growing ever tighter with every new FAB drop. Also, discontent is growing in the de-electrified, sealed off Ukrainian rear over the failures on the front and the ever more draconian mobilisation system to make up for them. The internal unrest on the Ukraine isn’t at a boiling point yet, but that could eventually change, and the chances of this are increasing the longer this war drags on.

However, the Zelensky regime – and indeed Zelensky personally – have to boil the frog slowly, and probably kill off some of the hottest heads in the process. It has been evident from the very onset of this war that Kiev’s well-armed and completely 82 IQ retarded neonazi goons at the front have been a significant impediment for talks and compromises. Once they aren’t kept busy by the Russian Armed Forces, and especially after a lost war, they will direct their attention to Kiev and to the Zradniks on Bankovaya who stabbed them in the back, even though they were epically slaughtering orcs at 20:1 loss-ratios and just one more counter-oink away from marching on Rostov. I’m serious about the 82 IQ. These people – well, and also the general Ukrainian public that has been given completely unrealistic expectations by their own media – are certainly a problem to be dealt with before Kiev can declare a willingness for negotiations without any “buts”.

How Russia should react once Kiev and NATO will become sincerely interested in a settlement is a different topic and dealing with Russian demands and expectations is another challenge for however the fuck Zelensky and NATO want to get out of all this without losing too much face.
I agree with this retard, actually. Russia was once on the periphery of Europe, but that has changed a long time ago. When Russia became the biggest country on this planet, created its own unique civilization and destroyed euro-invaders time and again. Now, Europe is merely a borderland between Russia and America. "The Greater Ukraine".
A convoy of Wagner and Malian government troops was hit hard in an ambush yesterday; there have been heavy casualties (judging from the videos, at least two dozen). The Tuareg also took prisoners, some of which have reportedly already been ransomed; negotiations are ongoing about freeing the others.

From what I can tell so far, they went (too) deep into Islamist-held tribal territories, pursing enemies towards the Algerian border, and drove straight into a trap with IEDs taking out several of the vehicles immediately and a VBIED hitting the convoy. Air support came too late due to a sand storm.

JNIM, the local Al Qaeda branch, is taking credit for the attack, alongside other Tuareg groops.