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Forwarded from Bearded_PatriotsUSA

All I can say is that the 1st of January is supposed to be the final turning point to our new life and blessings for our country. From that date, our notifications could be imminent. I’m sorry that I can’t be more specific than this , but it seems that everyone’s intel and information that I gather is all over the spectrum. Iraq COMPLETELY dropping the US Dollar is a major accomplishment, but they must revalue their dinar in order to move forward on their plans and commitments for their future.
Forwarded from Carpathia 🇺🇸🇭🇺
I got in late on Wolverine's Chat, but these are points I did hear: 1) Pentecostal group is now totally silent, off grid, (Wolverine believes them to be silent due to receiving their blessing) ; 2) There is mention of the EBS going off before the RV, however, Wolverine hopes this does not happen as many of us are not in a financial position to "stock up" to see us through 10 days of "darkness." He does not believe the electricity will be cut as we need electricity to see the info on TV and also many rely on electricity for life support and medical care in their homes; 3) In his opinion only (not a fact) he thinks nothing will happen this month of December (well there are only 4 days left). He believes it will begin first week of January. His sources said the gold backed currency needed to be in place ,(but that is obviously in the works IMO). ;4) A very high source has said all is done. He said he knows how difficult this is for us, and for him, but that the RV is A Trillion percent real and will be happening. He has not heard from Mauricio and thinks he may be under an NDA. *****NOTE FROM ME: We all know that by Jan 1, 2024 the dollar is dead in Iraq, and they must revalue. We know Wolverine has been told that all is ready to go. We can see world events lining up for this. We are truly right on the very edge of this. We will start January 2024 all fresh for our great new beginning. Even MarkZ, just the other day mentioned, we could get notified in December, but not be able to do anything until maybe sometime the first week of January. Not in any time in this RV ,over all these years, has everything lined up for us to "go" like it is now. It took years, but we really are there. But, for those of us who are hurting/struggling/suffering, each day feels like a year. I am struggling with all of you, I feel with all of you, it has not been an easy time for me or you, but we must have FAITH as Wolverine says. With faith and love for each other, we can make it through. One day, I hope to meet all of you at Wolverine's Big Celebration Bash in Sydney. Praying our blessing to come quickly for all of you. Hugs to all, Carpathia
Forwarded from Jim H
Media is too big
Info first then Q&A second
Forwarded from Rex Terrae
Forwarded from Standing Free
I have been tracking the number of millionaires since 3-13-23 - there were 22,740,269 millionaires on that date. Do you think they have been adding our accounts to the new system and posting the numbers as they go?
Forwarded from Standing Free
Forwarded from O Bob
On 12/26 at 3:42 p.m. there was 23,260,300 millionaires based on the Debt Clock and presently 23,263,489
Forwarded from Austin Proudette
Ok everyone. I've done some digging this afternoon. Raise your hand if you would like to know who specifically is behind the mysterious Q COUNTDOWN CLOCK and what it is about. And since everybody loves a little drama if enough hands are raised I'll follow up this post and do a big reveal! 😜
Forwarded from Austin Proudette
Ok everyone. I've done some digging this afternoon. Raise your hand if you would like to know who specifically is behind the mysterious Q COUNTDOWN CLOCK and what it is about. And since everybody loves a little drama if enough hands are raised I'll follow…
🥁🥁 Drumroll please.... I went into the pages Source code from my laptop, which any 5 yr old can do & is about my level, and discovered the name of the company that set up the site is called "Fourth Wall". Then followed the link to Fourthwall.com to find another company behind Fourth Wall called EllenAndBrian.com. That site takes you to "EEBEE Merch Collection" who sell t-shirts and stickers because they are 🥁(more drumroll) K POP (mini) Stars in Los Angeles. K POP in case you didn't know stands for Korean Pop. They even performed at the K Pop Convention. Wow.
I went one step further and decided to look at the source code for ellenandbrian.com to see if their t-shirt selling business program code looked like the program code in the Q Countdown Clock and it matched exactly. Here I cut and pasted what I found inside: 👇👇👇
var fourthwallTheme = {
strings: {
addToCart: "Add to Cart",
redeemGift: "Redeem Your Gift",
viewCart: "View Cart",
checkout: "Checkout",
outOfStock: "Out of Stock",
unavailable: "Not Available",
soldOut: "Sold Out",
soldOutSuffix: " - Sold Out",
missingQuantityError: "Please choose the quantity.",
generalError: "An error occurred. Please try refreshing the page.",
item: "item",
items: "items",
startShopping: "Start Shopping",
subtotal: "Subtotal",
backToShopping: "Back to Shopping",
cart: {
heading: "[item_count] [item_count_label] in your cart for [total]",
emptyHeading: "Your Shopping Cart is Empty",
tableHeader: {
item: "Item",
quantity: "Quantity",
price: "Price"

As you can see these are program codes for the website which when comes "Live" you have the ability to purchase items. This is identical coding for their other site.
All of you can do this also and dig deeper into them if you like. They also have an Insta account ( instagram.com/eebeelife) I'm gonna go look at for grins. Oh!! And Ellen & Brian just had a baby boy a few months ago. Stands to reason they need more $$ now.

Please spread the word so we can finally put this all to rest & stop getting our hopes up for something that isn't happening. Me...I'm so over that! How about you?
Much love,