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Twitter handles were aQtime - a17time - aTimeQ Retweeted By Donald J Trump on Twitter. I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold service was Joy.
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Forwarded from Liz Crokin Channel (Liz Crokin)
It’s been months since Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial & conviction, and her co-conspirators are still yet to be named. However, in Special Counsel John Durham’s latest filing in the Michael Sussman case, he interestingly cited Maxwell’s case. He also issued trial subpoenas to the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
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European MEP Christine Anderson speaks the truth as always. 🙏❤️🌎

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Our technological knowledge has been suppressed. Here is footage of levitation technology from the past in action.

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Experts question 'green' claims for electric vehicles

It’s time for government to stop caving to green special interests and honestly inform consumers about the full environmental impact of electric vehicles.


Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)
Media is too big
“Our MAGA movement… is by far the greatest political movement in the history of our country… there’s never been movement like it - and it’s also a movement of common sense and it’s a movement of love. There’s great love in this movement.

Together we’re standing up against some of the most menacing forces, entrenched interests and vicious opponents our people have ever seen or fought against…

Despite great outside powers and dangers, our biggest threat remains the sick, sinister and evil people from within our own country. There is no threat as dangerous to democracy as they are.” 🇺🇸
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
"Save our kids" is now a mainstream chant at Trump rallies.
It's always been about saving the children. Anons knew long ago.
Now mainstream MAGA is catching up.
The Awakening is right on course.

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
2000 Mules Trailer

Here’s the official trailer for “2000 Mules.” It’s the movie we’ve all been waiting for. Please share! And go to 2000Mules.com to buy your ticket to see the movie in its premiere week!


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🇫🇷France elections: the ballots for Marine Le Pen are deliberately spoiled.

The video shows how the ballots for Marine Le Pen are already in specially sealed voting bags, which are already torn, which automatically recognizes them as unsuitable for counting.

Forwarded from Goldenheartsmovement
German lame stream news announced a "French election evening full of tension" - yet announced Macrons "victory" 4 hours ahead of 8pm when they only aired his victory at 8pm local European time......
In my entire life…this was the greatest speech I have ever heard …left me in tears…and many others also.

Thank you Brian Cates…

Andrew Breitbart started the revolution for the New Media…and citizen journalists stepping up to the task.

We the People have to step up to the task of taking back this nation!!!
It is you and I …apart from corrupt politicians, institutions, corporations who will take back Michigan and America!!! Standing together!!



Forwarded from No BS kNews
Ron Paul
Income tax / FED
Forwarded from ✞ Dr C 17 ✞ (IET 17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Twitter is reportedly under a lot of pressure by shareholders to accept Elon Musk’s offer to acquire 100% of the company.


If they do and Elon let’s us all back on with our old accounts - top kek

We’d overpower the lefties’ safe space in less than 24 hours.
Forwarded from AwakenedOutlaw ⭐️⭐️⭐️ + TruthSocial
I believe that France just experienced what we did in 2020 - meaning it sucks because it's supposed to. And our military might well have assisted their white hats in watching the cabal similarly steal their election.

There's a good reason this operation is being repeated b/c it's effective - even if you haven't seen why yet. And none of has seen what the Military has...so relax.

I recommend not allowing your attention to be diverted away from what your gut tells you. Most of us have an innate sense of things...pay attention to yours.

Perhaps less time watching the projection on the wall of Plato's cave - especially during the fog of war with competing psyops running rampant 24x7.

👉 Think bigger picture
👉 This is all one thing

The truth will be revealed & justice will be had. You're just gonna have to wait and watch it play out.

Remain hopeful & positive
Be an example for others
Do your part along the way
Vote when it's time to vote
Amplify the truth best you can

Victory shall be ours!
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
I’ve been reviewing the Durham investigation and i do believe he has Halper in his sights.

For those that have not read this AUG 2020 article by Steven Schrage, the guy who ran a conference I attended at Cambridge while serving as the Director of DIA, everything for those following this epic crime becomes even more clear.

Steven Schrage-“Flynn’s Tag Team Take Down
Perhaps nothing better illustrates the Cambridge Four’s roles — or is more urgent given Flynn’s legal hearing August 11 — than the takedown of Trump’s national security advisor. Starting in 2016, Halper made odd requests for me to brief him and others on Trump’s team. He even had me research Trump, allegedly as part of my thesis work, even though my thesis was focused on past, not present, presidents.
In these discussions I stressed that Flynn was indispensable. He was perhaps the only campaign advisor who both had Trump’s personal trust and the deep intelligence experience necessary to expose hidden problems in the intelligence community. At one point, I even recall telling Halper that taking Flynn out would be like “beheading” Trump’s team. I had no idea I had been unintentionally aiding a spy preparing the guillotine and helping lead Flynn to exactly such a beheading.”

Why all the memes and jokes?

Because happy warriors are the most effective warriors, and evil doesn’t win in the end.

And if you have eternal life, you’re already living in it, and any day wasted down in the dumps forgets that God sees all things and has appointed a time for justice.

Until that time, we have a daily mission, staying in our lane, laughing at the devil all the while.

Nothing will drag me down.

No one was allowed to die during Corona, but now the whole world is sending weapons to Ukraine

Huge FacePalm
