中文维基《求闻》- Qiuwen Chinese Wikipedia
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Wikimedia meetup in Beijing canceled due to recent COVID-19 outbreak

BEIJING/SHENYANG, China, June 21st (Qiuwen)
- A Wikimedia meetup scheduled to be held on June 28th in Beijing was canceled due to a recent coronavirus outbreak. The unexpected outbreak started in China's capital at the Xinfadi Wholesale Market has locked down neighborhoods and restricted travel. Another contributing factor to the cancelation is that authorities have been discouraging unnecessary trips to Beijing, while a significant portion of intended attendees has to travel from other cities.

Beijing is home to the most active Wikimedia community in mainland China, hosting near-dozen meetups in the past few years. It is not clear when exactly the meetup will be rescheduled, but it is expected to be in some time from late July to August.

Meanwhile, in the eastern coastal city of Hangzhou, which locates next to Shanghai, another meetup scheduled in early July is still under preparation. This meetup, organized by a local Wikimedian, will be the second Wikimedia meetup of the city.

In Hong Kong, the local community has had two online meetups as substitutes for in-person ones, while the city still bans large gatherings. Several city and county-level communities in Taiwan had resumed in-person activities, as the coronavirus epidemic on the island has been put under control.

The Wikimedia Foundation announced in March that all in-person activities it funded would be suspended until September 15th. However, all Wikimedia activities in mainland China and many in Taiwan are run by independent volunteers, which are not supported by WMF's funding, avoiding the need to comply with its requirements.

@Qiuwen is a news service operated by the Wikimedians of Mainland China user group. Follow us for the latest Wikimedia news in greater China.
CC BY-SA 4.0
杭州聚会公告/Wikimedia Meetup in Hangzhou, China



Local Wikimedians in Hangzhou, China, will organize an in-person meetup on August 1st. Related information is available here.

This meetup is not organized by Wikimedians of Mainland China (User Group) or the Wikimedia Foundation; all information is for reference only. Please stay compliant with local COVID-19-related regulations and requirements made by the meetup organizer.

Louisa Salazar CC-BY-SA-3.0
突发消息:2021年春天定于德国柏林举办的Wikimedia Summit因新冠疫情取消。
北京聚会公告 / Wikimedia Meetup in Beijing


A Wikimedia meetup will be held in Beijing on October 3rd. Related information is available here.

Saad Akhtar CC-BY-2.0




BEIJING, Jan. 2 (Qiuwen) - Beijing's 2021 New Year meetup was held successfully on January 1st. More than a dozen Wikimedians attended the meetup. This was the first Wikimedia meetup in China this year.

The meetup was held from 10 am to 9 pm. Experienced contributors introduced basic editing skills and terminologies to newcomers and assisted them in signing up for Wikimedia accounts. As Beijing suffered from a new local outbreak, attendees of the meetup had taken more precautions against COVID-19.

During the meetup, attendees discussed activities planned to carry out by the Wikimedians of Mainland China (User Group) in 2021 and the user group's medium- to long-term strategies and projections. By the end of 2020, the user group has reached a preliminary agreement with communities of other countries on collaboration. The user group has also decided to carry out the "Wiki Loves China" photo uploading campaign in 2021. Attendees of the meetup had decided to formally announce the said collaboration and the uploading campaign by around mid-January. The meetup also calls for a new amendment to the user group's constitution.

Attendees also discussed other affairs.


由中国大陆维基人用户组与塞尔维亚维基媒体协会(Wikimedia Serbia)合作举办的“中国-塞尔维亚文化交流项目”的首期编辑松活动将于2021年2月1日至3月1日举行。双方旨在鼓励两地社群和编辑参与到编写中国及塞尔维亚的文化、经济、历史、政治、交通、女性等各类条目,以期增进百科质量及两国维基人之间的友谊,并为后续进一步深化合作奠定基础。

成功参与并完成该任务的编辑将会获得小奖品,有关细节正在最后的磋商中进行。具体参加页面见此。此次合作项目中方主持为Walter Grassroot、游魂、DavidHuai1999,塞方合作人士为塞尔维亚分会主席米罗斯拉夫·洛齐、社群及计划经理伊瓦娜·马德扎雷维。中方的更多讨论将在QQ群 924274260 内进行。

在该项目完成后,中国大陆维基人用户组将立即投身于推动本年度的其他编辑与合作工作,包括“维基爱中国”(Wiki Loves China)和中国-孟加拉国文化交流项目。








现在盘点凯瑟琳在维基媒体的七年、担任CEO的五年所做出的贡献、功过可能还为时过早,但回想最近一段时间发生的事,凯瑟琳定是计划自己辞职之前留下更多的“政治遗产”,包括她曾长期推动,但直到临辞职前最后一刻才正式推出的《通用行为准则》(Universal Code of Conduct)。而另一件我们可以肯定的事是:在凯瑟琳·马赫的担任CEO的这五年,维基媒体基金会的职能和手腕逐渐扩大、强硬,维基媒体项目的管理,正在逐步从一种“由下至上”的管理方式,变成“由上至下”的:基金会在社群事务中扮演更加重要的角色。




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中文维基《求闻》- Qiuwen Chinese Wikipedia
Authorities in Myanmar blocked all languages of Wikipedia, says internet freedom watchdog

BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Qiuwen)
- NetBlocks, the internet freedom advocacy group, says Wikipedia was blocked in Myanmar by the authorities.

NetBlocks confirms "all language editions of Wikipedia" were down in Myanmar starting Thursday morning local time. In a tweet, Netblocks said, this is "part of a widening post-coup internet censorship regime imposed by the military junta."

Netblocks provided additional information in a picture attached to the tweet, suggests that they have tested the connectivity of Wikipedia in English and French, Wikidata, and wikimedia.org, with none of them accessible. This may intimate that it is highly that the Burmese authorities not only blocked "all language editions of Wikipedia," but all Wikimedia projects, as a whole. The picture also suggests that Wikipedia remains inaccessible across four different internet service providers in Myanmar.

It is likely that the Burmese authorities are blocking Wikimedia projects using the same tactic seen in China and some other countries, which is by blocking the main IP address Wikipedia and its sister projects uses. All Wikimedia projects share the same IP address, which makes it an easy target by censors to implement a block.

Qiuwen noticed that starting from February 19th, there was a noticeable increase of edits made from IP addresses that were likely to be used for VPNs on Burmese Wikipedia, signaling locals may have to use VPNs to get onto Wikipedia already. On Friday evening local time, an administrator posted a message on the Village Pump of Burmese Wikipedia, explaining the use of "IP block exemption," a special MediaWiki flag, similar to rollback and patrol, allowing users with the flag to edit from VPNs. A similar banner was also set up, visible on every page of Burmese Wikipedia. The "IP block exemption" flag is widely issued to users of Chinese Wikipedia, and previously, users of Turkish Wikipedia, who needed VPNs to access.

Internet blackouts are increasingly common in Myanmar and across the world. The military shut down the internet before they attempted the coup on February 1st, and the military authority has blocked or temporarily blocked Facebook and other social media platforms starting February 3rd. Usages of VPNs reportedly skyrocketed for locals eager to access blocked websites. NetBlocks says the authorities have been implementing an "internet curfew," as the internet shut down during the nights.

This also means Myanmar has joined an increasingly bigger club of countries that had blocked Wikipedia. Its recent members include Iran, which blocked Wikipedia for around 24 hours in March 2020, and Venezuela in January 2019. In countries such as Iran, Internet blackouts also interfered with the Wikimedia movement, such as Iran's week-long blackout in November 2019 had delayed the Wikipedia Asian Month edit-a-thon. China, the "permanent member" of the club, blocked Wikipedia since 2015. It is not clear whether or not the block on Wikimedia projects will be lifted in the future, similar to what the Iranian and Turkish authorities had done.

The Wikimedia Foundation has yet to comment on the block. Myanmar Wikimedia Community User Group, the Wikimedia user group representing Myanmar, has also yet to comment. Their Facebook page was last updated on January 16th, two weeks before the military coup.

@Qiuwen is a news service operated by the Wikimedians of Mainland China user group. Follow us for the latest Wikimedia news in greater China.
CC BY-SA 4.0

【湖南长沙5月25日电】由阿塞拜疆维基用户组(Azerbaijani Wikimedians User Group)与中国大陆维基人用户组(WMC)合作举办的“阿塞拜疆-中国文化交流项目”的编辑活动将于2021年6月1日至6月30日举行。双方旨在鼓励两地社群和编辑参与到编写阿塞拜疆与中国的历史、地理、文化、政治、人物等内容的条目,以期增进百科质量及两国维基人之间的友谊,并为后续进一步深化欧亚合作奠定基础。

成功参与并完成该任务的编辑将会获得专属维基星章,具体参加页面见此。此次合作项目阿方合作人士为阿塞拜疆用户组主席埃尔达尔·阿齐莫夫,中方主持为Super Wang、游魂、鱼头炮。


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在2021年6月,我们中国大陆维基人(Wikimedians of Mainland China, WMC)代表中国与阿塞拜疆用户组(Azerbaijani Wikimedians User Group, AWUG),在中文维基百科与阿塞拜疆语维基百科共同展开了一个月的合作,合作的效果达到了双方的预期,并因此让我们两个社区两个国家在相互领土语言相距甚远的情况下建立新维度的联系与合作。此次活动由Super_Wang、游魂、鱼头炮三位同仁主持;阿塞拜疆社群的负责人为Eldarado、Wertuose。双方共同完成118篇条目,其中中方贡献阿塞拜疆条目54篇、阿方贡献中国条目64篇。

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2021年3月,我们中国大陆维基人(Wikimedians of Mainland China, WMC)代表中国与塞尔维亚维基媒体协会(Wikimedia Serbia),在中文维基百科与塞尔维亚语维基百科共同展开了一个月的合作,合作的效果达到了双方的预期,并为此类活动的展开积累了开拓性经验。此次活动中方由Walter Grassroot、游魂、DavidHuai1999三位同仁主持;塞尔维亚方负责人为伊瓦娜·马德扎雷维。其中中方贡献塞尔维亚条目121篇、塞方贡献中国条目122篇。

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