Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel
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History of central banking and the enslavement of mankind

"The role of money-lenders in history was once aptly termed by many acute observers as the Hidden Hand. It is the power to create, lend and accumulate interest on credit, and then re-lend that interest for further interest, in perpetuity, that creates pervasive, worldwide debt, from the individual, to the family, to the entire state. The ability to operate a fraudulent credit and loan system has long been known, and through all the slickness of a snake-oil salesman, the money-lenders - the same types Jesus whipped from the Temple - have persuaded governments that banking is best left to private interests. Many wars, revolutions, depressions, recessions, and other social upheavals, have been directly related to the determination of these money-lenders to retain and extend their power and profits. When any state, individual or idea has threatened their scam they have often responded with wars and revolutions. The cultural and material progress of a civilization will often relate to the degree by which it is free from the influence of debt, and the degradation that results when the money-lenders are permitted to regain power. Hence, Goodson shows that both World Wars, the Napoleonic wars, the American Revolution, the rise and fall of Julius Caesar, the overthrow of Qathafi in Libya and the revolution against Tsar Nicholas, among much else relate to this Hidden Hand in history. This is the key to understanding the past, present and future."--Publisher's description

Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire

Author John Perkins spoke at Marlboro College on 4/23/08. Drawing on experiences described in his two New York Times bestsellers, Perkins describes the post-WWII era as one that created history's first truly global empire -- mostly through economics, rather than the military. Now we find ourselves catapulted toward a future that appears catastrophic to many people; however, in Perkins's view it offers great opportunities. Identifying corporations as "the most influential institutions on the planet," he challenges us to transform ourselves and the companies that so deeply impact our lives. He presents a plan for creating a world "that will make our children proud of us."

John Perkins spent three decades as an Economic Hit Man, business executive, author, and lecturer. He lived and worked in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and North America. Then he made a decision: he would use these experiences to make the planet a better place for his daughters generation. Today he teaches about the importance of rising to higher levels of consciousness, to waking up -- in both spiritual and physical realms -- and is a champion for environmental and social causes.

Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
The Secret History of the American Empire
Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
Published on Dec 28, 2010

Author John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hitman, The Secret History of the American Empire) being interviewed by Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!) (2007) Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is a book written by John Perkins and published in 2004. It provides Perkins' account of his career with consulting firm Chas. T. Main in Boston. Before employment with the firm, he interviewed for a job with the National Security Agency (NSA). Perkins claims that this interview effectively constituted an independent screening which led to his subsequent hiring by Einar Greve, a member of the firm (and alleged NSA liaison) to become a self-described "economic hit man". The book was allegedly referred to in an audio tape released by Osama Bin Laden in September 2009.

Perkins describes the role of an EHM as follows: Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly-paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Their tools included fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.

Forwarded from SECRETSONATA 🎩 (My Name is Nobody)
🇺🇸 🪖 war crimes are older than you think

American soldiers pose over the corpses of Filipino 🇵🇭 rebels, 1906

During the suppression of the uprising of Filipino Muslims on the island of Jolo, the American army killed up to a thousand rebels and their family members hiding in the crater of an extinct volcano. Many victims among women and children caused outrage among part of the American press of that time.
Forwarded from SECRETSONATA 🎩 (My Name is Nobody)
Illuminati families capable of influencing world events

Somewhere at the very top of the pyramid, there is an elite organization known as the Council of 13 Families and manages all major 🗺 events. As the name suggests, the Council consists of the top 13 most influential families on Earth.
Most people are beginning to realize that 99% of the world's population is under the control of the "elite" of one percent, but the Council of 13 families consists of less than 1% of the 1% of the "elite" and no one on Earth can apply for membership in this Council. In their opinion, they have the right to rule over the rest of us all because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royal 😆

These families are:
Rothschild (Bayer or Bauer)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
Sinclair (St. Clair's)
Warburg (del Blanco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
💀 🪓 back head

I suspect that this may not be a complete list, and some are still unknown to us.
Forwarded from SECRETSONATA 🎩 (My Name is Nobody)
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Soul is leaving the body, human death was confirmed at the same time 🪽
Special Report: Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars

Private camera recordings, captured by cars, were shared in chat rooms: ex-workers
Circulated clips included one of child being hit by car: ex-employees
Tesla says recordings made by vehicle cameras ‘remain anonymous’
One video showed submersible vehicle from James Bond film, owned by Elon Musk

LONDON/SAN FRANCISCO, April 6 (Reuters) - Tesla Inc assures its millions of electric car owners that their privacy “is and will always be enormously important to us.” The cameras it builds into vehicles to assist driving, it notes on its website, are “designed from the ground up to protect your privacy.”

But between 2019 and 2022, groups of Tesla employees privately shared via an internal messaging system sometimes highly invasive videos and images recorded by customers’ car cameras, according to interviews by Reuters with nine former employees...

Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel
Undeniable Proof that NO PLANE hit the pentagon on 9/11 You can see the missile that hit it though. https://t.me/OfficialCombatLVL/17171
US spy found dead in Pentagon parking lot

The cause of the counterintelligence officer’s death remains a mystery

The US military has identified the serviceman found dead in a vehicle near the Pentagon earlier this month, revealing he was a senior intelligence specialist working in the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The army officer was named as Master Sgt. Juan Paulo Ferrer Bordador, 42, who was discovered in his car in the Pentagon’s north parking lot following a welfare check on March 14, Army officials said on Wednesday. While an emergency crew responded soon after the officer was spotted, he was already dead by the time they arrived.

Since 2021, Bordador served as the noncommissioned officer leading the Joint Chiefs’ Technical Surveillance Countermeasure program – a team which works to identify and thwart attempted espionage by foreign states...

Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
Undeniable Proof that NO PLANE hit the pentagon on 9/11

You can see the missile that hit it though.

Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
911 video that was aired once and never aired again

Pentagon attack evidence all points to a huge fabrication of events

Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel
Uncle Sam’s Snuff House, Fort Hood, and General Mark Milley Ironically, the evils that are unimaginable to a good person, are exactly what evil counts on.~ I am not going to sugarcoat it….TONIGHT HAS BEEN ROUGH. I had to LEARN that awful lesson about EVIL…
Florida Grand Jury Indicts Joe Biden, his Staff and CIA for Child Trafficking.

President Joe Biden’s progressive deputies are smuggling children and teenage migrants to U.S.-based labor traffickers and employers, a Florida grand jury declared on March 30.

The federal government “is facilitating the forced migration, sale, and abuse of foreign children, and some of our fellow Florida residents are (in some cases unwittingly) funding and incentivizing it for primarily economic reasons,” the 46-page report published by Florida’s Statewide Prosecutor’s Office said...
Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel
World Dumps US Dollar as Bank Losses Soar: 80% of World no longer accepts the US Dollar. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1RDIqa14t_I
The China Brokered Truce Between Iran & Saudi Arabia | Regional & Geopolitical Implications Analysed

While there is undoubtedly a historical dimension to the tensions between Persian Shiites and Arab Sunnis, this traditional rivalry fails to fully account for the decades of competition and cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Rather, the roots of their current rivalry lie in a more recent development: the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran. This event brought to power a leader and regime that directly challenged Saudi Arabia's self-proclaimed role as the guardian of the two holiest sites in Islam and the dominant force in the Muslim world. Iran's revolutionary Islamic ideology posed a stark contrast to the Sunni-led Muslim world, and it actively challenged not only other Sunni states but also Western involvement in the region through the use of its proxies.

Moreover is the two major flashpoints in Syria and Yemen, both of which saw opposing interests being met with bloodshed and violence...
