Pure Writer Releases
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Changelogs in this channel are usually written in Chinese recently, because it is more efficient for us, if you are interested in these content, you can use the Translate option in Telegram's Context Menu to get translations. ❤️
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26.5 MB
Pure Writer v24.7.6
* The "Article" now is called "Text"

* 对于英文 UI 界面,修改所有「文章」词汇为「Text」
Pure Writer Releases
上一个版本改为了 document,感觉不太合适,所以又紧急改为 text,如果您不是英文用户,可以忽略此版本。
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纯纯写作 v24.7.8
* 修复一细节问题:当文章过度滚动时,文章内容可能被拉伸到顶栏区域之下(这么说可能难以理解,请忽略此条目,就让它润物细无声吧)
* 在 Markdown 模式下「自动删除缩进到上一段末尾」功能不再生效,仅支持纯文本模式
* 取消在 Markdown 自动对裸链接进行自动识别,如果需要自动识别,请在少数派选项中开启 Markdown Linkify 选项
26.4 MB
Pure Writer v24.7.9
* Many small changes and fixes
* Support customizing editor text colors for light and dark themes separately. You can find this options on Settings - Options for the few people
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Pure Writer v24.8.0
* Due to the extremely low probability of accidental damage to the database file, this version includes active detection of whether the database file is corrupt and provides a solution.

If you are interested in this, it is recommended to check the official SQLite documentation: https://www.sqlite.org/recovery.html

We do our utmost to protect your text to avoid loss.
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純純執筆 v24.8.2
* 今、Pure Writer の日本名は「純純執筆」となっております
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Pure Writer v24.8.3
* Fix DatabaseDowngradeError
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纯纯写作 v24.8.6
* 适配 阿里云盘 HTTP 400 报错,这个版本将会明确告知用户为何会出现 400 错误,实际上这大多是因为您的阿里云盘实际可用空间不足以进行备份所致,请腾挪空间!
WIP - New Pure Writer Desktop
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Pure Writer v24.9.0
Detail polishing: When the text contains only indentation or spaces, draw the width of the indentation characters to help users observe whether there are indents or spaces in the editor

* 细节打磨:当文本仅有缩进或空格时,绘制出缩进的字符宽度以帮用户观察编辑器中是否有缩进或空格
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Pure Writer v24.9.2
* Many details optimization and performance polishing
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Pure Writer v24.9.3
* Some small UI changes
* Fix some Japanese translations

* 在时光机页面新增「2023 年度字数统计」
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Pure Writer v24.9.4
* Many detail optimizations, including improvements to the fast scroll slider in the sidebar text list
* 许多细节优化,包括对侧栏文章列表中的快速滚动滑块的优化
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Pure Writer v25.0.0
* Display Most Frequently Opened Texts and Recently Opened Texts in the Cloud icon

* 在顶部云图标里显示「最常打开的文章」和「最近打开的文章」
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Pure Writer v25.0.1
* Fix the issue where the left and right margins are too large and asymmetrical on tablet devices

* 修复 在平板设备上左右边距过大且不对称
Pure Writer Releases
26.5 MB
Pure Writer v25.1.0
* Add 2023 Year In Review

* 新增 全新「2023 年度回顾」页面
Year in Review