Project Read the Bible
4 subscribers
The channel is to encourage as many Christian as possible to pick up a challenge to read the entire Bible in a year
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Channel created
Day 1
Thursday 13/2/2020
Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
This is a bible.reading challenge where the entire bible will be read in year
If you read the day change you make a comment and proceed to the next day.
God bless the readers of His words
Friday 14/2/2020
Gen 4
Gen 5
Gen 6
Gen 7

Gen 8
Gen 9
Gen 10
Gen 11

Sunday 16/2/2020
Gen 12
Gen 13
Gen 14
Gen 15

Monday 17/2/2020
Gen 16
Gen 17
Gen 18

Tuesday 18/2/2020
Gen 19
Gen 20
Gen 21

Wed 19/2/2020
Gen 22
Gen 23
Gen 24

Thursday 22/2/2020
Gen 25
Gen 26

Friday 23/2/2020
Gen 27
Gen 28
Gen 29

Sat 24/2/2020
Gen 30
Gen 31

Sunday 25/2/2020
Gen 32
Gen 33
Gen 34