Merge News
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Merge provides Software as a Service powered by the blockchain, with the support of our cryptocurrency, MERGE, and the use of Tokenomics.
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Merge Team

We would like to welcome @burningman to the Merge Community team as a community helper! Thank you for reaching out to us and offering your assistance. burningman will be assisting all those in need of help with wallet or masternode issues. If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out to him.

Merge is looking for more talented people. If you have development skills of any kind, or skills you think would be valuable and usable to help Merge drive to success, then please reach out and let us know. You can post on a Discord channel or DM one of the team members.

Merge Tech

The Merge Core team has purchased a new server.

The purpose and use

This is a server for builds to be run against. The plan is to expand this out to offer build services to others, such as customers, via a web interface where consumers can purchase server time to run builds against.

Why would someone want to do this?

On a typical home computer, a single run to produce a wallet can take around 2 hours to complete when building with all of the required dependencies. By harnessing the power of the Merge Core build server, you can build a wallet that is ready for distribution in about 10 minutes. So rather than upwards of 8 hours to build each of the versions of the wallet, you are looking at less than 1 hour of time.

Server specs

- 32-core AMD Threadripper CPU (64 logical processing cores).
- 128GB DDR4 Ram.
- Base OS is running on a 256GB Samsung EVO 970 m.2 SSD.
- All processing is running on a 4TB Raid 10 consisting of 8 1TB enterprise class SATA drives, each with 128MB of cache.
- Supporting all of that power is a ASRocks x399 Taichi ATX motherboard.
- Coupled with a solid 1000w Corsair PSU.


We have partnered with @Fz0077 and his site <>. Fz0077 will be writing on our Hub <> as well as posting on his own site. Feel free to read CTC’s and enjoy his articles. Also, do not miss visiting CTC’s Discord when you get a chance:


We have created a new category for contests on our Discord.

Hub Articles Contest

Similar to @Fz0077, we are inviting writers to publish articles they have already written on other sites onto our Hub: <>. The articles have to be specifically about blockchain projects.

With that being said, we are starting a weekly writers contest on our same Hub. We will offer a 100 MERGE reward for the best article.

The contests will be on a weekly basis, starting on Mondays and ending on Saturdays. Votes will be held on Sundays in the #hub-articles channel.

As part of the outcome of this contest, we seek for not only increase the number of posts coming from the Merge community, but also for finding potential writers that could write exclusively for Merge.

Video Game Contest

We are also starting a video game contest.

The idea is to develop a game that is directly related to Merge and the swap if possible. It can include other blockchain related items and anything related to blockchain, but it has to feature Merge.

Here is an example of the type of game style we are looking for: <>

This contest will last 1 month, concretely from February 11th until March 10th 2019. Votes will be held on March 11th 2019.

The prize is 1,000 MERGE. Questions, deliveries and the vote will be held in Discord, channel #video-game.


The game that is developed, if it's related to an existing game, it cannot be sold. It has to be 100% free. No sales of any kinds. Meaning if someone makes a Merge Tetris game, it cannot be sold. That will violate copyright laws.

Scam Story Contest

We are looking for the best scam story. Most are very sad, we are sure. We want to hear yours and everyone else's. By best it could mean different things in different ways. Life changing, sad, amazing, lucky, biggest loss, etc.

This is not about making anyone feel bad. We all lost. That's why we are here. We want to turn it all around and let others know our mistakes so they won't make them themselves.

Submit these scam stories to our Hub: <>. Please post them in “Scam Story” to not mix with the other articles.

The best scam story will have its own category on the Hub, titled: Scam Story.

The contest will be held for 1 month, concretely from February 11th until March 11th 2019.

There will be a 50 MERGE reward. Votes will be held on March 12th 2019 in Discord, channel #scam-story.
@​everyone We have 2 days left. The final day for the swap information needed is Thursday February 14th. 2 days from now. If we don't have the information needed for the coins on the spreadsheet in block 3, highlighted in yellow, those coins will not be eligible to swap. The coins on the block 3 candidates tab are eligible to swap. Please if you want those ineligible coins to swap, help us with the needed information. Githubs, explorers, etc. After Thursday, that group is the final group of coins we are swapping. That is everyone's last chance to swap. Please help if you can. If your community is in need of a block explorer for your coin please feel free to reach out to our partner Beacon for assistance or watch the video below and if you can please make one for you community.

On the block 3 candidates tab there are 3 coins we need addnodes for. We cannot get the wallets going. Diverse, Maze, Reliance. We need working addnodes. And Aspect/Azenix wallet will not compile. We need a working wallet. If we do not get the info for these 4 coins they also will be ineligible to swap. Please help if you can. Thanks.
@​everyone Block 3 of coins to swap to Merge has been released!


- Swap Application: <>
- Instructions: <>
- Support: <>
- See the third block of coins being swapped and their ratios: <>

These coins have been postponed for the following reasons. If we can resolve these issues we will swap them. But we need the help of this community and those coin communities.

-Coin SNX - due to incompatibilities with the public addresses. The SNX community has been informed accordingly.
-Coin NeoDash - due to incompatibilities with the chain.
-Coin Curve - due to the chain not syncing.
-Asterion - due to there being no source code. We cannot make the wallet.

Also these coins will not be swapped due to various reasons and information missing.

-ecopay coin - created after 1st July 2018
-posuniverse - NO ADDNODES
-community coin - NO ADDNODES
-sanchezium coin - still alive as per DEV team
-bitbucks - wallet not syncing
-joystick - Max Cap > 4 BTC
-unex - not listed on swap application
-android - wallet not syncing NO ADDNODES
-slash - wallet not syncing NO ADDNODES
-speedo - wallet not moving stuck on Dec 2018
-swap - wallet not moving (stuck at Feb.3.2019)
-relarium - NO ADDNODES No explorer
-zexcoin - NO ADDNODES
-slatechain - not syncing - NO ADDNODES

Please spread the word to the communities whose coins are being swapped.


1. Block 1 of coins will close tomorrow at 11 AM EST.

2. Block 2 of coins is still active until March 1st. Check our timeline here: <>

Best Regards,
Merge Core Team
As much as it hurts to say, Block 1 coin swap has officially ended.
If you have sent coins to swap with any of the coins that were listed in block 1 before 2:55 pm est February the 16th and not recieved them and you are beyond the 50 minimum 50 confirmations please open a ticket on the hub
Please also post your transaction number and whatever other information on your ticket.
Block 2 swap will be open until the 1st of March.
Block 3 swap will be open until March 15th.
We will announce close times when we aproach those dates.
Thanks everyone
Theres alot of people having issues with the swap. Please follow this process.

Quick guide to swap -
Watch the video <>. Download the wallet #links. Make sure your chain is moving. Check your blocks to ours #chain-status . Go to the site <>. Enter your Merge address. Pick a coin and Send to BOTH ADDRESSES at the same time from the coin you are swapping. Wait 50 confirmations. If not received wait 24 hrs some chains stop and we need time to resync and make sure we are on the correct block and chain. Check your blocks to ours again #chain-status . If they match and you still didn't receive your coins, open ticket here <> after 24hrs. Then wait and be patient. We all have jobs, lives and families. We don't live on discord or the internet. But we want to help everyone in any way we we can. Thats the purpose of Merge! Also there's tons of info on the KB to help with any questions <>.

If you have problems with your wallet with the error and it will not open please reach out to @Merge | Aviator. We are trying to solve this issue and recover your coins. We will need your debug log and if some are willing your wallet.dat (YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS) with any other info relating to your tx. You will receive your coins. This is what we are trying to achieve. Recovering the coins from peoples corrupt wallets. If you are willing to do this ONLY DM myself or @Merge | Aviator with info. DO NOT POST IT ON A CHANNEL!!

If your chain has stopped and a miners hash will get it going please reach out to @chowder . Chowder is willing to help. Please do not ask him about Block 1 coins. We are trying to find a resolution to the stopped chain Block 1 tickets and issues.

Thanks hoped this helped. Enjoy your weekend.
Cryptorescue coin will no longer be a part of block 3 and is being stopped swapping now 6:26 PM EST.

The chain is having issues and our swap script is not handling the error well. Our swap explorer will is having problems picking it up, causing us a lot of manual work. We are entirely too busy and there's too many coins to start swapping manually.

Everyone that has swapped Cryptorescue before 6:26 PM EST 2/18/19 and didn't receive your coins please open a ticket on the hub <> . The the transactions may have to be done manually. Please be patient when you open your ticket. Someone will help you as soon as they can.

We apologize but the code is just too much for our system.
-Merge Swap:
Theres alot of people having issues with the swap. Please follow the steps below.

-Quick guide to swap:
1. Watch the video:
2. Download the wallet:
#links or go to <>
3. Make sure your chain is moving:
Please make sure your wallet, the coin you are swapping's explorer, and our wallet #chain-status are on the same blockcount. If not you will not receive your Merge.
Also make sure Merge wallet is fully synced and on the correct block count as ours and the explorer. #chain-status <>
If the blocks are off on our wallet or explorer please reach out to a Merge team member in the discord and we will work to fix the issue. But DO NOT SEND YOUR COINS until the blocks match.
4. Go to the swap site:
5. Enter your Merge receiving wallet address.
6. Pick a coin you wish to swap.
7. Send to BOTH BURN ADDRESSES that have been provided at the SAME TIME from the coin you are swapping.
8. Wait a minimum of 50 confirmations.
Every coin is different. Some take more.
9. If you have not received your Merge please wait 24 hrs. Some chains stop and we need time to resync and make sure we are on the correct block and chain.
10. Check your blocks to ours again #chain-status.
11. If they match and you still didn't receive your coins, open ticket here <> after waiting 24hrs. Please wait and be patient. There are 2200 people in the Merge community and only 5 Merge team members working on the swap.
There is 1 week left for block 2, ending March 1st and 3 weeks left for block 3, ending March 15th. Coin registration is closed. After the 15th we will no longer swap anymore coins except those that have sent coins before the close time but have not received them. Open a ticket on the hub: <>

The Merge exchange listing will be on March 22nd. The Merge team needs 1 week to review the swap data and “clean up” from the 6 week swaps. We will reveal the exchange on March 16th after the swaps end.
If your chain has stopped and a miners hash will get it going please reach out to chowder#5742. Chowder is willing to help. Please do not ask him about Block 1 coins. @chowder
@​everyone If you are currently experiencing the "error" message in your wallet when trying to open it but cant and/or have tried to fix it but it didnt work please open a ticket here on Discord so the team can help you recover your wallet. In the open-support-ticket channel please type -new then your problem.
When you open a ticket it will open a private support channel. Only you and the team will have access. When you are in that support channel please provide addresses affected, screenshots (if possible), and a copy of your debug in your Merge folder. We need this information so we can help you.
@​everyone Our devs have fixed the encoding of SNX and Neodash. They will be added to block 3 shortly.

Merge v1.0.1 has been released!!

-Source code:

-Available versions:
```- macOS builds - (Sierra, High Sierra, and Mohave)

- Linux x86_64 build
Linux i686 build (32bit)

- Windows 64bit

- Windows 32bit

*Note - This update is not mandatory but recommended. This release should solve the wallet and chain corruption issues that users have been experiencing. Also included in this release were additional optimization in the wallet code.

-Wallet documentation/guides:
(if you can't open it using Chrome, then please try Mozilla Firefox-based browsers or Safari)

-Wallet error issue:
If you receive a error message and can't open your wallet, the Dev recommended is to close wallet, download the bootstrap and replace the folders in your wallet, delete the folder database and restart your wallet.
Bootstrap 2-13-19

The other 2 options are to do a wallet.dat backup import or a complete reinstall of everything and use a wallet.dat backup from before the problem.

The Merge team would like to thank you for your patience and interest to be a part of Merge. Welcome to Merge!!
Thanks and have a great day!
As much as it hurts to say, Block 2 coin swap has officially ended.
If you have sent coins to swap with any of the coins that were listed in block 2 before 11:45 pm est March 1st and not recieved them and you are beyond the 50 minimum 50 confirmations please open a ticket on the hub <>
Please also post your transaction number and whatever other available information on your ticket.
Block 3 swap will be open until March 15th.
We will announce close time when we aproach that date.
Thanks @​everyone
Just a quick update.

Id like to thank ! He has added Merge to his very awesome site! <>

Also if you have a ticket open on the hub and you have received your Merge and everything is ok, please close your ticket. Theres alot still open. Its making it difficult to know who still needs help.

We are now using Gitlab instead of Github. Our repositories can be found here. <About the latest announcement on discord, better use the new link to the wallet instead of GitLab:>

And finally for those still swapping please follow these directions. If your wallet and ours dont match up our site will not know you sent coins. Please check the coin-status... if the lag is not 50 please don't open a ticket. If the lag is more then 50 .... we are fixing the swap explorer and when it catches up it will swap your coins.
-Merge Swap:
Theres alot of people having issues with the swap. Please follow the steps below.

-Quick guide to swap:
1. Watch the video:
2. Download the wallet:
#links or go to <>
3. Make sure your chain is moving:
Please make sure your wallet, the coin you are swapping's explorer, and our wallet #chain-status are on the same blockcount. If not you will not receive your Merge.
Also make sure Merge wallet is fully synced and on the correct block count as ours and the explorer. #chain-status <>
If the blocks are off on our wallet or explorer please reach out to a Merge team member in the discord and we will work to fix the issue. But DO NOT SEND YOUR COINS until the blocks match.
4. Go to the swap site:
5. Enter your Merge receiving wallet address.
6. Pick a coin you wish to swap.
7. Send to BOTH BURN ADDRESSES that have been provided at the SAME TIME from the coin you are swapping.
8. Wait a minimum of 50 confirmations.
Every coin is different. Some take more.
9. If you have not received your Merge please wait 24 hrs. Some chains stop and we need time to resync and make sure we are on the correct block and chain.
10. Check your blocks to ours again #chain-status.
11. If they match and you still didn't receive your coins, open ticket here <> after waiting 24hrs. Please wait and be patient. There are 2200 people in the Merge community and only 5 Merge team members working on the swap.
@​everyone Curvecoin has been added to the swap block 3. Remember block 3 ends Fri March 15th. Kudos to the devs and ppl interested in making it work.

1 more week until block 3 ends! And thee swaps are officially over!

10 billion swapcoins burned, 8255 swaps, 2398291.41 Merge distributed

Schedule ahead -
March 15th - Swaps end
March 16th - We announce the exchange
March 16th - 18th close out remaining tickets
March 16th - 21st clean up the swap equipment, review the data
March 22nd - List on exchange
March 23rd and on - Phase 2 begin development. Weve begun alot already but then the team will be freed up to go all in

There will be a page added to the website that shows all the swap data once we are finished.

Also we have created a channel for the testnet #testnet Please feel free to check in and contribute if you like.
Hello PolisPay users!
We're offering FREE LISTING to your favorite coin!
Please follow the instructions on the image for a chance to see your favorite coin listed soon on #PolisPay!
We'll contact the dev team of the winning coin on 19/03 at 12:00 PDT
$Polis #cryptocurrency

PolisPay (@polispayapp)