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Yagni : You Arent Gonna Need It 👾

Never Add Functionality Early 💡

"Always implement things when you actually need them, never when you just foresee that you need them."

Even if you're totally, totally, totally sure that you'll need a feature later on, don't implement it now.

Usually, what you actually need is quite different from what you foresaw needing earlier. 🙅🏻‍♂️

This doesn't mean you should avoid building flexibility into your code.

It means you shouldn't overengineer something based on what you think you might need later on.


There are two main reasons to practise YagNi :

1️⃣ You save time, because you avoid writing code that you turn out not to need.

2️⃣ Your code is better, because you avoid polluting it with 'guesses' that turn out to be more or less wrong but stick around anyway.

This also follows the KISS theorem:
Keep it simple, stupid!

#CleanCode #Principles #Tips
Why Do You Need To Know Package Cohesion Fundamentals? 🔊

Packages exist anywhere, and it's your job to organize them.

It's pretty common to find projects where files are separated by the language they're written. 🗂

Without thinking about common reuse, it's hard for you to look at the contents of a package and know which related files can be reused together. ⚠️

[ Article ] :

#Packaging #Principles #Cohesion
The S.O.L.I.D Principles in Pictures 🤖

There are so many great articles online about SOLID but I rarely see any examples with pictures. This makes it a bit difficult for visual learners like me to learn while staying engaged.

So the main aim of this article is to get a better understanding of these principles using illustrations and emphasizing the goal for each principle. 🌈

[ Article ] :

#SOLID #Principles