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And now ... here is the answer. 🀟🏻

#JavaScript #Async
All You Need To Know About CSS-in-JS 🌈

Thinking in components β€” No longer do you have to maintain bunch of style-sheets. CSS-in-JS abstracts the CSS model to the component level, rather than the document level (modularity). πŸ—‚

What is CSS-in-JS❓

is a more powerful abstraction over CSS. πŸ¦‹

It uses JavaScript as a language to describe styles in a declarative and maintainable way. πŸ—£

It is a high performance JS to CSS compiler which works at runtime and server-side. πŸ’Ž

This core library is low level and framework agnostic. ✨

It is about 6KB (minified and gzipped) and is extensible via plugins API. πŸ’‰

[ Article ] :

#CSS #JavaScript #JSS
How to Stop Using Callbacks and Start Living βš›οΈ

Javascript has two major ways of dealing with asynchronous tasks - callbacks and Promises. 🀝

In general Promises are considered easier to use and to maintain than callbacks. βœ…

But in reality even Promises alone won’t make you happy. 🀬

Asynchronous code may still be quite difficult to read and to understand. 🀯

Therefore third-party libraries, e.g. co, provided means to write a synchronous-like asynchronous code. πŸ—ƒ

I personally prefer everything in the world to be as clear and beautiful as redux-saga. ✨

But not everybody is lucky to work with React and Redux to be able to use sagas. ⛔️

This article will show that in modern Javascript it is not difficult to write a well structured and easy to understand asynchronous code without using any third-party libraries.πŸ’Ž

[ Article ] :

#JavaScript #CleanCode
BetweenJS ⚑️

Lightweight JavaScript (ES6) tweening library. ↔️


Make tweening usage convenient and powerful. πŸ”₯

β€’ Modern : Written in ES6 πŸ₯‡
β€’ Lightweight : 8.3 KB πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
β€’ Performant : Optimized πŸ’¨

[ Website ] :
[ Github ] :

#JavaScript #Library
Polly.JS 🐦

Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions πŸ’‘

is a standalone, framework-agnostic JavaScript library that enables recording, replaying, and stubbing HTTP interactions. πŸ—‚

Polly taps into native browser APIs to mock requests and responses with little to no configuration while giving you the ability to take full control of each request with a simple, powerful, and intuitive API. ✨

Features :
β€’ Fetch & XHR Support πŸš€
β€’ Simple, Powerful, & Intuitive API ⚑️
β€’ First Class Mocha & QUnit Test Helpers πŸ’Ž
β€’ Intercept, Pass-Through, and Attach Events πŸ‘Œ
β€’ Record to Disk or Local Storage πŸ“Ό
β€’ Slow Down or Speed Up Time πŸ”₯

[ Github ] :

#JavaScript #Library
Angular Console πŸ…°οΈ

The Power of the Angular CLI. ⚑️
The Convenience of an App. πŸ’Ž

Spend less time looking up command line arguments, and more time shipping incredible products. ✨

The Angular CLI is immensely powerful and extensible. πŸŒ€

In fact, there are so many capabilities that it can often be hard to remember all of the different configuration options for every available command, or remember that certain features even exist. 🌍

Angular Console is, first and foremost, a more approachable way to work with what the Angular CLI already provides. πŸ”₯

Availabe for: Mac, Windows βœ…

[ Download ] :

#JavaScript #Angular #CLI
How JavaScript works: an overview of the engine, the runtime, and the call stack 🐞

As JavaScript is getting more and more popular, teams are leveraging its support on many levels in their stack - front-end, back-end, hybrid apps, embedded devices and much more. πŸ’Ž

This post is meant to be the first in a series aimed at digging deeper into JavaScript and how it actually works: we thought that by knowing the building blocks of JavaScript and how they come to play together you’ll be able to write better code and apps. βœ…

As it turns out, there are a lot of developers that are using JavaScript on a daily basis but don’t have the knowledge of what happens under the hood. πŸŒ€

[ Article ] :

How JavaScript works: inside the V8 engine + 5 tips on how to write optimized code ⚑️

A JavaScript engine is a program or an interpreter which executes JavaScript code. πŸŒ€

A JavaScript engine can be implemented as a standard interpreter, or just-in-time compiler that compiles JavaScript to bytecode in some form. βœ…

Why was the V8 Engine created❓

The V8 Engine which is built by Google is open source and written in C++. ✨

This engine is used inside Google Chrome. Unlike the rest of the engines, however, V8 is also used for the popular Node.js runtime.πŸ’Ž

V8 was first designed to increase the performance of JavaScript execution inside web browsers. πŸ’¨

In order to obtain speed, V8 translates JavaScript code into more efficient machine code instead of using an interpreter.πŸ’₯

It compiles JavaScript code into machine code at execution by implementing a JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler like a lot of modern JavaScript engines do such as SpiderMonkey or Rhino (Mozilla). 🦊

The main difference here is that V8 doesn’t produce bytecode or any intermediate code. ❌

[ Article ] :

#JavaScript #Internals #V8
What Happened When I Peeked Into My Node_Modules Directory 🀯

The left-pad fiasco shook the JavaScript community to its core when a rouge developer removed a popular module from npm, causing tens of projects to go dark. ❌

While code bloat continues to slow down our websites, drain our batteries, and make β€œnpm install” slow for a few seconds, many developers like myself have decided to carefully audit the dependencies we bring into our projects. πŸŒ€

It’s time we as a community stand up and say enough is enough, this community belongs to all of us, not just a handful of JavaScript developers with great hair. πŸ‘₯

I decided to document my experiences in auditing my projects’ dependencies, and I hope you find the following information useful. βœ…

[ Article ] :

#JavaScript #NPM
Splitting.js ✨

Splitting creates elements and adds CSS variables to unlock amazing possibilities for animating text, grids, and more❗️

[ Website ] :
[ Github ] :

#JavaScript #Animation