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JavaScript Clean Code πŸ› 

Avoid negative conditionals πŸ’‘

Bad :
function isDOMNodeNotPresent(node) {
// ...

if (!isDOMNodeNotPresent(node)) {
// ...

Good :
function isDOMNodePresent(node) {
// ...

if (isDOMNodePresent(node)) {
// ...

#JSTips #CleanCode
Async & Await in JavaScript πŸ”₯

Async/Await will make your code simpler even more than you think. βœ…

Stop writing callback functions and love JavaScript ES7. πŸ’Ž

#JavaScript #CleanCode
JavaScript Clean Code πŸ› 

Use getters and setters πŸ’‘

Bad :
function makeBankAccount() {

return {
balance: 0,
// ...

const account = makeBankAccount();
account.balance = 100;

Good :
function makeBankAccount() {
let balance = 0;

function getBalance() {
return balance;

function setBalance(amount) {
balance = amount;

return {

const account = makeBankAccount();

#JSTips #CleanCode
JavaScript Clean Code πŸ› 

Async/Await are even cleaner than Promises πŸ’‘

Bad :
.then((response) => {
return writeFile('article.html', response);
.then(() => {
console.log('File written');
.catch((err) => {

Good :
async function getCleanCodeArticle() {
try {
const response = await get('');

await writeFile('article.html', response);

console.log('File written');
} catch(err) {

#JSTips #CleanCode
JavaScript Clean Code πŸ› 

Only comment things that have business logic complexity. πŸ’‘
Comments are an apology, not a requirement. Good code mostly documents itself.

Bad :
function hashIt(data) {
// The hash
let hash = 0;

// Length of string
const length = data.length;

// Loop through every character in data
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Get character code.
const char = data.charCodeAt(i);
// Make the hash
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char;
// Convert to 32-bit integer
hash &= hash;

Good :
function hashIt(data) {
let hash = 0;
const length = data.length;

for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const char = data.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char;

// Convert to 32-bit integer
hash &= hash;

#JSTips #CleanCode
Refactoring β€’GURUβ€’ 🐿

Refactoring.Guru is a shiny website where you can find tons of information on refactoring, design patterns, SOLID principles and other smart programming topics. ✨

#CleanCode #Refactoring
JavaScript Clean Code πŸ› 

Use consistent capitalization πŸ’‘

Bad :
const DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
const daysInMonth = 30;

const songs = ['Back In Black', 'Stairway to Heaven', 'Hey Jude'];
const Artists = ['ACDC', 'Led Zeppelin', 'The Beatles'];

function eraseDatabase() {}
function restore_database() {}

class animal {}
class Alpaca {}

Good :
const DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
const DAYS_IN_MONTH = 30;

const SONGS = ['Back In Black', 'Stairway to Heaven', 'Hey Jude'];
const ARTISTS = ['ACDC', 'Led Zeppelin', 'The Beatles'];

function eraseDatabase() {}
function restoreDatabase() {}

class Animal {}
class Alpaca {}

#JSTips #CleanCode
Try to group extension methods into static classes dealing with the same extended type. πŸ“¦

Sometimes related classes (such as DateTime and TimeSpan) can be sensibly grouped together. ↔️

But avoid grouping extension methods targeting disparate types such as Stream and string within the same class. ❌

#CleanCode #ExtensionMethods
6 Simple Tips on How to Start Writing Clean Code πŸ‘Ύ

1️⃣ Make code readable for people.

2️⃣ Use meaningful names for variables, functions and methods.

3️⃣ Let every function or method perform only one task.

4️⃣ Use comments for clarification ( if really needed )

5️⃣ Be consistent

6️⃣ Review your code regularly

Yagni : You Arent Gonna Need It πŸ‘Ύ

Never Add Functionality Early πŸ’‘

"Always implement things when you actually need them, never when you just foresee that you need them."

Even if you're totally, totally, totally sure that you'll need a feature later on, don't implement it now. ⏳

Usually, what you actually need is quite different from what you foresaw needing earlier. πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

This doesn't mean you should avoid building flexibility into your code. βœ…

It means you shouldn't overengineer something based on what you think you might need later on. ❌


There are two main reasons to practise YagNi :

1️⃣ You save time, because you avoid writing code that you turn out not to need.

2️⃣ Your code is better, because you avoid polluting it with 'guesses' that turn out to be more or less wrong but stick around anyway.

This also follows the KISS theorem:
Keep it simple, stupid!
#CleanCode #Principles #Tips
What is Unit Testing & Why You Need to Lean It ⁉️

Unit testing is the practice of writing code to test your code and then run those tests in an automated fashion. βœ…


Here is an example. πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

Imagine you have this function somewhere in your code.
It’s a basic calculate function that takes an input and depending on some conditions, it returns different values.

public float CalculateTax(int input) 
if (x) return ...;
if (y) return ...;
return ...;

If you want to test this function manually :

1️⃣ You have to run your application
2️⃣ Perhaps you have to login
3️⃣ Maybe do a few clicks here
4️⃣ There to get to a page where this function is used.
5️⃣ You have to fill out a form
6️⃣ Submit it
7️⃣ Verify if this function returned the right result.

And then you have to repeat all these steps, each time using different values in your form. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Manual testing is expensive πŸ’Έ

As you can see, this is very time-consuming. βŒ›οΈ

This workflow to test this function may take several minutes every time❗️

Now to make matters worse, this is not the only function in your application. 🌍

In a real application, you have tens or hundreds of functions like this ❗️

As your application grows in size and complexity, the time required to manually test all the different bits and pieces increases exponentially. ⏱

So, that’s why we use Automated Testing. ♻️


[ Full Article ] :

#CleanCode #UnitTest #TDD
The Art of Comments 🎨

[ Article ] :

#CleanCode #Comments
The Pragmatic Programmer.pdf
2.6 MB
The Pragmatic Programmer πŸ“™

Authors : Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas πŸ–Š

Level : Advanced πŸ”

#Book #CleanCode #Refactoring
Quick Tip: How to pass visual alerts with an HTMLHelper⚠️

It will display a Bootstrap alert if there is a message passed through the ViewModel. πŸ’₯

This message can be a success, error, warning, or informational message. 🌈

The nice thing about the ViewMessage HtmlHelper is that if we don't pass it into our views, it won't display anything. πŸŽ›

[ Article ] :

#AspMvc #CleanCode
Automatic ModelState Validation in ASP.NET MVC πŸ”₯

How many times have you seen or written code like this ♻️ :

public ActionResult Index(SomeModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return View();

// do something
return RedirectToAction("index");

Stop repeating ModelState checks in your ASP.NET MVC controller actions. ❌

Wouldn’t it be nice if all we had to do was like this ? ⚑️

public ActionResult Index(SomeModel model)
// if we get here, ModelState is valid
// save to db etc.
return RedirectToAction("index");

[ Article ] :

#AspMvc #CleanCode
How we do MVC – View models πŸ‘€

The ViewModel is a central aspect of our MVC architecture. 🌞

One of the first dilemmas facing MVC developers is to decide what the β€œM” in MVC means in ASP.NET MVC. πŸ€”

In Rails, this is fairly clear, the M is ActiveRecord (by default). 🌍

But in ASP.NET MVC, the β€œM” is silent❗️

Its out-of-the-box architecture offers no guidelines nor advice on what the M should be. βš™οΈ

Should it be an entity❓
Data access object❔
Something else❔

[ Website ] :

#AspMvc #CleanCode #BestPractices
ASP.NET MVC Best Practices and Guidelines βœ…

While most developers were used to WebForms and Microsoft's stock controls, when developers moved to ASP.NET MVC, a number of developers were shocked because there wasn't enough meat for this to be a full-featured release. πŸ€“

Some of the guidelines list below are based on my own experiences over the years since 2008. πŸ“†

[ Website ] :

#AspMvc #CleanCode #BestPractices
Architecting Services with Design Patterns πŸ’Ž

As the number of your services expands you're going to need to start thinking about how to organize them. πŸ—‚

Applying these two design patterns can help, provided you understand all their variations. βœ…

With the current set of tools that come with the Microsoft .NET Framework, it's easy to create a service. βš™οΈ

But it's also easy to create what both Nayaki Nayyar and Benjamin Moreland described as a "junk drawer of services." πŸ‘Ύ

If you're going to avoid that as the number of services in your organization increases, then you need to think about your architecture. πŸ€”

[ Article ] :

#CleanCode #DesignPatterns
Use T4MVC to Remove Magic Strings in ASP.NET MVC Apps 🎩

ASP.NET MVC has a fascination with magic strings. ❌

Basically any time you need to specify an action, a view, or controller, you use a magic string ✨ :

return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { id = 4 });

return View("Details");

@Html.ActionLink("Back to details", "Detals", "User", new {id = 12}, new {@class = "backlink"});

@using (Html.BeginForm("Details", "User", FormMethod.Post))

The problem with magic strings is the same problem that ViewBag has ⚠️ :

1️⃣ There's no type checking.

2️⃣ The developer won't catch these errors until runtime, and sometimes not at all.


T4MVC aims to remove magic strings from MVC and replace them with strongly-typed ActionResults. βœ…

It adds a bunch more overloads to methods such as ActionLink(), BeginForm(), and RedirectToAction() so that they can now accept ActionResults as parameters. πŸ—ƒ

Thereby making them strongly-typed and removing their dependency on magic strings. πŸ’Ž

Most importantly, it means we can take the above code samples and refactor them to look like this πŸ€™πŸ» :

return RedirectToAction(MVC.Home.Index(4));

return View(MVC.User.Views.ViewNames.Details);

@Html.ActionLink("Back to details", MVC.User.Details(12), new {@class = "backlink"});

@using (Html.BeginForm(MVC.User.Details(), FormMethod.Post))

[ Article ] :

#AspMvc #CleanCode #T4MVC