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7 septembrie 2014 la Marea Adunarea Națională a PLDM, moldovenii tot au demonstrat că vrem în Europa!
Însă cei care declarau că vor în Europa, făceau doar declarații frumoase despre Uniunea Europeană și tot în același timp se fura un miliard de dolari din Bugetul Republicii Moldova, sa spălat 23 de miliarde de dolari ai FSB rusesc prin băncile din Republica Moldova, unul din cei implicați fiind chiar verișorul lui Putin Vladimir! Tot atunci se concesiona aeroportul iar printre miniștri de atunci care sunt implicați în concesionarea Aeroportului și furtul miliardului sunt Maia Sandu! Cine are nevoie de video cum ea votează pentru concesionarea Aeroportului și pentru furtul miliardului nu are decât să dea un google search! Dacă trebuie le postez eu aici pe Facebook dacă nu le găsiți!
Să nu mai uităm că Maia Sandu a lucrat și pentru guvernul comunist al Republicii Moldova iar șeful ei a fost Dodon la Ministerul Economiei! Postez și acest document dacă nu ați știut pină acum!
Și ca să nu le dau motiv pentru trolii lui PAS de a mă învinui că sunt plătit de tot felul de hoți, declar că nu am fost și nici nu voi fi membru PCRM, PSRM, PLDM, MAN, Sor, Usatii!
Cetățenii Republicii Moldova sunt pro-europeni și asta nu doar datorită conducerii Moldovei! Ne cunoaștem istoria și știm cine sunt dușmanii acestei țări!
I will wear the link to my website on my shirt and on my cheek until the moment when the Poles, Romanians and Moldovans who did Nazi experiments on refugees in the refugee camps in Poland will end up in prison for the rest of their lives, as well as the entire Russian network of spies from Poland who collaborated with the Moldovans and Romanians (also the FSB branch from Moldova and Romania, some of them being undercover activists, former) during the time when I was a refugee in Poland must be arrested for espionage and corruption in favor of the Russians (all without exception!
I will wear these clothes with my sites everywhere: shopping, on trips, abroad!
all of Europe has already found out the truth, but there is one more problem! the Poles, the Romanians and the Moldavians are still in power and there are also corrupt Americans who were promoted in their careers with the help of the Russians!
they will continue to lie but the truth is on my side and the truth is written only on my official sites! the Russian network is in a panic and the Americans are afraid that I will pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attaches! Americans fear prison! the Americans, the Poles are afraid that everyone will find out that I took bribes from the Russians! only one thing can save them: kill me, lock me in prison or, as the communists used to do, in a psychiatry! the fact that they ruining financially me is a clear thing! because of this the Americans stole my money from the sale of my book, because of this the Americans blocked my social media which was making me money and also my Youtube accounts which was making me money!
why do americans do this
it's very simple: the Russians promote them in their career with the help of the Russian network in Moldova, Poland and Romania, and then the Americans destroy the enemies of the Russians!
Media is too big
не дадим западу пороботит Россию?
the information that I have published in this article is current!
I am already 34 years old and I was not married, obviously not divorced! I have no children! In this article I will write about women and about the strategies of Russians to recruit girls that I want to meet or discredit me in front of these girls!
If there is a #Polish girl, a #Romanian girl or a #Moldovan girl who will tell you that I have children or that we are engaged, you should know that they are lying! I will never marry a Moldovan, Romanian or Polish woman and if SHE tell these lies it means that she was paid to say something like that or she works for intelligence!
I'm not engaged and now I don't have a girlfriend!
even if these girls from these countries are beautiful: I will never marry a girl whose country was part of the USSR or the organization of the Warsaw Treaty!
even if some of these countries are NATO members, the Russians almost completely control the intelligence services such as the Polish or Romanian ones!
Poles, Romanians and Moldavians you will not escape from prison!!! it's my way of protesting/ Telegram-@plopandreicom
I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
I, Plop Andrei, am not a rapist, I am not gay, I am not a terrorist, I’m not a pedophile I am not a spy, and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I’m not paranoid, drug addict, communist, I don’t even smoke cigarettes and those who will blame me or arrest me for some previously mentioned actions, you know that they are Russian spies! The Russians are corrupting most of my friends, family members, they have discredited me and will continue to discredit me and now they just have to arrest or kill me.
#NoJusticeNoPeace #corruption #politics #truth #freedom #news #corruptgovernment #government #governmentcorruption #sayhisname #freedom
official information about me you will find only on my sites!
any other information that does not appear on my site and appears on other sites, this means that this information is written by the FSB branch in Moldova, Romania and Poland!
these 3 FSB branches (SIS, ABW and SRI) are interested in discrediting me because they took bribes from the Russians!
read my full book or you can listen to it on YouTube!
the fact that the Americans are afraid that I will pass the polygraph test in front of all the NATO ambassadors and military attachés is not news anymore! because they will end up in jail!
официальную информацию обо мне вы найдете только на моих сайтах!
любая другая информация, которая не появляется на моем сайте и появляется на других сайтах, это означает, что эта информация написана отделением ФСБ в Молдове, Румынии и Польше!
эти 3 отделения ФСБ (СИС, ​​АБВ и НИИ) заинтересованы в моей дискредитации, потому что брали взятки у русских!
прочитайте мою полную книгу или вы можете послушать ее на YouTube!
то, что американцы боятся, что я пройду проверку на полиграфе на глазах у всех послов и военных атташе НАТО, уже не новость! потому что они окажутся в тюрьме!
my second book will be called: why the FBI is afraid of me passing the polygraph test!
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cireșele în Moldova costă 80 de lei ( 4 euro), cu două săptămâni în urmă costau 450 de lei ( 23 euro), în Germania costă 0,79 cenți
Poate îmi explică și mie vreun agricultor moldovean care sunt costurile pentru cireș?
Doar culesul și transportul cireșelor în rest care sunt cheltuielile pentru cireș?
Sub cireș aproape că nu crește iarbă, spre deosebire de alte produse agricole, nu trebuie să ari Pământul, sau să faci alte exerciții cu tractorul!
De ce prețurile la cireșe din Moldova sunt mai scumpe decât cele din Germania!
Nu vi se pare că exagerați puțin?
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Mie îmi plac astfel de videouri! Nici nu ști cum să reacționezi! Videoul nu este vechi și am citit și toate comentariile, am indicat și sursa videoului!
Este un video real din această lună și din acest an!
Sunt două lumi paralele în Ucraina: una care luptă pe front și alta care se distrează!
Nu sunt eu în drept să îi judec și cred că doar acei de pe front trebuie să aibă ultimul cuvânt!

video from lenaberry8888 TikTok