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Update April 19, 2022
Instead of weapons, Maia Sandu gave the Moldovan army a battle flag! That's it, Moldovans are safe, they can sleep peacefully! Moldovans will go out to fight the Russians with the battle flag!

There is war in the neighboring country, and you as a country have no protection and you're still giving the Russians a pretext to attack you because you forbade them the orange ribbon with black!

The current leadership of Moldova has done nothing to ensure the protection of this state!

I have nothing to do with this organization, but often the PAS people in their publications quoted the sources from Rise! From 2001 to 2009, the Communist Party was in power in Moldova!

The president, the prime minister and the speaker of parliament were members of the Communist Party!
Maia Sandu worked in the Ministry of Economy from August 17, 2005 until June 30, 2006!

Guess where Igor Dodon and Zinaida Greceanii worked during the same period and in the same ministry and who was Maia Sandu's boss? And why are you surprised that after Maia Sandu put her loyal man at the General Prosecutor's Office, Igor Dodon and Zina Greceanii are still not arrested?!?!

Excerpt from the interview with the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Irina Vereșciuk the show “Hour of expertise”, JurnalTV, edition from 18.04.2022 And the Ukrainians understood that Maia Sandu was giving the Ukrainians the knife in the back!

Knives on the back from Maia Sandu also received Filat, Nastase (Dignity and Truth Platform Party) and now we will receive all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova knives on the back from Maia Sandu!

Today, President Maia Sandu promulgated the law banning the wearing of the "Saint George" Ribbon!
Maia Sandu knows perfectly well the risks to the Republic of Moldova and yet she promulgated this law!
If the Russians gave her "prikaz" to fulfill their agenda, Maia Sandu fulfills!
As the Russians say there: приказ командира не обсуждается, а выполняется !!!!

Maia Sandu, even though she is considered liberal due to the fact that she was infiltrated by the communists, still remained a communist with the thought, but she learned to speak like the politicians of the west.

If you were educated, raised, funded, infiltrated and promoted by the communists, you can't think liberal!
Update April 20, 2022
Dorin Recean was involved in a scandal that he had a fake master's degree and if you enter the presidency's website the structure of the president's apparatus you notice that this individual has the position of Adviser to the President of the Republic of Moldova in the field of defense and national security.

Everyone's CV appears only Dorin Recean's CV does not appear!

The security of the Republic of Moldova depends on such idiots who have no education and skills in security and defense! I wrote earlier in an article (read below) that Ștefan Ţîbuleac (appointed without competition as head of the Supreme Security Council Service), that contest was rigged by the presidential administration! The contest was organized and this Ţîbuleac did not even participate in the contest and emerged victorious! Maia Sandu's cousins were both hired: one in parliament and one in government!

All the security of Moldova depends on some idiots who do not have the necessary education and skills! I also studied the CV of the Minister of Defense of Moldova and he has a very good CV, he is a good soldier but without political support!

I assume that the Minister of Defense has no one to talk to in the presidency, parliament or with the Prime Minister of Moldova! (Prime Minister Gavrilita in peacetime speaks nonsense and all citizens of the Republic of Moldova)
Update April 23, 2022
Maia Sandu gave the pretext to the Russians to invade Moldova!

The Russian Ministry of Defense outlined the tasks of the second stage of the so-called special operation in Ukraine.

One of the tasks is to establish full control over the Donbas and Southern Ukraine, which will allow the creation of a land corridor to Crimea and another exit to Transnistria, said Major General Rustam Minekaev !!

The Russian official says that Moscow has set as a priority the creation of a corridor to the Transnistrian region.

he added: "Control over southern Ukraine is another way out of Transnistria, where there are also actions to repress the Russian-speaking population. It seems that we are now at war with the whole world, as it was in the Great War for the Defense of the Fatherland. The whole world was against us. And now the same thing, they never liked Russia"

I think that now no one doubts that we have agents of influence of the Russian Federation in the Presidency, Parliament and Government of the Republic of Moldova !! These influential agents of the Russian Federation are still trying to fool the citizens of the Republic of Moldova !!!

On April 10, 2022, I sent over 1,200 emails to ambassadors, foreign officials, members of the European Parliament that Moldova will be the next country to be attacked by the Russians!

A normal reaction would have been if the officials who supported this leadership of Moldova were fired for corruption / espionage / incompetence because things were obvious !!! The truth is known but the cover-up of corruption continues !!!

All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
Update / April 24, 2022
When I wrote the article on February 14, "Why Moldova needs a general mobilization" It is no coincidence that I demanded that the Moldovan government be replaced by Moldovan soldiers who participated in NATO missions in IRAQ / Afghanistan.

Only these soldiers would have been able to defend the integrity of the Republic of Moldova !!! The current government is full of fools, corrupt people and traitors, just as it is in the Moldovan presidency and parliament, but the solution had to be taken: the resignation of Maia Sandu's government and advisers and their replacement by the military!

Parliament and the president are elected by the people, but their actions, especially those of Maia Sandu, had to be curtailed because there were sufficient reasonable suspicions that she was Russia's agent of influence.

But holding early elections would have been detrimental! the intelligence and security service (I write in lower case because they are stupid, cowardly, corrupt and I consider them the FSB branch in the Republic of Moldova) are only good at cigarette smuggling, smuggling with the separatist regime in Transnistria!

The FSB branch in Moldova is good at destroying all Moldovans who want Moldova to be a member of the EU and promotes its Russian agency in all structures that have any connection with the EU, USA, Japan South Korea and if there is a Moldovan who wants to integrate Moldova in EU and is not controlled by the Russian agency, they immediately throw all their forces to destroy this Moldovan citizen!

Whether they do it through undercover activists (they call themselves civil society) or through government representatives !!! The SIS was obliged to intervene to counter any danger that threatens the security of Moldova but they did nothing!

The Moldovan army was obliged to ask for help (military / financial equipment) to defend the integrity of Moldova but they did not! I posted posts on a group of the national army that the Republic of Moldova would be attacked by the Russians and everyone was shouting that no one would attack us and I was removed from the group! Now everyone is talking about what I started writing on February 14th!

Even after the statements of the Russian general that they want to make their way to Transnistria, the Moldovan authorities do nothing! Country of cowards with all their force structures! The prosecution, the SIS are doing nothing to defend this country from the Russians!

Because SIS is the FSB branch in Moldova! The director of the SIS is a visionless idiot, stupid and willing to serve any regime, whether it's Dodon or Maia Sandu!

Only "stukach" in this institution who are very good at "podstava"! During Plahotniuc's time, this institution brought people just like Plahotniuc: pimps, rapists, all kinds of bastards who use the institution's badge just to achieve their goals !!!

Update / April 25, 2022
Tonight, the headquarters of the so-called security ministry in Tiraspol was hit by several grenades fired from the launcher. I have already written about Transnistria and what the Russians will do and I really do not want to repeat myself!

Update / April 26, 2022
❗️ The Supreme Security Council will meet starting with 13.00, at the Presidency. After the meeting, at 15.00, President Maia Sandu will hold a press briefing.
look at CSS Composition !! Only the Minister of Defense has knowledge in the field, the rest are amateurs, miserable in the field of security and defense !!

How absurd the Moldovan government is: civil war inside Transnistria or conflict between interest groups!
Idiots per kg or wholesale shit on these CSS bastards. Only Ukrainian soldiers can save us from the Russians because these bastards want to give the Russians Moldova and then to flee to the EU and make statements there that how much they are against the Russians and that they have violated Moldova's neutrality !!!!
Update April 29, 2022
I don't think the Russians want to change this Moldovan government !!! They need such incompetents to lead Moldova !!! What this government does in peacetime could not be done by the Russians in time of war !!! What they have done so far has been perfect for the Russians !!!

To those who read my article, I repeat: The Russians do not want to change the government in protest!

Pro-Russians want to create tensions so as to give for the Russians a pretext to invade Moldova !!!!

Maia Sandu together with PAS created the opportunity for the Socialists / Communists to be arrested / beaten by the Moldovan law enforcement forces in order to give them a pretext for Russia to invade Moldova !!

All these actions (explosions) that took place in Transnistria is the preparation of the ground for war! I wrote earlier that as long as the Russians do not have a corridor to Transnistria, the separatist regime in Tiraspol will be very good but since the Russians will have a corridor to Transnistria, they will demand to unite with the Russian Federation or independence!

This is exactly what the Russians want what Maia Sandu says: that those who will wear the slow orange with black should be sanctioned / arrested / fined by the Moldovan authorities !!!

Maia Sandu is playing the Russian card! The Russians don't need this stupid government to bring down!
Update April 30, 2022
I also wrote in this article that I did many analyzes that were later confirmed such as the Russians taking Crimea or declaring independence for the separatist republics.

The main culprit in this invasion of Ukraine is Russia and then Ukrainian politicians are responsible. Gordon and Arestovici's statements about Transnistria seem like reckless statements to me!

You have to be damn stupid to declare that we can occupy Transnistria in a few moments or to declare that the Romanians or NATO have plans to attack Transnistria! Gordon and Arestovici should make their mouths shut and stop coming with such statements !!

Attacking Transnistria would mean that Ukraine would become invading and Ukrainians would repeat the mistakes of the Russians who thought they could occupy Ukraine in a few days and so Ukrainians say they could occupy Transnistria in a few moments !!

One is when you defend your country but it's completely different when you attack even a separatist region! As Ukrainians defend themselves on their territory, so will the separatist region (Transnistria) defend itself.

Are Ukrainians ready to destroy buildings such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, or entire towns and villages in the separatist region of Transnistria? Are Ukrainians ready to kill civilians? Even if they have Russian citizenship?

Dear Ukrainians! If you can occupy Transnistria in a few moments, then why not liberate Mariupol? Because your soldiers needed your help and try to find ways to liberate Russian-occupied areas and not deal with reckless statements / analyzes!
Update May 1, 2022
The first question is who should commit such forgeries? What was the purpose of these forgeries?
Because from the start it was clear that they would have no effect !!! And if such recruitment of young people is really needed, how will society react? There is no plan to defend Moldova and that is clear! That there will be no mobilization or that it will be too late, I also wrote about it!

I do not believe that the Americans will intervene on the territory of the Republic of Moldova to fight the Russians in the same way that the Americans did not intervene in Georgia or Ukraine!

Romanians will not enter Moldova alone against the Russians! Romanians will get involved if they are supported by allies! There are many Poles who even from the counterintelligence service that provides services for Russians and if they will be involved only in symbolic actions and without harmful effects for Russia !!!

My impression is that those who create such forgeries are also fighting them! When you have no work or your job is to create tension, diversion or distract from real problems or mislead!

The Moldovan army is not ready to face any attack from outside or even from Transnistria! Tiraspol controls Chisinau and that is clear to everyone! The Metallurgical Plant in Râbnița continues to finance the separatist regime and to corrupt the forces and the leadership of Moldova !!!

Update May 5, 2022
Many citizens of the Republic of Moldova are leaving the country because of the tensions in Transnistria and the fear that a war will start in Moldova! Lack of trust in the Moldovan authorities, lack of trust in the Moldovan army causes Moldovans to leave Moldova en masse !!!
I was one of the first in Moldova to write on February 14 that we need a general mobilization! I remind you that the war between Russia and Ukraine started on February 24th!
Update 6 mai 2022
I will never return to Romania or Poland until all Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
F##k you #Poland, F##k you #Romania

Update May 9, 2022
According to some sites:
"Over 25,000 people of the Republic of Moldova (pro-Russians) participated in the Victory March and the" Immortal Regiment "and this only in Chisinau! Such actions took place in Balti and in the south of Moldova!
There were fights between some people because of this march but because most of the citizens were informed in advance about the challenges of the Russians, the Romanian unionists and the Ukrainian refugees did not respond to the challenges of the Russians!
I'm glad I managed to warn about the challenges of the Russians before Facebook blocked my profile and page of over 50,000 and posted in some groups with tens of thousands of people!
After the government created the problem and their plans were revealed, they changed their strategy and praised the Russians' plan for not working! If I hadn't written on the site / social networks and sent emails to over 1200 diplomats, I would probably have organized destabilization in Chisinau!
All the strategies of the Russians are already known! Don't surprise us with anything!
The ban on the orange and black ribbon took effect thanks to the Moldovan leadership:
The Kremlin uses propaganda and declares that we Bessarabians are fascists and that the Russians here must be saved by these fascists from the government / parliament / presidency of Moldova!

Now pro-Russian Russians wearing black and orange ribbons today will receive police fines and they will complain again on pro-Russian television that they are being persecuted in Moldova!
Update May 14, 2022
I already speak #Romanian, #Russian, #Polish, #French, #English and now I have started to learn #Italian and #German! I downloaded the video from youtube and I’m learning now! in 2010 I learned 5 months of German and Italian it seems easy to me! I know about the relationship that the Romanians have with the Italians and that is why I ask the Italians not to harm my family and relatives in Italy! I do not believe in coincidences!
Update May 15, 2022
Everyone was wondering if the Russians could not get to Transnistria because the Ukrainians have s300 / Stinger which protects them from any Russian entry into Transnistrian territory!
Russian soldiers entered Transnistria from Chisinau International Airport as civilians and were taken to Transnistria! So far, it is estimated that up to 3,000 Russian soldiers have arrived in Transnistria!
Because of this, the Moldovan authorities did not join the sanctions of the international community to allow the Russians to reach Moldova through Chisinau International Airport! 3000 Russian soldiers conquer Moldova in 24 hours!
Thanks to Maia Sandu, Popescu and other bastards for losing the statehood and independence of Moldova!
The fact that the Russians can get to Moldova already seems plausible to me that the Russians would get to Transnistria through Chisinau International Airport! The Russian special services are ready for such scenarios!
the Russians are not so stupid as to send 5 people in groups to travel around Chisinau!
Obviously you don't come with weapons and military forms through the airport, in Transnistria there is enough weapons! And they don't all go the same way! I think that the routes are divided and enter through several “checkpoints”!
All Russians must be banned from arriving in Moldova! Just a chance to leave Moldova!

I do not rule out that these Russians will stay in the northern and southern part of Moldova to get information (although I am convinced that they know almost everything in Moldova) and to create diversion on day x or y
You can't ask the SIS to fight the Russians when they are the main smugglers with the Tiraspol regime! I also call those from SIS: the FSB branch in Moldova!

Update May 16, 2022
I don’t learn #Italian because I like #Italy or #German because I like #Germany, #Switzerland is the country where I want to live! Italian and German are the national languages ​​in Switzerland, and the #French language I already speak is also the national language!