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Mie îmi plac astfel de videouri! Nici nu ști cum să reacționezi! Videoul nu este vechi și am citit și toate comentariile, am indicat și sursa videoului!
Este un video real din această lună și din acest an!
Sunt două lumi paralele în Ucraina: una care luptă pe front și alta care se distrează!
Nu sunt eu în drept să îi judec și cred că doar acei de pe front trebuie să aibă ultimul cuvânt!

video from lenaberry8888 TikTok
the information that I have published in this article is current!
I am already 34 years old and I was not married, obviously not divorced! I have no children! In this article I will write about women and about the strategies of Russians to recruit girls that I want to meet or discredit me in front of these girls!
If there is a #Polish girl, a #Romanian girl or a #Moldovan girl who will tell you that I have children or that we are engaged, you should know that they are lying! I will never marry a Moldovan, Romanian or Polish woman and if SHE tell these lies it means that she was paid to say something like that or she works for intelligence!
I'm not engaged and now I don't have a girlfriend!
even if these girls from these countries are beautiful: I will never marry a girl whose country was part of the USSR or the organization of the Warsaw Treaty!
even if some of these countries are NATO members, the Russians almost completely control the intelligence services such as the Polish or Romanian ones!
Poles, Romanians and Moldavians you will not escape from prison!!! it's my way of protesting/ Telegram-@plopandreicom
I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
I, Plop Andrei, am not a rapist, I am not gay, I am not a terrorist, I’m not a pedophile I am not a spy, and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I’m not paranoid, drug addict, communist, I don’t even smoke cigarettes and those who will blame me or arrest me for some previously mentioned actions, you know that they are Russian spies! The Russians are corrupting most of my friends, family members, they have discredited me and will continue to discredit me and now they just have to arrest or kill me.
#NoJusticeNoPeace #corruption #politics #truth #freedom #news #corruptgovernment #government #governmentcorruption #sayhisname #freedom
Am primit și comentarii de la un individ care se consider mai șmecher decât alți! Omul trebuie să își știe locul!
Pe viitor, studiați mai întâi CV -ul meu și pe urmă veniți cu învinuiri!

tu îmi dai lecții mie!!! Îmi dai lecții mie ce înseamnă Europa, ce înseamnă NATO! Eu am mai multe diplome decât toată familia ta la un loc, la care am participat seminare, conferințe și traininguri despre UE și NATO! Tu îmi zici mie ce este Europa în care am trăit 11 ani în diasporă, cu studii în România, Polonia, Canada! Pleacă băi javră la plimbare că știm mai multe despre UE și NATO decât știe ministrul afacerilor externe și integrării europene Nicolae Popescu care are studii la Moscova!
Există algoritme atât la Facebook cât și alte rețele sociale ca să nu fii văzut/ vizibil pe rețelele sociale cât să nu ai vizitatori cât mai mulți pe site!
Dacă ai vizitatori mai mulți pe site asta înseamnă să câștigi cât mai mulți bani însă când ai 3 pagini de Facebook și alte 5 grupuri pe Facebook care adună în total peste 600000 de followers, iar pe site intră doar 20-30 de persoane, asta înseamnă că funcționează algoritmul Facebook de a nu vedea postările tale și deasemenea ești blocat pe site de către hackerii de la serviciile de inteligență!
Am fost blocat mai multe ori pe Facebook și chiar am fost șters că administrator de pe pagini cu peste 90 000 de followers!
Rețeaua FSB din Moldova și România prin intermediul filialelor lor locale precum SIS, SRI, SIE, STS mă blochează în continuare pe rețelele sociale cât și pe siteurile mele!
Mai devreme sau mai târziu acești nemernici vor ajunge la închisoare! Frica de adevăr îi sperie și din cauza asta fac tot posibilul ca să nu îmi fie citită/ vândută cartea!
Sa ajuns și la faptul ca să îmi fie furați banii din vânzarea de carte de către americani!
De ce fac ei asta?
Răspunsul îl veți citi în cartea în care o voi publica degrabă: De ce se teme FBI-ul ca eu să trec testul poligraf în fața tuturor ambasadorilor și atașaților militari NATO!
the information that I have published in this article is current!
I am already 34 years old and I was not married, obviously not divorced! I have no children! In this article I will write about women and about the strategies of Russians to recruit girls that I want to meet or discredit me in front of these girls!
If there is a #Polish girl, a #Romanian girl or a #Moldovan girl who will tell you that I have children or that we are engaged, you should know that they are lying! I will never marry a Moldovan, Romanian or Polish woman and if SHE tell these lies it means that she was paid to say something like that or she works for intelligence!
I'm not engaged and now I don't have a girlfriend!
even if these girls from these countries are beautiful: I will never marry a girl whose country was part of the USSR or the organization of the Warsaw Treaty!
even if some of these countries are NATO members, the Russians almost completely control the intelligence services such as the Polish or Romanian ones!
Poles, Romanians and Moldavians you will not escape from prison!!! it's my way of protesting/ Telegram-@plopandreicom
I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
I, Plop Andrei, am not a rapist, I am not gay, I am not a terrorist, I’m not a pedophile I am not a spy, and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I’m not paranoid, drug addict, communist, I don’t even smoke cigarettes and those who will blame me or arrest me for some previously mentioned actions, you know that they are Russian spies! The Russians are corrupting most of my friends, family members, they have discredited me and will continue to discredit me and now they just have to arrest or kill me.
#NoJusticeNoPeace #corruption #politics #truth #freedom #news #corruptgovernment #government #governmentcorruption #sayhisname #freedom
this man in the photo is George (the manager of the Atlantis Hotel/ from #KosIsland in #Greece), he, together with those from the Koullias Hotels Group, exploits the immigrants without paying them for the days worked
Update June 3, 2023
Now I’m working on publishing the second book and I really don’t have time to waste!
it is a certain thing that Ukrainian women are exploited!
but the problem is that these Ukrainian women have no other solution, because some of them have children and will continue to work even if they are exploited!
I am a European citizen and I know my rights!
but I will take revenge on the Greeks in my own way!
if any Greek will suffer and need help, I will not do anything or I will make him suffer even more!
if I hold a job in public office and in a contest I will have a choice between a Greek product or a Dutch product, obviously the Dutch company will win the contest! and I don’t care if the Greek product is better or not! I know that the Greeks are liars and thieves and sooner or later I will regret that I chose the Greek company!
For me, the Greeks will remain thieves and liars for the rest of my life!
Why? I spent a lot of money on plane tickets! I also spent money on food! I also paid money to the Ukrainian agency to get this job! I spent around a thousand euros and this manager George only paid me for 5 days out of the 7 worked and he still continues to lie!
when in 2009 I was persecuted by the communists, I felt the moral and financial help from my colleagues and professors at the university even though the government was a criminal regime and for the simple fact that you support an anti-communist they could mistreat you or expel you from your job while in Greece, and what bothered me about the Greeks I worked with: that the next day they didn’t even look me in the eyes or say hello! I have never seen such cowardice in a nation!
only one girl looked into my eyes, but she was also of Albanian origin!
I want to buy sheet metal to make a small pool!
I live modestly and I don't have money to build a big pool even if I have 20 sotes of land!
I study the prices and notice that the lowest prices for metals are sold by a company with an address in Chisinau, but this company belongs to the separatists!
the fact that this company works in Chisinau means that it is registered by the Moldovan authorities, and if they had done something illegal, the entire state of the Republic of Moldova is guilty of not doing anything!
how do we want to unite with the separatists if we have a negative attitude towards them from the start! the fact that they get free gas that we citizens pay for, who are they to blame!
that there is metal smuggling, we all know about that!
I have a choice: to buy metal from the separatists or to buy the same metal from the Moldovans (also bought from the separatists but they sell it more expensive)
what would you do in my place!
I am sure of one thing: that if the company works with documents, it means that the state is guilty! and we know how the state of the Republic of Moldova makes money at the expense of Transnistria!
for those from SIS: don't bother filming me, because I'm going to post on TikTok anyway!
I have calculated and I will not spend more than 100 dollars for the metal that I will buy!
so it doesn't deserve all the attention!
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Edi Rama caught giving PM Giorgia Meloni a big hug and a smooch in front of "European Leaders".
#albania #italy🇮🇹 #giorgiameloni #italy
the information that I have published in this article is current!
I am already 34 years old and I was not married, obviously not divorced! I have no children! In this article I will write about women and about the strategies of Russians to recruit girls that I want to meet or discredit me in front of these girls!
If there is a #Polish girl, a #Romanian girl or a #Moldovan girl who will tell you that I have children or that we are engaged, you should know that they are lying! I will never marry a Moldovan, Romanian or Polish woman and if SHE tell these lies it means that she was paid to say something like that or she works for intelligence!
I'm not engaged and now I don't have a girlfriend!
even if these girls from these countries are beautiful: I will never marry a girl whose country was part of the USSR or the organization of the Warsaw Treaty!
even if some of these countries are NATO members, the Russians almost completely control the intelligence services such as the Polish or Romanian ones!
Poles, Romanians and Moldavians you will not escape from prison!!! it's my way of protesting/ Telegram-@plopandreicom
I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
I, Plop Andrei, am not a rapist, I am not gay, I am not a terrorist, I’m not a pedophile I am not a spy, and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I’m not paranoid, drug addict, communist, I don’t even smoke cigarettes and those who will blame me or arrest me for some previously mentioned actions, you know that they are Russian spies! The Russians are corrupting most of my friends, family members, they have discredited me and will continue to discredit me and now they just have to arrest or kill me.
#NoJusticeNoPeace #corruption #politics #truth #freedom #news #corruptgovernment #government #governmentcorruption #sayhisname #freedom