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Update December 15, 2022
Poles continue to do Nazi experiments with Romanians and Moldavians started in the Polish refugee camp in Debak!
Americans don't want to interrogate me and pass the polygraph test because they will also go to jail for espionage and corruption in favor of Russia!
because the Poles continue to do Nazi experiments I will demand billions of euros in compensation from the Polish state!!!

This article is published on my 5 sites (,, , , ) and I recommend everyone to read this article!
it's about corruption, incompetence and espionage in favor of Russia!
if you want to understand how the Russian secret services work in the ex-Soviet space and American incompetence and European corruption such as Germany, I recommend you to read this article as well!

also about the former Moldavian and Romanian communists who only changed their name but continue to do Moscow's politics, I recommend you to read this article!

December 12, 2022
I recommend that the US counterintelligence service immediately begin investigating the Americans in Romania and Moldova!
because those involved in corruption and espionage schemes in favor of Russia will never investigate themselves!
they will only look for scapegoats!
or to look for all kinds of reasons that we have a plan to fight with terrorists, the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians and all kinds of individuals just to escape from prison!
they took bribes from the Russians and the rest are just plans to get out of prison!
I still insist on passing the polygraph test in front of all the embassies and military attachés who are members of NATO!
over 600 ambassadors also received original documents from me!
Americans, Poles, Romanians and Moldovans will look for all kinds of pretexts for me not to pass the polygraph test because they know that what I say is true and they are afraid of prison because they took bribes from the Russians!
I'm not afraid to pass the polygraph test, but those who took bribes and did Nazi experiments are afraid of prison!

December 11, 2022
if the US embassy in Moldova will not come up with the initiative : to pass the polygraph test in front of all ambassadors and military attachés who are members of NATO (why in front of everyone: because Americans will also have to be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia )
and they Americans will continue to collaborate with the Moldovans and Romanians whom I blame for espionage in favor of Russia! I ask that the counterintelligence institutions in the USA begin investigating for espionage and corruption the Poles, Romanians, Moldovans and Americans who will continue to collaborate with these individuals!
please create a US group that has nothing in common with these individuals to be equidistant and independent!
I am ready to answer the polygraph test that I have never worked and I do not work for any security/intelligence service! I am not a member of any organization (in any form of existence) and no one had the right and does not have the right to film me, to record me!
conditions are the same as in the previous post!

December 9, 2022
my offer from when i was in canada is still valid! I am ready to pass any polygraph that you have in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés in Moldova in which to prove that I have never once worked for any security/intelligence service! You will choose the embassy where I will be questioned! my condition is the following: to publish the list of all Poles (politicians, activists, from the intelligence services - all without exception) and the list of Romanians/Moldavians (all without exception - politicians, relatives, former friends recruited by the FSB branch,
activists, from the intelligence services)when I was an asylum seeker in Poland and I interrogate them!
also those involved in Nazi experiments also be arrested!
after I interrogate them: they will end up in prison for espionage and corruption in favor of Russia: Poles, Americans, Romanians, Moldovans, Germans, and dozens of undercover activists!
among those arrested will be directors of intelligence services from Moldova, Romania and Poland!
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orange company, you are on my corrupt list from today!
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Poles, Romanians and Moldavians you will not escape from prison!!! it's my way of protesting/


I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
why the Americans don't want me to pass the polygraph test in front of all the ambassadors and military attachés who are NATO members in Chisinau!
why are they still doing nazi experiments and trying their best to put me in jail?!
why are they helping the Moldovans and the Romanians whom I accuse of espionage in favor of Russia!

was published – November 18, 2019
The fact that there is a person who can ruin the plans of the Russians, and in order to destroy that person you have to call people from the FSB branch in Moldova, which is called the Information and Security Service of Moldova. Next step, the FSB branch from Moldova sends challenges to Romania and the Romanian Intelligence Service knows that a Russian / Belarusian / will come and will walk beside me. Last time I was in Moldova on September 28, 2010 and since then I have not returned to Moldova. from 2012 to 2016 I studied law in Romania and also my master’s degree in conflict analysis and resolution And let’s say that one morning when I go to university, a Russian sits next to my chair, and I don’t even know that individual and in the same place there is also a Romanian security officer photographing me sitting next to a Russian. ! In some cases a joint team is created, between the intelligence service in Moldova and the intelligence service in Romania. Both teams are in Bucharest, and the Moldovan Intelligence Service provided all the information received from the Romanians to Russia. From the information received from the Romanians / Moldovans the Russians send again provocateurs (people I do not know) and when I become a spy of all services The people who work on my file and because of the challenges and misinformation they send to the Moldovans / Romanians (who also work for the Russians) are promoted in their careers! From activists to people who work for secret services, my nightmare begins to make my life so I hate the Romanians and send me in the arms of the Russians I will have no other solution than to go to the Russians, and the people working in the counter-intelligence services in Romania and Moldova will report that I went to Russia because I was a Russian spy and the people from the counter-intelligence information will be promoted as they found a spy! Then I was in the Czech Republic or Poland, the intelligence services in Romania as well as undercover activists try to bring me to Romania! But when I get to Romania they do everything they can to give me Russians! When I try to go to the United States, they do their best, to not even reach the US embassy in Bucharest and the closer I am to the US, they become more nervous. The challenges that Romania has made, the same challenges they have done here in Canada. They risked the career of some activists to save the covered activists the Romanian intelligence services that collaborated with the Canadian services sent the information to the FSB branch in Moldova. The information was taken over by the Russians, who also sent provocative ones, people I didn’t know and who were surprised by the Romanian / Canadian / Moldovan intelligence activists or services
Poles, Romanians and Moldavians you will not escape from prison!!! it's my way of protesting/


I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
I, Plop Andrei, am not a rapist, I am not gay, I am not a terrorist, I’m not a pedophile I am not a spy, and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I’m not paranoid, drug addict, communist, I don’t even smoke cigarettes and those who will blame me or arrest me for some previously mentioned actions, you know that they are Russian spies! The Russians are corrupting most of my friends, family members, they have discredited me and will continue to discredit me and now they just have to arrest or kill me.
#NoJusticeNoPeace #corruption #politics #truth #freedom #news #corruptgovernment #government #governmentcorruption
#sayhisname #freedom
all the information in this article is current! including the information published on July 12, 2022

update July 12, 2022
I have never met a #Polish girl, #Romanian girl, or #Canadian girl and the last time I met a #Moldovan girl was in 2014.
if someone tries to convince you that I have children and that I let them know that they are lying! Especially Moldovans, Romanians and Poles! I have never met a Polish girl: in 2010/2011 I met a Ukrainian girl and then a Georgian girl, and in the spring / summer of 2014 I met an Armenian girl! I later met this Armenian girl in Hungary because of some Romanian idiots. I recommend you read Red Horizons, Ion Mihai Pacepa! How the Romanians were communists and remained so today!
If there is a #Polish girl, a #Romanian girl or a #Moldovan girl who will tell you that I have children or that we are engaged, you should know that they are lying! I will never marry a Moldovan, Romanian or Polish woman and if I tell these lies it means that she was paid to say something like that or she works for intelligence!
if I were to ask all Romanians and Moldovans who collaborated with Poles in 2017, I want to make sure I find the entire network of Russian spies in #Poland, #Romania, #Moldova and the #USA.
Subsemnatul, Plop Andrei am fost prima persoană atât din Moldova cât și de pe acest glob în care scriam că Republica Moldova are nevoie de o mobilizare generală și că următoarea țintă a rușilor este Republica Moldova! Vreau să vă reamintesc că eu încă de pe 14 februarie scriam că avem nevoie de o mobilizare generală iar rușii au atacat Ucraina pe 24 februarie 2022! Despre faptul că rușii vor să creeze un coridor pină în Transnistria am scris cu multe luni în urmă!
Îl cunosc pe Alexandu Musteață de la conferința universitară NATO din 2010 și spre deosebire de alți pasiști chiar posedă cunoștințe și sunt de acord doar cu un singur lucru: că este o chestiune de timp pină când ne vor ataca și pe noi însă trebuie să le mulțumim militarilor ucraineni și corupției și incompetenței cadrelor militare rusești!
Un posibil atac al Moldovei din partea rușilor dinspre partea de nord este cea mai puțin plauzibilă și asta chiar dacă sa luat în calcul că vor ataca din din nou dinspre Belarus pentru că noi am văzut cât de greu le-a fost rușilor să ocupe Mariuopolul iar ca să ajungi în Moldova dinspre partea de Nord va trebui cel puțin să ocupi Kievul iar pentru asta îți trebuie resurse umane mult mai mult decât le are la moment! Unicul coridor care se putea de creat pină în Transnistria era doar din partea de Sud și pentru asta trebuia să ocupi orașele Nikolaev, Odesa și ei dincotra au plecat chiar din Herson!
Rușii ar putea câștiga doar dacă folosește arme nucleare cea ce la moment pare un scenariu ireal!
Ar putea să folosească însă în alte condiții și realități!
Iarna întotdeauna le-a fost în avantajul rușilor însă și ucraineni știu ce înseamnă iarna pentru că avem/ au același climat și nu este o noutate generalul iarnă!
Atât timp cât rușii nu fac schimbări de cadre militare ( să fie scoși din funcții pompierii) și corupția continuă și Ucraina este susținută în continuare de occident, pot spune că pină în vara următoare (2023)rușii nu au cum să ajungă în Moldova prin partea de nord însă prin partea de Sud sunt șanse numai dacă Ucraina nu va fi susținută de occident!
Sunt de acord că armata Moldovei trebuie susținută financiar și cu tehnică militară și că indiferent de ce se întâmplă în Ucraina avem nevoie de o mobilizare generală! Mai întâi de toate un salariu decent pentru militari moldoveni care sunt gata să își riște viața pentru apărare Moldovei ( cu un salariu de cel puțin 2000 de euro iar în timp de război cu rușii să se dubleze)! Cu tehnică militară din occident iar unele țări sau arătat dispuse să acorde sprijin financiar și echipament/ tehnică militară!
Dacă cineva crede că salariile de 2000 de Euro este prea mult atunci să își pună întrebărea: cât costă viața ta?
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Poles, Romanians and Moldavians you will not escape from prison!!! it's my way of protesting/


I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!