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Update February 22, 2022
After yesterday, I noticed that the Russian bitches from Moldova, Romania and Poland are in a panic!
These Russian bitches are like hyenas, they are afraid to fight one by one with the lion!
These hyenas are strong if there are several against one!
In the article below I wrote that the Russians recruited most of my friends and that the Poles, the Romanians took bribes from the Russians and they are now Russian bitches! ( I think I do not need to write again that all without exception-that it is clear)
The truth is coming to the surface and I have already informed the whole international community and that’s why these Russian bitches are panicking.
Before I tell you what happened yesterday in Chisinau (February 21, 2022), I want to tell you about an event that took place many years ago.
I have lived in the village of Porumbeni since I was 3 years old, we moved here from Chisinau and lived for a while in a Soviet-style building.
I wrote about my childhood in Romanian there are some specifics of the Republic of Moldova and that is why I did not write in English but I think I will translate it soon especially since after the experience I had in a court in Canada where the Romanian interpreter intentionally misinterpreted what I said to the Canadian judge! It is a practice of the Romanian authorities, including the European Court of Human Rights-ECHR to intentionally misrepresent or to submit false documents.
When we were kids we didn’t have the technologies that today’s kids have and one of our traditions was to get together at the horizontal bar (also called the high bar).
When we were kids we didn’t have the technologies that today’s kids have and one of our traditions was to gather in the evening at the horizontal bar (also called the high bar) and next to the horizontal bar there was a field where we played football (church is being built here today).
Even though I later moved into the house, I still kept the tradition at that time.
It was around 2005 when I met a person who was practicing taekwon-do.
He was a person who moved to Porumbeni from another village!
Also in 2005 I started practicing Taekwon-do! Igor Mocanu trained in taekwon-do for the second year and I just started!
I started practicing Taekwon-do in Chisinau where it is 12 kilometers from the village of Porumbeni.
I think that in October or November 2005, on a Friday, we (Igor Mocanu and I) were returning from taekwon-do training and we decided to stop at the bar in Varzari.
We were sitting at one table and 3 people were sitting at another table!
One of these 3 was a former classmate of Igor’s from the school in Cricova where Igor studied but because Igor was hit in the head with chair from Vadim Musteata, Igor’s parents decided to transfer him to the school in Magdacesti.
The fact that he was humiliated at school left him with complexes for the rest of his life.
Vadim and two of his friends went out and were waiting for us!
They had something to fix and we all came to the conclusion that they are fighting with each other (Igor Mocanu with Vadim) but no one needs to get involved!
They started fighting but Tudor ( FEGHEA) began to beat Igor Mocanu
I also intervened and I was fighting with this Tudor and there was another gypsy (third person) who was starting fight with me!
Igor fought with Vadim even though they were the same size and I was fighting Tudor and the gypsy even though they were both taller than me by a head.
These two individuals I was fighting with received blows from me, but I also received blows. I was fighting these two individuals on one side and Igor and Vadim on the other side.
At which Igor Mocanu ran away and left me alone against 3 people! I saw him run away and leave me alone! If he didn’t run away, we would beat them all 3!
I managed to escape for myself, I had no choice! He left me alone and ran away!
Igor ran home to his house I think the distance between the bar and the Soviet-style building where he lived was a distance of 950 meters. Igor Mocanu returned with his father to the bar in Varzari but when they arrived no one was there!
And if I weren’t there to escape, until Igor and his father arrived I was going to be with broken ribs, a broken nose, a broken head!
I returned home and took the knife and I wanted to go to the ravine that separates the village of Porumbeni with Cricova because Vadim was from Cricova and they usually went to the disco in Magdacesti on Friday. My mother and sister stopped me when they saw me with the knife!
I think after an hour when everything was quiet, Igor and his father came to my house.
He apologized then!
The next week after the fight, Tudor Sungurov came with a faded eye at school and all his friends asked him!
from whom he has a bruised eye
After the anti-communist revolution of April 7, 2009 Moldova I had to hide from Voronin’s police and security and I hid in several places and once I hid at Igor’s house!
His parents did not have a house and they had to leave Porumbeni in 2007/2008 and the apartment where they lived was rented.
Because they rented the apartments where they lived, they often had to change apartments!
And Igor Mocanu never did politics and was not a member of any organization, he was a student at the state university (where he studied to be a forester) and he practiced taekwondo and because he had no idea about politics I didn’t have it either ever called to a party meeting, and in his spare time he collected debts from people who borrowed money from people with a dubious past.
In Romania it is called CĂMĂTĂRIE – an illegal activity.
He has never been involved in politics, has never been to a scientific conference, training, seminar, etc. but this was not a reason not to be noticed by the Russian network in Moldova.
When I was hiding so that the communists could not find me and Igor was at university, I found the letter that Igor received from the embassy of the Russian Federation in which they wrote that due to the fact that Igor was born on the current territory of the Russian Federation (place where he was born, writes in the bulletin and in his passport) that he can obtain Russian citizenship!
I am convinced that Mihail Popșoi would have received such a letter to obtain citizenship and if he did not obtain it, he is probably already their man!
The first question I asked myself was where does the Russian Federation know where he lives? Where did they get Igor’s address from?
Considering that they were moving from one location to another and they were renting!
In 2010 I left Moldova (read below) because of a criminal case that the Russian network in Moldova wanted to fabricate for me to be imprisoned for something I did not do!
Usually the police / prosecutor’s office fabricates a criminal case for rape, drug possession, puts you in a psychiatric hospital, there are so many ways to fabricate a criminal case for you that you have no chance! Igor did not leave Moldova because he never did politics!
Igor Mocanu was so poor that when he married with Iulia in 2009/2010 he could not even have a wedding! he only registered the marriage with the official authorities without even inviting relatives or close friends! Iulia had to marry him just because she got pregnant! they lived only a few years together and divorced and the child stayed with Iulia! weddings in Moldova are very big and usually those who organize the wedding take out all the money they spent for the wedding and there is still money left for the honeymoon and some usually buy cars or save money for the apartment!and now because of the money he received from the Russians he does his best to destroy other marriages that have rather become a complex because of the poverty that he cannot accept that someone can live happily!
Igor Mocanu is a good fighter only in the ring but when it comes to fighting on the street, he runs away, he is simply afraid! I was in Romania studying when Igor got beaten so they broke all his ribs! I assume that Igor got beaten up because of the moneylender (camatar) profession and then gave up this profession to study and work as a waiter in Italy!
And if some former friends or family members they come in contact with other countries or organizations / activists and say all sorts of dirty things about me you need to know:
that 99% he is part of the Russian network in Moldova and the question you have to ask him:
– Why didn’t you leave Moldova with him and he left alone?
I did not return to Moldova for 11 years and even if they left, they would go to rest or work and return to Moldova, but they would never be forced to be persecuted by the Russian network in Moldova.
In 2016, when I was studying in Romania at the law school and at the master’s program in Analysis and Conflict Resolution and Igor Mocanu studied as a waiter in Italy he also worked as a waiter!
I remember exactly that moment, I was in a laundry ( Buanderie) ( it was close to the crangasi subway) and I was talking to Igor on skype and I said to him: wait a minute to get the clothes out of the washing machine and the headphones stayed in my ears, and he was talking to a girl without realizing that I was still listening! That was when I realized that the individual had been recruited by the Russians to destroy me!
Yesterday this Igor was following me, I had scheduled a meeting at UNIC a week ago, I was at the intersection on Tighina Street with Stefan cel Mare and I was heading to UNIC.
when I noticed Igor, he changed direction and went to the traffic light to cross Stefan cel Mare Street to 31 August 1989 Street.
I kept going in my direction to UNIC and I see Igor following me without crossing the street!
I stopped in front of Moldtelecom and Igor started running to the trolleybus station (without crossing the street)! I remembered the events that took place in front of the Varzari bar (which today is the pharmacy and across the street is the Linella store!
In vain did the Russians invest in him ( Igor Mocanu) because he was still stupid and scared :))))
After informing the entire international community, the Russian network in Moldova is looking for solutions to put me in jail!
these documents have already been published on my telegram ( @plopandreicom) , instagram ( plopandrew ) and twitter ( plopandrew ) account but because the facebook profile was blocked from June 17th to July 17th I did not publish anything on Facebook!
The documents that I sent to the Canadian authorities after a year due to the inactivity of the Canadian prosecutor's office and the intelligence services, I also sent to about 600 embassies and 600 deputies in the parliament of the European Union. the ambassadors and deputies of the European parliament received these in original documents without deleted texts!
Most likely, the people I accuse of corruption and espionage in favor of Russia in this post will try again to block my Facebook profile!
the Canadian authorities did nothing because they took bribes from Moldovans / Romanians!
about Canadian corruption is no surprise to anyone!
about the person raped and tortured in 2017 by the Moldovan and Romanian authorities that I wrote about in this document, the Americans, the Germans and the Poles knew! Poles are complicit in torture and rape and so far the Poles together with the Romanians defend and promote the people who raped and tortured this person!
this person who was tortured and raped suffers from stockholm syndrome and is still blackmailed into being silent!
The email addressed to the Polish and American embassies was also sent to over 600 ambassadors and deputies from the European Parliament!
almost two have passed and the Polish authorities together with the Romanian / Moldovan ones are trying to further cover up the crimes of corruption, torture, rape and now they are in a panic because everyone is already aware!
this article has been updated and please read it!
I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!- If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!-If someone insists that I work for intelligence but does not have the right to disclose information so that he is not arrested, please arrest him immediately for espionage in favor of Russia. put me face to face with him and one of us will have to be arrested, and I assure you that the individual will be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and not for disclosing information because there are cheap tricks of Russian spies not to be arrested. They usually do so so that they are not investigated for espionage in favor of Russia or for corruption and every time it ends they say: that was our plan! I am ready to pass the polygraph test! -If they try to convince you that Andrei was not referring to us but to other people – please arrest them for espionage in favor of Russia because I mean everyone, without exception! I repeat once again, I mean everyone without exception! If they try to tell you that we have arrested a suspicious person or we are here to arrest people who are following Andrei, please arrest them immediately! Please arrest everyone! Because they usually sacrifice an idiot who works for the Russians, and for that they will be promoted and the Russians want that, to put their people in leadership positions in order to obtain as much information as possible, in order to be able to carry out actions that are in favor of Russia!Because once the officials
have taken a bribe, they are blackmailable and compromised and will do everything possible to escape from prison! Putin needs people who are compromised and blackmailable!The Poles and Canadians who collaborated (took bribes from the Russians through Moldovans / Romanians) are blackmailable and compromised and will be so for the rest of their lives !!!All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!When a person becomes a danger to public office mobsters, it is destroyed by the following methods I wrote in this article on July 21, 2018! ( READ THE ARTICLE BELOW) ,, One could say that you are using drugs / you have used drugs! There are so many options and they have so many resources that they will make your life a nightmare! (Pedophile, Gay, terrorist, sectarian, rapist, narcoman, communist, corrupt, paranoid, psychically ill, spy etc…) I, Plop Andrei, am not a rapist, I am not gay, I am not a terrorist, I’m not a pedophile I am not a spy, and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I’m not paranoid, drug addict, communist, I don’t even smoke cigarettes and those who will blame me or arrest me for some previously mentioned actions, you know that they are Russian spies! The Russians are corrupting most of my friends, family members, they have discredited me and will continue to discredit me and now they just have to arrest or kill me.
If I were to face these Moldovans / Romanians after two hours of questioning, Moldovan / Romanians would be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia!
the questions are from the article below but read the whole article!
why did you follow him? who paid you to follow him? what job did you have before you started following him? how much money did you receive and how much money do you have in your account now? who recruited you? why did you follow him and not ..? why do you avoid meeting him?
You should know that these questions are also read by my enemies and obviously they will prepare an answer in time!
I did not call anyone from Moldova or Romania to Georgia, Poland or Canada! I have not met any Moldovan, Romanian in Georgia, Poland or Canada and no one who was once friends told me that he would come to Georgia, Poland or Canada! Most likely they would have sent Moldovans I don't know and told the Poles or Canadians that they were friends! That's why in the future, if someone declares that they are friends: put me face to face and ask me: Andrei, do you know this individual? HE declares that he is your friend! And please don't believe the people who say they are my friends and try to arrange random meetings! Never believe when someone tells you that's the plan!
14.1 MB
Plop Andrei/ #Russia#Ukraine War: What Will Happen Next? -Plop Andrei: I was arrested in #Canada for the anti-communist revolution!

-What are the goals of the Russians in Moldova?
Job vacancy/ Senior Associate, #EU Green Deal Diplomacy job in #Paris, #Berlin or #Brussels/ European Climate Foundation
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В Херсонской области завершила боевое слаживание Одесская бригада — в ближайшее время начнутся наступательные действия на николаевском и одесском направлениях

Plop Andrei: Pe 14 februarie 2022 am scris că avem nevoie de o mobilizare generală iar pe 24 februarie Rusia a început războiul contra Ucrainei! Faptul că rușii n-au ajuns încă la Nistru se datorează soldaților ucraineni și ajutorului pe care ucrainenii îl primesc de la Occident! Generalii ruși declară toți la unison că trebuie coridor pină în Transnistria! Autoritățile moldovene nu au făcut nimic pentru a apăra integritatea Moldovei și ce vor face Maia Sandu cu incompetenții ei de la conducerea Moldovei dacă rușii ajung la Nistru? Vor ceda Moldova fără luptă!
Now you can download this 71 page article in pdf format from my telegram account - @plopandreicom ! ( you will always find this article in pinned message!
Plop Andrei/ #Russia#Ukraine War: What Will Happen Next?
-Plop Andrei: I was arrested in #Canada for the anti-communist revolution!
-What are the goals of the Russians in Moldova?

All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
#icantbreathe #justice #repost #humanrights #sayhisname
#corruption #truth #freedom #news #corrupt #justice #racism