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All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
#icantbreathe #justice #repost #humanrights #sayhisname
#corruption #truth #freedom #news #corrupt #justice #racism
update July 11, 2022
part 1

I think it is too early to talk about the year 2024 but in 2024 the mandates of the presidents of the Republic of #Moldova, Romania, Poland, #Ukraine, #USA expire! I only wrote about these countries because the elections in these countries will lead to internal changes and changes in the directors of intelligence services in these countries!

I think this term of the US President (Joe Biden) is the first and last term and he has no chance of becoming president for the second time!

the presidents of Poland and Romania are in their second term and will not be able to run for a third time!

Both the president of #Poland and the president of #Romania are suspected of abuse of office and will most likely appear before the judges! they only enjoy the immunity they have as president, but when their mandates expire, they will most likely be prosecuted in court!

in 2023 they will begin to feel the contempt of people who are now still loyal!

The chances for Maia Sandu to become president a second time are very low! #Corruption, incompetence are the key words of Maia Sandu's leadership, she will remain in history only as the first woman to win the electoral elections in Moldova!

the question I am asking myself now: if #Moldova will exist as a country in 2024 and will not be occupied by the Russians!

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that he will not run for a second term, but the #war in #Ukraine with #Russia changes everything and Volodymyr Zelenskyy has an authoritarian attitude. It is difficult to say what Ukraine will look like in 2024, but during the war it is impossible to hold elections! Will peace negotiations be reached by 2024?One thing is clear! That the Russians will do their best to avoid defeat And the Ukrainians will do everything possible to regain their territory! Even if we will have it for short periods! Russians and Ukrainians will return to the battlefield until the Ukrainians surrender! Only the betrayal of Europeans and Americans could lead to such situations!
About the fact that Poles and Romanians were bribed by the FSB branch in Moldova, I wrote in this article! and that is why the year 2024 will be crucial for me! Moldovans do their best to put me in prison but I have not been in Moldova for 11 years (from 2010 to 2021) and all this time I have not committed any crime!

The FSB branch in Moldova will only be able to lock me up if their "partners" who bribe them want to lock me up in Moldova so that they can escape from prison because they have been bribed by Russian spies!

At the moment, the most could come from Poles, Romanians, Georgians and Canadians!!!! When it comes to money everywhere they react the same way and the Poles proved to be more corrupt than the Germans at gazprom! Most states in Europe and America know about the corruption of Poles and Canadians! Germans, French, Italians and most European countries also know the names and surnames of Poles who took bribes from the FSB branch in Moldova

When you have no evidence to imprison a person who tells the truth in Moldova and in ex-Soviet states, a customary criminal case is usually fabricated, liquidated or locked up in a psychiatric ward!

In Moldova, Russian methods of liquidating a person, such as chemicals, are usually used, and documents state that he had health problems!

Suicide methods were used in Moldova and the gun as in the case of Ion Butmalai! Ion Butmalai was killed because he was probably one of the politicians talking about the theft of the billion dollars from banks in the Republic of Moldova!

If investigated by the right people, the current president of Moldova (Maia Sandu) would also end up in prison because of the billion dollars that were stolen from banks in the Republic of Moldova.
It is no secret to anyone in the European Union that Poles do not respect international law and European Union law!

Due to the corruption and cowardice of the Poles, this state has disappeared from the map of Europe 3 times! The guide from the royal castle in Warsaw will take you directly to the painting about the corruption of the Poles! I recommend reading the history of the Poles as well!

To understand the imperial attitude of today's Poles you must study history! Bohdan Khmelnytsky is a Ukrainian hero who saved Ukrainians from Polish slavery! Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595–1657), who, beginning in 1648, led the rebellion against the Polish magnates, claiming freedom and territory for the Cossacks, has been memorialized in Ukraine as a great general and God-given nation builder, cut in the model of George Washington!!!

If the Poles have the opportunity, they will use it for the time being and take territories that belong to the Ukrainians today!

even if there is a war and many cities in Ukraine are being bombed, some of the Ukrainian refugees in Poland will return to Ukraine, some Ukrainians will return to the Russian-occupied areas!

Poles no longer provide social assistance to Ukrainian refugees because they are pushing Ukrainians to find work!

the Poles need the Ukrainians only as slaves to work with miserable wages and to do all their hard work! Because of the attitudes of the Poles, the Ukrainians will unite with the Russians! Obviously, this will not be done immediately, but because of the Ukrainian Poles, they will choose the least evil! because it is impossible for the few million Ukrainian refugees to find all their jobs!

some Ukrainians will have the choice to be homeless in Poland or to be under Russian occupation!
All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the #Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of #Russia and for corruption!

all Poles who took bribes and collaborated with #Moldovans and #Romanians from 2017 will arrive at the International Court of Justice in The Hague for crimes against humanity! already the whole international community found out that you took bribes and that you fulfilled Russian orders!!!!

you will not escape from prison!!!!
I have already written in this article that I speak Romanian, Russian, English, Polish, French and that now I am learning Italian and German because my goal is to go to work in Switzerland and French (which I already speak) Italian and German are national languages in this country!

I am already 34 years old and I was not married, obviously not divorced! I have no children! In this article I will write about women and about the strategies of Russians to recruit girls that I want to meet or discredit me in front of these girls!

When I write about the Russians' strategies, I mean the people from Moldova and Romania who were recruited by FSB / GRU / SVR even if these Moldovans / Romanians work in politics, intelligence or are undercover activists!

I would not have written this article if the FSB / GRU / SVR network from Moldova / Romania had not been discredited all the time and some of them even enjoy the support of the Americans! It happened something like this: Moldovans corrupt Romanians and all these Romanians were filmed with a hidden camera having sex with Moldovan girls so that they would later be blackmailed! Romanians bribe Americans and the purpose of the Russians is to promote Moldovans, Romanians, Americans in their careers! Americans receive misinformation made by Russians from Moldovans and Romanians and these Americans are promoted and then due to the fact that they were promoted, Americans help Romanians and Moldovans get rid of their enemies!

two of my facebook pages: one with 95,000 likes and the second with 15,000 likes were deleted in 2017!

the 95,000 likes page still exists on facebook and currently has only 80,000 likes but no admin! it has not been active since 2017 and I have tried countless times to recover this facebook page without success!

the same happened now with linkedin, my linkedin profile was blocked and I had over 7000 connections!

now my profile and facebook page have been blocked for a month and I can't post anything! my profile and facebook page were blocked and my linkedin account was suspended because I was sharing the same article almost every day! It is the article you are reading now and it is about how the Russians corrupt the Poles and Canadians !!!

facebook and linkedin are American social networks and every NATO member country has access to the facebook network and can read messages from messenger!!! I think I will go to an area too far away but Victoria Nuland acknowledged that in Ukraine there were biological laboratories just as in Romania there were once CIA prisons.

What Americans can't afford in the US they can afford in countries like Eastern Europe! Corruption is also in America, only there it is called a lobby and the Americans take bribes abroad because none of them will dare to go against the Americans even if some of them are corrupt, stupid and blackmailed by the Russians!
Swiss, don't be as corrupt, cowardly and stupid as the #Poles!
I have never met a #Polish girl, #Romanian girl, or #Canadian girl and the last time I met a #Moldovan girl was in 2014.

if someone tries to convince you that I have children and that I let them know that they are lying! Especially Moldovans, Romanians and Poles! I have never met a Polish girl: in 2010/2011 I met a Ukrainian girl and then a Georgian girl, and in the spring / summer of 2014 I met an Armenian girl! I later met this Armenian girl in Hungary because of some Romanian idiots. I recommend you read Red Horizons, Ion Mihai Pacepa! How the Romanians were communists and remained so today!
If there is a #Polish girl, a #Romanian girl or a #Moldovan girl who will tell you that I have children or that we are engaged, you should know that they are lying! I will never marry a Moldovan, Romanian or Polish woman and if I tell these lies it means that she was paid to say something like that or she works for intelligence!

as soon as I start flirting with a girl, say from #Switzerland!
suddenly many will start flirting with her and this girl will feel changes and the #Russian network of spies through activists, intelligence, volunteers will even start making gifts and be very romantic with her! my denigration will begin! The Russian spy network has Moldovans and Romanians ready for such scenarios and they are very romantic and can conquer any girl! Obviously they also have expensive cars but they have phrases and actions that work for any girl! this girl will feel very special and I will immediately realize if this girl is flirting with someone else or just me! It is enough for me to be interested in another girl and everyone who tried to flirt will leave her and will try to be heavenly for the girl I am interested in!
If someone says that he has children from me, he can find out the truth very quickly or that he says that we are meeting and that we want to get married! To find out the truth, it is enough to put me face to face! You will immediately see how they will do everything possible to avoid a face-to-face discussion! And you can't even find out the truth on the phone because now there are so many applications that can mimic my voice! It is important to discuss the video and if someone says I am a spy, that I am under cover just as put face to face and the truth will be found out very soon!
I think that there will be no stupid Swiss people to whom the Romanians will tell them that we understood that I will be from the bank, the post office, etc. (that is the plan).
Just put it face to face and tell me face to face: Andrei, this individual declares that you are an undercover spy; that you are gay that you are; that you came to follow someone; (they will find a victim, I don't even doubt it). Swiss do not be as stupid and corrupt as the Poles! Arrest him immediately and put him face to face with me!

I assure you that anyone from Romania or Moldova will be arrested, because they are lying!
talk to me, ask me!

if I were to ask all Romanians and Moldovans who collaborated with Poles in 2017, I want to make sure I find the entire network of Russian spies in #Poland, #Romania, #Moldova and the #USA.
⚡️Очистить только Донбасс не имеем права, наша следующая цель Одесса, — Депутат Госдумы, генерал-полковник Владимир Шаманов

Первый этап российской спецоперации завершён — поставленные цели достигнуты. Теперь настало время двигаться дальше, поскольку есть чёткая задача — денацифицировать и демилитаризировать Украину.

В противном случае будущим поколениям российских военных придётся решать этот вопрос.

Plop Andrei: #Moldova will be the next country attacked by the #Russians!