P.U.R.R. Philly Uprising Response
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Philly Uprising Response Relay is an announcement channel to send out calls to action and notifications related to BLM.
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Heads up, Philly Restaurant owners and workers, as of yesterday, your Restaurants landlord cant evict you for 180 days. While the moratorium is not enough for you folks, we are rooting for you to survive and rooting that your rent debts can be forgiven.

Now for the next big battle! We are hoping our civilians can stay in their homes as we approach the end of their eviction moratorium, and hoping our city's non restaurant businesses can also receive a moratorium. Businesses caught in shut down should not have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in late rent to stay open.

Please take a few minutes to "harden" or secure your Telegram account right now.

This is a public Telegram channel and your membership is not private. We need to operate under the assumption that both law enforcement and members of alt-right groups are monitoring this channel for information. Don't worry, though! There are a few key steps we can take to mitigate the risk of exposing personal information through Telegram:

• ASSUME any message you send will be read by a bad-actor. Don't say anything that would incriminate yourself or others, expose sensitive information, compromise an identity, etc.

• DO NOT respond to unsolicited direct messages ("DMs"). Bad-actors may try to initiate contact through direct messages in an attempt to obtain incriminating or otherwise valuable information about you and your comrades. Please report suspicious activity to an administrator.

• DO NOT share your phone number on Telegram (Settings / Privacy and Security / Phone Number > Nobody). This is the single most important step you can take to secure your Telegram account.

• DO NOT use your real name, photograph or a user-name used on other platforms. Bad-actors will use this information to help dox you. Telegram allows you to change both.

• DO enable PIN lock for all messaging applications (Settings / Privacy and Security / Passcode Lock > Enable). If your phone is taken by the police, this can help protect your messages.

• DO enable two-factor-authentication for all messaging applications (Settings / Privacy and Security / Two-Step Verification > Enable). This will require a second code or password to login to your account. Alt-right groups have hacked activist-owned accounts before.

It's never too late to start using best-practices to communicate securely. We keep us safe!

#guide #security #communications #opsec #comsec #intel #telegram
The city is so heartless, that it will criminalize tents so that people die from the conditions of living shelterless when they violently remove them from their home. The lack of a legal camping space in Philly is deadly. The lack of right to shelter/home is deadly. We can do better philly. Especially when its affordable to house every single person in this city.
December 21st is not just the first day of Winter. It is also Homeless Memorial Day. That day we remember those who have lost their life while trying to survive homelessness. If you know someone who tragically lost their life in the Philadelphia community while homeless, this form will help them be included in this years memorial and help our city keep count on how many lose their lives prematurely to extreme poverty.

Forwarded from Philly RUST
Project Home has over $87 Million in net assets sitting according to Charity Navigator. They could build 800 homes this year in Philadelphia. But annually, they put 1/4th of their budget away to add to these assets rather than build additional housing. Those 800 units would house a majority of the reported population of unsheltered people in this city. You can do better Project Home. I am extremely disappointed right now finding this in your budget.
Forwarded from Philly RUST
The victims niece
Forwarded from Philly RUST
City council, state legislators, or us congress can end homelessness with single payer housing, $5 billion, $34 billion, or $1.6 trillion to cover peoples rent, and first mortgages. The city, state, and nation can end housing insecurity and homelessness. But they would rather build infrastructure for the stakeholders and capitalists
Forwarded from Philly RUST
Good morning! Telegram is deleting all the commonly used leftist channels probably as a way to appear balanced in the wake of the mass deleting of the far right Terrorgram pages. Don't worry, we'll make a new network. Maybe not on Telegrams, maybe on Magic or somewhere else. Keep your eyes and ears open. We Protect Us.
Forwarded from Philly RUST
Press Release From Philadelphia Department Of Planning and Development.

On April 15, 2021, Mayor Kenney will propose a budget to City Council for the coming fiscal year which starts July 1, 2021. Due to COVID-19, the City is facing difficult budget choices this year. We have less resources than in the past but know Philadelphians have more needs than ever before. Before the City finishes drafting the budget, we want to hear from Philadelphians like you on how the City should focus its spending by Sunday, February 28, 2021.


Please share your thoughts with our 10-minute survey:
English Survey
Tiếng Việt

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas to help the City meet the needs of Philadelphians.

PS: Want to learn more about the City Budget?

Check out this year's Budget documents at 


El 15 de abril de 2021, el Alcalde Kenney propondrá un presupuesto al Municipio para el año entrante. Debido al COVID-19, la Ciudad enfrenta decisiones difíciles de presupuesto este año. Tenemos menos recursos que en el pasado pero sabemos que los habitantes de Filadelfia tienen más necesidades que nunca. Antes de que la Ciudad termine de preparar el presupuesto, queremos escuchar a los habitantes de Filadelfia como usted acerca de cómo debería enfocar sus gastos la Ciudad.  ¿Quiere más información acerca del Presupuesto de la Ciudad? Verifique los Documentos de Presupuesto de este año en https://www.phila.gov/documents/mayor-kenneys-fiscal-year-2021-budget/ Gracias por compartir sus pensamientos e ideas acerca de cómo ayudar a la Ciudad a cumplir con las necesidades de los habitantes de Filadelfia.

Vào ngày 15 tháng 4 năm 2021, Thị trưởng Kenney sẽ đề xuất ngân sách lên Hội đồng Thành phố cho năm tới. Do COVID-19, Thành phố đang phải đối mặt với các lựa chọn ngân sách khó khăn trong năm nay. Chúng ta có ít nguồn lực hơn trước đây trong khi nhu cầu của người dân Philadelphia lại đang bức thiết hơn bao giờ hết. Trước khi Thành phố hoàn thành dự thảo ngân sách, chúng tôi muốn nghe ý kiến ​​từ những người dân Philadelphia như quý vị về việc Thành phố nên chú trọng sử dụng ngân sách như thế nào. Muốn tìm hiểu thêm về Ngân sách Thành phố? Xem Tài liệu Ngân sách năm nay tại https://www.phila.gov/documents/mayor-kenneys-fiscal-year-2021-budget/ Cảm ơn quý vị đã chia sẻ suy nghĩ và ý tưởng để giúp Thành phố đáp ứng nhu cầu của người dân Philadelphia.

2021 年 4 月 15 日,市长 Kenney 将向市议会提出下一年预算。由于 COVID-19,本市今年面临着艰难的预算选择. 我们拥有的资源比过去少,但我们知道费城人民的需求比以往任何时候都多。在本市完成预算起草工作之前,我们想了解像您这样的费城人民对于本市应该如何集中支出方面的意见。想了解更多关于本市预算的信息吗?查看今年的预算文件,文件位置为 https://www.phila.gov/documents/mayor-kenneys-fiscal-year-2021-budget/ 感谢您分享您的想法和意见,以帮助本市满足费城人民的需求。
Forwarded from Philly RUST
Statistic all Philadelphians should be made aware of. Last year there were 34 cases where police fired at civilians from 6300 officers. A rate of 0.539% of the population of police. Compared to civilians which is 2200/1579000 which is 0.139%. Police by statistics in Philadelphia are more violent than Philadelphians and they incite increased violence. That the rate of 500 murders in Philadelphia being the highest in a decade isnt as bad as the highest rate of police firearm violence in nearly a decade. These numbers compared tell us that police are more dangerous for our community than civilians with firearms. That the Inquirer's non stop obsession with homicides and gun violence rates increasing incites and fuels increased funding for those who are increasing the rate of violence in Philadelphia. The cities obsessions with funding paramilitary officials to incite violence in Philadelphia needs to end. The numbers tell us they are more violent than the average person and are 4x more likely to shoot the people than than the people are to shoot anybody.
Forwarded from Philly RUST
And this is not a 1 year outlier. This big of a difference between the rates of police violence and civilian violence is normal. Every year since the Philadelphia Police Department has formed, they have shot civilians at higher rates than the rates that civilians have shot at anybody.
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The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If they remain inactive for the next 17 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.