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๐Ÿ“ฐ Social media as a Source of News

The world of news media โ€“ whose very purpose is to bring truth to the masses โ€“ has been plagued by distrust for a number of years.

Terms like โ€œfake newsโ€ are now part of our lexicon, and for a while now, #SocialMedia has been firmly under the spotlight for its distribution of inaccurate information.

We saw consumers lose some of their trust in social media in the aftermath of data privacy scandals and Russian bots. But with the growing public health crisis, social media as a news source has made a resurgence.

Nearly half of internet users in the U.S. and UK are now reading more news stories on social media.

This is more than the number who are increasingly keeping in touch with family and friends, watching entertainment content, and sharing photos and videos โ€“ making news consumption the fastest growing behavior on social platforms.

๐Ÿฆ… @PerspectiveIX via GWI.
๐Ÿ“Š Top Social Media Apps Worldwide for February 2020 by Downloads

#TikTok was the most downloaded social media app worldwide for February 2020 with 112.8 million installs, which represented a 96.2% YoY increase.
The countries with the most downloads of the app during this period were India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ at 41.3% of its total installs and Brazil ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท at 8.6%.

#Facebook was the second most installed #SocialMedia app worldwide last month with 57 million downloads, which represented a nearly 8% increase from February 2019.
The countries with the largest number of Facebook installs were India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ at 23.8%, followed by Brazil ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท at 9%.
#Instagram, #Likee, and #Snapchat rounded out the top five most downloaded social media apps worldwide for the month.

๐Ÿฆ… @PerspectiveIX via SensorTower.
๐Ÿ“ฑ TikTok is the 3rd Favourite Social Platform Among US Teens

When it comes to which #SocialMedia platforms resonate most with US teens, the battle between #Snapchat and #Instagram continues. But the latest report on #teens from Piper Sandler shows that a new player โ€“ #TikTok โ€“ has made its way onto the scene and is quickly becoming a favourite with teens.

Snapchat has remained the favourite among teens since 2016. However, Instagram, which is currently the favourite social platform for almost one-third (31%) of the 5,200 US teens surveyed.

#Facebook #Twitter

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix via MarketingCharts.

๐Ÿ‘ป add me on snapchat and also
๐Ÿ“บ watch the best of TikTok on Instagram!
๐Ÿ“ˆ TikTokโ€™s US Adult Users Double Year-Over-Year
Here are Age & Income Breakdowns

#TikTok has already made its way into the heart of teens, with more than 1 in 10 (13%) declaring it their favourite #SocialMedia platform, behind only #Snapchat & #Instagram.

But what about adults? As it turns out, the number of unique US adults visitors to the app has more than doubled in a year, per data provided by Comscore. In March 2020, more than 28.8 million US adults (ages 18+) used the video-sharing app. This is compared to roughly 14.2 million who used the app in March 2019.

Read more on MarketingCharts.
๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
โ€‹โ€‹๐Ÿฆ Twitter's Record-breaking Week

Back in 2016, Twitter switched categories, from "Social Networking" to "News" on the App Store and Google Play, hoping to boost its visibility. It did take it to the top of the chart in more than one occasion.

Fours years later, #Twitter is having a record-breaking week, according to two well-respected app store intelligence companies, Apptopia and SensorTower. Although their numbers are not precisely the same, they both show the same overall picture: flocks of new and returning Twitter users โ€” almost 1 million new users in a day!

And why that is?
The world is amid civil unrest and protests for the death of #GeorgeFloyd and racial inequality. At the same time, #coronavirus has disrupted the life around the globe in its first wave and threatening with a second one. Twitter itself is in the news for standing up to Donald #Trump for sharing misleading information and/or promoting violence. While many people are outside protesting, many are stuck at home from the coronavirus threat. These all cause the need for immediacy in the news to be more than ever. And Twitter is serving that need.

Since the beginning of online social networking โ€” web 2.0 phenomena before that โ€” many of the "social" platforms have evolved to become more. Twitter has become a social news platform feeding the need for immediacy in the news; #Pinterest has become a social/visual search engine, etc.

These changes in the platforms, which many of us use daily, need to be reflected in the way we use them โ€” personally or professionally โ€” the same way it was considered in Twitter's change of categories.

ยฉ๏ธ Image Credit: Apptopia via TechCrunch.

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
๐Ÿคณ Too Much Branded Influencer Content on Social Media

Influencer marketing and branded content on #SocialMedia is quickly catching up to traditional advertising โ€” but how do consumers feel about this development?

According to new data from Kantar, a third of consumers like branded content less than ads. The number is almost 60% in @perspectiveix Telegram community, according to the poll in the previous post [after 169 votes].

The amount of these branded and promotional content is another attitude determining factor. Kantar data shows 42% of the respondents say that they see too much branded content on social media, while 22% claimed that they don't notice it.

โ“ How do you feel about that? Do you think you're seeing too much of them? Or you don't even notice them? Or they don't bother you?

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix via MarketingCharts.
Shopping via Social Media on the Rise

Consumers are gaining confidence in the idea that they could do nearly all of their shopping online. In a new report, GfK found that more than half (52%) of US consumers believe they can shop online for almost 100% of the products or services they need, up from 48% feeling that way last year.

As online shopping continues to grow, particularly during the current pandemic, shopping via #SocialMedia appears to be picking up steam. GfKโ€™s survey shows that close to one-fifth of US consumers have shopped online either by using the โ€œbuyโ€ button on social media (18%) or by clicking a shoppable post or story on a social network (16%). This is up from 13% and 12% of shoppers, respectively, who said the same in 2019.

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix via MarketingCharts.
โ€‹โ€‹๐Ÿ—ž News Use Across Social Media Platforms in 2020

As #SocialMedia companies struggle to deal with misleading information on their platforms about the #USElection, the #COVID19 pandemic and more, a large portion of Americans continue to rely on these sites for news. About half of US adults (53%) say they get news from social media โ€œoftenโ€ or โ€œsometimes,โ€ and this use is spread out across a number of different sites, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

Among 11 social media sites asked about as a regular source of news, #Facebook sits at the top, with about a third (36%) of Americans getting news there regularly. #YouTube comes next, with 23% of US adults regularly getting news there. #Twitter serves as a regular news source for 15% of US adults.

Other social media sites are less likely to be regular news sources. About one-in-ten Americans or fewer report regularly getting news on #Instagram (11%), #Reddit (6%), #Snapchat (4%), #LinkedIn (4%), #TikTok (3%), #WhatsApp (3%), #Tumblr (1%) and #Twitch (1%).

These lower percentages for news use are in some cases related to the fact that fewer Americans report using them at all, compared with the shares who use Facebook and YouTube.

Read more on Pew Research Center.

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
๐Ÿ“ก The ex-influencer/president of the US

There are things in a week you cannot ignore โ€” or avoid seeing โ€” in the world, like Bernie Sanders at Bidenโ€™s inauguration, or Bidenโ€™s inauguration itself, or DJ Trumpโ€™s last song, of course [at least for now]!

In this week's newsletter, I talk about #Trump, #SocialMedia, and the #AttentionEconomy in the least political way possible.

Read it here: https://prs.pctvix.co/3c5w6ap

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
๐Ÿฅฃ Weetabix UK on Twitter

Yesterday, #Weetabix, a British cereal brand, pulled a pretty ๐Ÿคข marketing stunt on #Twitter, and after over 24 hours, it's still being retweeted and replied to.

Regardless of how you feel about beans on cereal, this is how creativity can create success on #SocialMedia.

I'll post some of my favourite replies from brands and organisations to the tweet, but you can read them all here. https://prs.pctvix.co/3tItju7

Big thanks to PikasoMe for the screenshots.

๐Ÿฆ… @PerspectiveIX
๐Ÿค” Social Media: What/Who is the Problem?
Intersection 1 โ€” the intersection of social media & [mental] health

There is a widespread belief that #SocialMedia is unhealthy and can have adverse side effects on our mental health, which I totally understand and sometimes agree with.

However, thereโ€™s another argument against that, which can be pretty difficult to ignore: what if the problem isnโ€™t social media? What if we are the problem, and social media is merely a tool or a reflection of our reality?

Here, I wrote about both sides of the argument: https://perspectiveix.substack.com/p/social-media-mental-health
Let me know what you think please.

Thanks for reading,
๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
Social Platforms: they all look the same now

The fact that all #SocialMedia platforms are starting to look the same points at the idea of some platforms are just features unless they evolve.

For example, #Snapchat had to evolve from being a platform for โ€˜Storiesโ€™ to a camera/AR platform, otherwise, it had no chance against #Facebook & #Instagram Stories attack.

Now, #Clubhouse has the same problem. It has turned into a feature that other platforms are just adding to their products โ€” yes, you can call it copying too.

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix via Kaya Yurieff/The Information.
๐Ÿ”— https://bio.link/perspectiveix
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๐Ÿค– Meet Ameca

#Ameca is the most recent robot to go viral on #SocialMedia. It is a robot designed by the British company #EngineeredArts.
On the Engineered Arts website, it says that Ameca โ€œcontains some software which can be described as โ€˜artificially intelligent,โ€™โ€ but that its main purpose is to โ€œbe a platform for developing AI.โ€

All Credits: Engineered Arts.

๐Ÿฆ… @iXDaily x @perspectiveix