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Media is too big
Bill Gates is WORRIED about Q /Anon and the Free Availability of Information - 01/23/2023 Interview:

Gates talks about QAnon.   Someone's panicking! 🍿🐸

β€’ Q:  "How WORRIED are you by developments at Twitter in general the potential of social media to drive polarization & division & crazy ideas & conspiracy theories?"

β€’ A:  "...The free availability of information, naively, certainly within the IT industry people like myself who got a chance to be a part of creating these things. We thought it would be a net plus for Democracy. And that is still there.
That access to information is incredibly beneficial.  The fact that's been taken. Where you can kind of just find people who believe Q/Anon & sit there all day long, & be told how right you are & not pulled out of that. That is definitely one of the four or five problems that I put in the next generation must figure this one out...bucket."


What are you thankful for today frens
I've got to give McCarthy credit here.
He just pushed back against the fakestream media with style, ousted Schiff and Swalwell from the intel committees, and exposed their shady dealings.
Now let's see him release ALL the January 6th security camera footage.

The 2020 plandemic plan completely exposed all those would be tyrants embedded in our society to those previously unwilling to pay attention.
They really thought they were going to get away with it, yet in actuality, they have awakened an angry and arising red pilled populace that won't stand for their new world order agenda.
They are playing with fire and it just might burn them all in the end.

Adam Schiff has done nothing but perpetually lie and slander Trump year after year.
He's like that annoying slimy villain that refuses to go away, yet he isn't strong enough to be the main character. But I would be lying to myself if I didn't admit that I would find great joy in watching him finally be exposed for the criminal fraud he is for the world to see. 
I imagine he would be lying even as those handcuffs latched onto his wrists. 
An anon can dream, right?

Josh Hawley is introducing legislation to ban stock trading and ownership by members of congress called the Pelosi Act, considering her blatant abuse of insider trading.

Who are the top 3 most desired arrests you have on your wishlist
Morning Patriots. What's habbening.
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Swalwell says that he was kicked off the intel committee because of political vengeance and definitely not because he slept with a Chinese spy and kicking him off will cause irreparable damage. Lmao.
You can mock conspiracy theorists all you want and we damn sure aren't perfect, but we've been on a winning streak the likes of which the world has never seen and we're the ones calling out the globalists and their pedophile elites on a daily basis for the awakening.
One day the world will thank those crazy conspiracy theorists for questioning everything and often finding hidden truths when few dare to search for them.
Morning News Update

They are all butt hurt they aren't on the intel committee

How interesting. Gates wanted infinite lockdowns as suspected

It's true

They are sending tanks to Ukraine

Release all footage

Certified banger jk


It all centers around Ukraine it's kind of insane

Bill Gates is trying to stop cows from burping

Trump reposted the Q painting again


Stormy Joe and Absolute show

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Daily morale boost thread for frens with @thievesofwonders. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
I find it amusing that the establishment has all the riches that one could possibly imagine and every tool available to stop the Great Awakening, yet they can't seem to shut up the army of frens and even when they did, for a time, the seeds planted have caused seismic shifts amongst journalists. 
Don't believe me?
Go to Twitter and look at normie MAGA and watch how closely they parrot original anon talking points and tell me that the conspiracy theorists didn't make a difference. 
You can't. 
Anyone else notice this?
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It's January 25th, 2023 and we still don't know who blew up the Georgia Guidestones.
How have they not found the person?
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Watch this therapist scene from the movie Get Out and tell me that this isn't a blatant exposure of MK Ultra.
If you look close enough, you'll see that Hollywood is telling you the truth in plain sight.
I want to know the truth about our history and it sure feels like they are hiding so much of it.
True story when they looked into the promised land it was filled with "giants"  ...they had nephalim blood in my estimation. David fought "giants" yet we all pretend like it was something else other than a bloodline...When you recognize this truth the flood stories make much more sense...it's all about the DNA.
The cabal bloodlines all connect to this same overarching story.
My curiosity knows no bounds when it comes to our ancient history considering they have to be hiding so much of it from us.

Consider these verses and then think about the bloodline families we deal with now.
Is it not all connected somehow?
The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it are of great height. And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them (Numbers 13:32-33)

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown (Genesis 6:4).