ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
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Forwarded from Elaine
I got up this morning to a flood on the garage floor. I traced the leak to the hot water heater. When the plumber replaced it he showed me a burned area on the wall beside it. The flu had gotten bent when our roof was replaced a couple months ago. It was starting to catch fire. We NEVER WOULD HAVE KNOWN UNTIL THE HOUSE CAUGHT ON FIRE. But the water heater broke and the garage flooded and we found out before it was too late and DON'T TELL ME THAT WASN'T GOD! Praise Him! πŸ€—
Do not let Fauci near a dog kennel.
Do not let Biden near a child.
Do not let Pelosi near a bottle of alcohol.
Do not let Nadler near a donut shop.
Do not let Hunter near a can of parmesan cheese.
Do not let Kamala near a pole.
Your best do not let ___
Wrong answers encouraged.

Proof that nothing is impossible:
Black Lives Matter and Patriots are marching together to protest vaccine mandates.
Every time someone says mandate... Obama gets a little more excited.
I was promised alien false flags for 2021 but instead got Alec Baldwin going on a rampage. I want my money back.
If only Mark Brnovich was on Alec Baldwin's movie set. He might have been able to stop Baldwin with a swift swing of his nunchucks.
What's the next big surprise of 2021? Give me some joke ideas to work with here frens. I'm feeling silly. 🀣
Proud LGBFJB member here.
Billionaire financier Leon Black (former Epstein associate) is being investigated over accusations of rape.
The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has reportedly opened a criminal probe.


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When the FJB song hits you right in the feels. 🐸
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Florida's Surgeon General speaks out:
We should not have vaccine mandates.
Covid vaccines don't prevent transmission.
There are dishonest efforts to hide cases of adverse reactions to the public.
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Floyd Mayweather spoke out in support of Kyrie Irving and for the right to choose. Power to the people.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Truth bomb
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Forwarded from Lisa Lane
Pepe!!! My son just got kicked out of sshool for refusing to wear his mask. Today was the day he decided to stand his ground!! I'm ecstatic!!! Of course, this means he either has to show up maskless and get suspended tomorrow....or back down and do it again another day. He's my sensitive boy that has just had ENOUGH. Either way, my 13 yr old is my hero today!!
If normies thought BeagleGate was bad...wait until they hear about the crimes committed against children by the Satanic elite.
